by Susanna Gretz
Story Time故事會
It’s Your Turn, Roger! (II)
by Susanna Gretz
This family doesn’t even have a table... Roots and snails—YUK! Roger hurries away.
“Come in, come in,” says the family in the top fl at.
“Do I have to set the table?” asks Roger.“Certainly not, you’re a guest. Come in and have some noodles.”
“Well...” says Roger. He is getting hungry.
root[ru?t] n. 根(復數(shù):roots)
snail[sne?l] n. 蝸牛(復數(shù):snails)
yuk[j?k] int. 令人極度厭惡的
Everyone in the top flat is busy getting the supper table ready.
Roger sits by himself and watches. If I weren’t a “guest”,I could help too, he thinks.
“What’s a guest?” he asks someone.“Well... guests don’t really live here.” “Oh,” says Roger. “Now where I live...”
Just then a special smell creeps all the way upstairs to the top fl at.
“Where I live,” shouts Roger, “there’s something good for supper
—and it’s my turn to help!”
“I took your turn for you,” says Uncle Tim.“I’ll take your turn tomorrow,” says Roger.
Apple pie for dessert—whoopee!Roger’s favourite.
creep[kri?p] v. 緩慢地行進(第三人稱單數(shù):creeps)
pie[pa?] n. 餡餅
whoopee['(h)w?pi?] int. 哈哈!好呀!(高興的喊叫)