Mariah Carey Has NYE Performance Fiasco
But as she started singing Auld Lang Syne, it became clear that things weren't going to plan.
Telling revelers①reveler ['rev?l?] n. 歡宴者,狂歡者;飲酒狂歡者;擺設(shè)酒宴者jammed②jam 英 [d??m] 美 [d??m] n. 果醬;擁擠;困境;扣籃vt. 使堵塞;擠進,使塞滿;混雜;壓碎vi. 堵塞;軋住into Times Square there had not been a sound check for her hit song Emotions, she lamented③lament 英 [l?'ment] 美 [l?'m?nt] n. 挽歌;慟哭;悲痛之情vi. 哀悼;悲嘆;悔恨vt. 哀悼;痛惜: "We're missing some of these vocals④vocal 英 ['v??k(?)l] 美 ['vokl] adj. 歌唱的;聲音的,有聲的adj. 直言不諱的n. 聲樂作品;元音, but it is what it is." "Let the audience sing." she decided, as she paced the stage.
The next song, We Belong Together, went no better. At times, Carey lowered the microphone⑤microphone 英 ['ma?kr?f??n] 美 ['ma?kr?'fon] n. 擴音器,麥克風from her mouth and the music, vocals and all, kept playing, making it clear she was lipsynching⑥lip-synch假唱.
"I'm trying to be a good sport here," she said, adding her own sarcastic review of the performance. "That was... amazing."
At the end of her performance, watched by millions of fans, Carey abruptly⑦abruptly 英 [?'br?ptli] adv. 突然地;唐突地walked off⑧walk off 離開stage and signed off with: "It just don't get any better."