



      On Chinese Mediaa

      2017-10-25 20:45:24
      CHINA TODAY 2017年10期

      High-tech Projects

      Enhance Peoples Livelihood

      Xinmin Weekly No. 35, 2017

      The last five years saw the emergence of a large number of major projects in such fields as high-end equipment, strategic emerging industries, and telecommunications, like the 500-meter aperture spherical radio telescope, deep submergence research vehicles, large aircraft, Shenzhou series spacecraft, and the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, to name a few.

      The success of these major projects also helped improve peoples livelihood, as the Chinese government vows to eradicate poverty and build the worlds largest healthcare and social security safety net. The civil use of these advanced technologies also facilitated the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, a goal expected to be completed by 2020.

      In early 2017, Madoi, Padma, and Jigzhi counties, located in the cold alpine area of Qinghai Province had access to the national grid. Roads are expected to be built in Gyalasa and Gade towns of Medog County, Tibet, by the end of this year. This signifies that all towns of the country have finally joined the highway network. As to the highspeed railway, the mileage surpassed 22,000 kilometers at the end of 2016, ranking first in the world, and will reach the 30,000 kilometer mark by 2020 to cover 80 percent of Chinese cities.

      Northern China has long been frustrated by water shortages. To ameliorate this situation, the south-north water diversion project has been under discussion and scrutiny for about half a century. In 2013, the first phase of the project was completed after more than 10 years of strenuous construction. By now, more than 10 billion cubic meters of water have been diverged to the north, benefiting over 100 million people. In the far south, meanwhile, submarine optical cables have been laid in the South China Sea, and multiple 4G base stations established on its islets. They greatly improved the life of fishermen and soldiers stationed on the islands.

      Officials from the Ministry of Science and Technology say that the core technologies cant simply be bought or copied, and that China can only truly possess them through its own efforts and expertise. This is why Chinese technicians are determined to solve problems, no matter how daunting during the research and development phases. In fact, the success of major projects lies in the experience and knowledge accrued over decades.

      Vying for Talentsendprint

      Oriental Outlook No. 32, 2017

      In early 2017, Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, unveiled its ambitious plan of attracting one million college graduates in five years. It carried out a slew of supportive policies, from permanent residence rights to housing subsidies. Since then, more than a dozen other cities, mostly second-tier cities, have also joined the battle for talents.

      Its unsurprising that cities at the first echelon of the growth rate rankings are those warring for talents. Against the backdrop of the fourth industrial revolution, digital, physical and biological technologies have prompted the burgeoning of new industries. These industries, at the start-up stage, give cities opportunities to establish their name in the market, but also raise the challenge of human resources.

      The development of cities used to be driven by resources. Now scientific and technical innovation is becoming an economic stimulus. This partly explains the desire for talents. On the other hand, the high living costs and saturated human resources market in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai render those at the second-tier a window of opportunity as regards talent competition.

      The Rehabilitation Industry Sets off

      Minsheng Weekly No. 16, 2017

      In China, only 40 percent of stroke patients are able to live independently, while the figure is as high as 80 percent in the United States. The gap can be attributed to different understandings of rehabilitation. In China, the paralytic usually stay at home, under the care of families or carers. The suggested exercise is flexing their legs or walking. In developed countries, however, rehabilitation is a necessary phase following diagnosis and treatment. Doctors will recommend that patients receive professional rehabilitation during the key recovery period – three to six months after the surgery – so as to recover their physical functions. This shows the difference between passive and active recovery.

      As the aging population swells and is more affluent, the rehabilitation industry is experiencing a boom. In a rehabilitation center in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, weighted tableware is available for those whose hands tremble; uniquely designed equipment can help partially disabled people put on socks and pick things up, along with many other devices designed for the convenience of stroke patients.

      Since “healthy China” was listed a national strategy, many places are set to venture into the healthcare industry.endprint

      Challenger in Large Aircraft Industry


      No. 19, 2017

      About four months ago, the domestically made big plane C919 rolled off the production line, rousing acclaim as well as the questions – now that Boeing and Airbus can undoubtedly meet the demands of global markets, why does China produce its own large aircraft at such a huge cost?

      The primary reason lies in the commercial value. A single-aisle aircraft like the C919 is worth US $100 million, not to mention the long industrial chain worth trillions of dollars. For domestic investors, the C919 prompts international suppliers to set up joint ventures in China, and the whole supply chain will be gradually localized.

      Due to strict technical barriers in the aviation industry, China is not able to import technologies in this field. The success of the C919 hinges on the experience of military aircraft, regional aircraft production, and civil-military integration. However, considering Chinas current capacity in the services and supply chain control of the commercial plane production, meeting the 600 verbal orders for C919 aircraft is no easy task.

      Libo Model

      China Weekly No.9, 2017

      Libo County of Guizhou Province in Southwest China was considered the world reference site for karst landscapes. Home to the largest karst primitive forest and the only karst biological gene pool, Libo is largely considered as the Earths emerald.

      In the 1990s, however, local mines produced about two million tons of coal a year, contributing more than 75 percent of the countys revenue. Ineffective management, random mining, and serious resource waste all eventually resulted in a deteriorating environment, all of which had negative impact on the local economy and plunged the local population back into poverty.

      Since green development was put forward as a national strategy, Libo County fully exploited its tourism resources, including national scenic spots and nature reserves, as well as more than 300 pristine villages. This all-in-one tourism became the new pillar industry for the county which has helped indigents to rise out of poverty. The experience of Libo exemplifies that “green hills are golden hills.” The “black economy” is short-lived and unsustainable, while the green economy will be the direction for future development.endprint

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