DO Van Truong 林 云 TRAN Ngoc Hai 韋毅剛
(1.越南國家自然博物館,維管束植物分類與多樣性保育中心,河內(nèi) 100803; 2.湖南省醫(yī)藥技工學(xué)校,湖南食品藥品職業(yè)學(xué)院,長沙 410208; 3.越南國家林業(yè)大學(xué),河內(nèi) 100803; 4.廣西壯族自治區(qū)中國科學(xué)院廣西植物研究所,廣西喀斯特植物保育與恢復(fù)生態(tài)學(xué)重點實驗室,桂林 541006)
DO Van Truong1林 云2TRAN Ngoc Hai3韋毅剛4*
(1.越南國家自然博物館,維管束植物分類與多樣性保育中心,河內(nèi) 100803;2.湖南省醫(yī)藥技工學(xué)校,湖南食品藥品職業(yè)學(xué)院,長沙 410208;3.越南國家林業(yè)大學(xué),河內(nèi) 100803;4.廣西壯族自治區(qū)中國科學(xué)院廣西植物研究所,廣西喀斯特植物保育與恢復(fù)生態(tài)學(xué)重點實驗室,桂林 541006)
對產(chǎn)自越南的蕁麻科樓梯草屬植物一新種金喜樓梯草(ElatostemakimhyenseY.G.Wei & V.T.Do)作了描述和繪圖。該種生長于海拔350~400和1 100~1 200 m的石灰?guī)r山地林下。該新種與越南樓梯草(E.vietnamenseQ.Lin & L.D.Duan)接近,區(qū)別在于其擁有肉質(zhì)莖,羽狀脈,葉背面、苞片和小苞片被微硬毛。
The genusElatostemaJ. R. Forster & G. Forster is the largest genus in the family Urticaceae, consists of ca. 500 species and is distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Of which, 34 species and one variety are found in Vietnam[1~13].
While studying onElatostemafor the flora of China, we also examined theElatostemaspecimens from the related herbaria in Vietnam, and additional field work were carried out in Vietnam as well. During an expedition at Kim Hy Nature Reserve, Na Ry District, Bac Can Province, North Vietnam, a previously unknown species was collected in dark damp forests on limestone hills at 350-400 m alt., latitude 22°11′56″ N, longitude 106°4′5″ E. After collecting again from the same locality, critical examination to the specimens and carefully consulting relevant literatures, it was identified as a new species. Actually, the specimens of this species were collected many years ago and has been still kept at VNMN and MO herbaria. However, they have not yet been reported and published as a new one to science. Thus, it is described, illustrated and photographed herein as a new species.
ElatostemakimhyenseY.G.Wei & V.T.Do, sp. nov.(Fig.1-2)
Elatostemakimhyenseis most similar toE.vietnamenseQ.Lin & L.D.Duan, but differs from the latter by carnose stems, penninerved leaves, abaxial leaf surface hirtellous, hirtellous bracts and bracteoles.
Fig.1 E.kimhyense Y.G.Wei & V.T.Do, sp. nov.(Y.G.Wei & V.T.Do V-23,PE) A. Habit; B. Male inflorescence; C. Part of adaxial leaf surface(cystoliths); D. Part of abaxial leaf surface(densely hirtellous, petiole and stipule)(Drawn by W.H. Lin from the holotype)
Fig.2 E.kimhyense sp. nov. A. Habitat; B. Male inflorescence(photographed by Y.G.Wei)
Herbs perennial, tufted, monoecious, 20-60 cm tall. Stems carnose, terete, ascending or decumbent, simple, glabrous. Leaves alternate; stipules linear-lanceolate or subulate, 2-4 mm long, caduceus; petiole 1.5-5.0 mm long; leaf blade papyraceous after drying, obliquely oblanceolate or obliquely obovate-elliptic, 5-11 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, major basal lateral veins absent and venation pinnate, abaxial leaf surface densely hirtellous, adaxial leaf surface glabrous, base cuneate, margin crenate, apex acuminate; cystoliths conspicuous, linear, 0.4-0.6 mm long, dense, random adaxial surface, obscure abaxial surface; nanophylls absent. Male and female inflorescences borne on male and female stems respectively, or male inflorescences borne towards the stem apex and female inflorescences borne towards the stem base. Male inflorescences axillary, solitary, simple, nearly globate, 0.8-1.2 cm in diam.; peduncle 1.5-3 mm long; receptacle very small; bracts 6, hirtellous, connate, unequal, 2 outer ones cymbiform-ovate or ovate, 6-10 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, 4 inner ones broadly lanceolate, 4-5 mm long, 2-3 mm wide; bracteoles narrowly ovate or lanceolate, dense hirtellous, 3-4 mm long; male flowers 7-12, white, 5-merous. Young female inflorescences axillary, solitary, simple, nearly globate, 2-3 mm in diam.; sessile; receptacle very small. Achenes unknown. Flowering from November to December, fruiting from January to February.
Vietnam. Bac Can Province: Na Ry District, Kim Hy National Park, latitude 22°11′56″ N, longitude 106°4′5″ E, 350-400 m alt., on rocks or between rock crevices in dark damp forests on limestone hills, 2 Dec. 2010, Y.G.Wei & V.T.Do V-23 (holotype: PE, isotypes: IBK, VNMN, PE); 21 Jun. 2012, L.F. Fu, F. Wen & V.T. Do VMN_CN 194 (paratypes: IBK, VNMN); Ha Giang Province: Quan Ba District, Bat Dai Son Nature Reserve, latitude 23°09′ N, longitude 104°59′ E, 1 100-1 200 m alt., in primary forest on limestone, N.T. Hiep & L.V. Averyanov 5120 (paratypes: MO).
This species is a member ofElatostemasectionWeddelia(H. Schroeter) W.T.Wang based on penninerved leaf blade, capitate male and female inflorescences with obscure small receptacles[13]. It is most morphologically similar toE.vietnamenseQ.Lin & L.D.Duan[9]based on leaf blades obliquely obovate-elliptic, base cuneate, margin crenate, apex acuminate; male bracts 6, connate, unequal, the 2 outer ones large, the 4 inner ones small. However it differs from the latter in stems carnose (vs. subshrubs); abaxial leaf surface densely hirtellous (vs. glabrous); major basal lateral veins absent and venation pinnate (vs. the pair of major basal lateral veins asymmetric, 1 basal, the other arising above base); bracts and bracteoles hirtellous (vs. glabrous). More detailed morphological differences between two species are given in Table 1.
AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank the staffs at Kim Hy Nature Reserve for their assistance during the field work and Mr. Wen-Hong Lin for the line drawing.
1.Gagnepain F.ElatostemaForst.Flore Generale de L’Indo-Chine[M].1929,5:912-919.
2.Lin Q.A revision ofElatostemasectionWeddeliaseriesSalvinioida(Urticaceae)[J].Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society,2008,158(1):62-66.
3.Bi H Y,Yang Z Y,Lin Q.New taxa ofElatostema(Urticaceae) from Thailand and India[J].Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy,2011,18(2):149-152.
4.Duan L D,Lin Y.Elatostemabioppositum(Urticaceae),a new species from Guangxi,China[J].Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy,2013,20(2):179-183.
5.Fu L F,Van Truong D,Wen F,et al.New records ofElatostemaandPellionia(Urticaceae) from Vietnam[J].Guihaia,2013,33(6):801-803.
6.Fu L F,Van Truong D,Wen F X,et al.Elatostemaarcuatobracteatum(Urticaceae),a new species from Vietnam[J].Phytotaxa,2014,174(2):111-115.
7.Fu L F,Huang S L,Liu Y,et al.A newly recorded species ofElatostema(Urticaceae) from Vietnam[J].Taiwania,2014,59(3):281-286.
8.Lin Q,Friis I,Wilmot-dear C M.Elatostema(Urticaceae)[M].//Wu Z Y,Raven P H.Flora of China.Beijing:Science Press,St.Louis:Missouri Botanical Garden Press,2003:127-163.
9.Lin Q,Yang Z R,Duan L D,et al.Miscellaneous taxonomic notes onElatostema(Urticaceae) from China and its adjacent area[J].Nordic Journal of Botany,2011,29(5):590-597.
10.Lin Y,Duan L D,Bi H Y.A new variety and two new records ofElatostemaJ.R.Forster & G.Forster(Urticaceae) from Vietnam[J].Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy,2014,21(1):27-32.
12.Wang W T.Elatostema(Urticaceae)[M].//Wang W T,Chen C J.Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae.Beijing:Science Press,1995:187-317.
13.Wang W T.Elatostema(Urticaceae) in China[M].Qingdao:Qingdao Publishing House,2014.
National Natural Science Foundation of China “Inverstigation and taxonomic revision of Elatostema in South China”(31160039);“Studies on reproduction mode of Elatostema (Urticaceae) from China”(31570307)
introduction:DO Van Truong(1984—),male,Ph.D,mainly focusing on Flora of Vietnam and taxonomy.
DO Van Truong1LIN Yun2TRAN Ngoc Hai3WEI Yi-Gang4*
(1.Vietnam National Museum of Nature,Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology,Department of Biology,Hanoi 100803;2.Hunan Medication Vestibule School,Hunan Food and Drug Vocational College,Changsha 410208;3.Vietnam National University of Forestry,Hanoi 100803;4.Guangxi Key Laboratory of Plant Conservation and Restoration Ecology in Karst Terrain,Guangxi Institute of Botany,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guilin 541006)
A new species ofElatostema(Urticaceae), namelyElatostemakimhyenseY.G.Wei & V.T.Do, was described and illustrated.E.kimhyensewas found out in forests on limestone hills at 350-1 200 m asl.. The new species is related toE.vietnamenseQ.Lin & L.D.Duan, but differs from the latter by carnose stems, penninerved leaves, abaxial leaf surface hirtellous, hirtellous bracts and bracteoles.
DO Van Truong(1984—),男,博士,主要從事越南區(qū)系和植物分類學(xué)相關(guān)工作。
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