



      Yellowfi n Seabream A Taste of Summer

      2017-09-03 10:58:54TextbyGuoDanTranslationbyMadelineWengIllustrationbyPanZi
      空中之家 2017年9期

      Text by Guo Dan Translation by Madeline Weng Illustration by Pan Zi

      Yellowfi n Seabream A Taste of Summer

      Text by Guo Dan Translation by Madeline Weng Illustration by Pan Zi

      Hot summer days bring yellowfi n seabream to the dinner table. Fresh, tender and sweet, this heavenlytasting fi sh deserves two full pages of praise.

      l have a thing for yellowfi n seabream. l used to think lithosporic fi sh should be the tastiest seafood in Hong Kong, and because of this, l tried almost all kinds of this famous type of fi sh before l found out that none of them were as delicious as the yellowfi n seabream.

      Tasty as it is, these other breeds would never make me exclaim: “Wow! This is what the gods eat in paradise!” Until one day, l read an article that said only the top gastronomes know the beauty of yellowfi n seabream, a good fi sh that you could

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