a nations capacity to innovate hinges on the innovative spirit of its intelligentsia – a vital force for social progress.
“Intellectuals should give full play to their advantages, be ready to bear responsibility, boldly innovate, serve the nation and the people, and offer constant support for the intellectual and innovative development of Chinas human resources,” was Chinese President Xi Jinpings exhortation to Chinese scientists and scholars in 2016.
during the 2017 sessions of the national Peoples Congress (nPC) and the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) the president called for the nations greater heed to and respect for intellectuals, and the nurturing of social environment wherein knowledge and knowledgeable people are duly revered. on an earlier occasion Xi urged the CPC and government leaders to discern talented people, appoint them to suitable positions, and work with them with an open mind. The president suggested that all possible measures be explored and channels opened towards rallying professionals of all realms to serve the nation. This is Chinas expectation of its intelligentsia in the new era.
The national mission to innovate is to be expedited by innovative personnel. Chinas modernization drive is moving ahead at full throttle and opening up opportunities for people of diverse ambitions and abilities. a social climate is emerging that respects knowledge and knowledgeable people and which encourages success yet does not disparage failure. Moreover the systems and mechanisms which incentivize innovation and entrepreneurship are taking shape and have greatly motivated Chinese intellectuals.
The supply-side reform, industrial transformation, research into cutting-edge technologies, the search for solutions to environmental problems, and better social governance – all the major issues of this time – beckon the service of intellectuals. By putting their learning and talent to use in their respective fields, these talents will realize their personal dreams and also those of the nation.