




      2017-11-20 09:38:14源,孟
      臨床與實驗病理學雜志 2017年9期

      王 源,孟 剛


      王 源,孟 剛

      目的探討伴有轉移的胃腸道間質瘤(gastrointestinal stromal tumors, GIST)臨床病理特征及其淋巴結轉移的機制。方法收集45例伴有轉移的GIST并選取同期50例原發(fā)GIST作對比分析。采用免疫組化EnVision法染色標記Ki-67、CD31、D2-40,計數微血管密度(micro vessel density, MVD)和微淋巴管密度(lymphatic microvessel density, LMVD)。結果GIST總轉移率為5.45%,血道轉移率為1.33%,淋巴結轉移率為1.09%。轉移性GIST實質內的MVD為每平方毫米398.39±68.20 個,非轉移性GIST實質內的MVD為每平方毫米192.07±56.85個,兩者差異有統(tǒng)計學意義。轉移性及非轉移性GIST實質內均無淋巴管,轉移性GIST邊緣區(qū)LMVD為每平方毫米13.28±2.40個、周圍正常組織LMVD為每平方毫米25.36±6.71個;非轉移性GIST邊緣區(qū)LMVD為每平方毫米12.21±1.83 個、周圍正常組織LMVD為每平方毫米24.23±8.64個;兩組GIST邊緣區(qū)及周圍正常組織內LMVD差異無統(tǒng)計學意義。GIST形態(tài)學觀察可見淋巴結轉移組9例均呈浸潤性生長,而非淋巴結轉移組僅12例(12/86)呈浸潤性生長。結論轉移性GIST的MVD高于非轉移性GIST,GIST腫瘤實質內無淋巴管,腫瘤呈浸潤性生長可能是淋巴結轉移的原因。


      胃腸道間質瘤(gastrointestinal stromal tumors, GIST)是胃腸道最為常見的間葉源性腫瘤,發(fā)病率占胃腸道惡性腫瘤的0.1%~3%[1]。肝臟轉移和腹腔種植性轉移是GIST最常見的轉移途徑,淋巴結轉移少見[2],外科手術治療亦不考慮淋巴結清掃。美國國立綜合癌癥網絡(NCCN)軟組織肉瘤臨床實踐指南(2016)中,新增“對于SDH缺乏的GIST患者,需考慮切除病理性腫大的淋巴結”[3]。目前文獻報道GIST淋巴結轉移病例多為個案,大宗病例的系統(tǒng)分析罕見,對其臨床病理特征尚缺乏充分認識。本組收集825例GIST并結合檢索GIST淋巴結轉移的報道,對伴有轉移尤其是淋巴結轉移的GIST進行分析,探討其獨特的臨床病理特征及與淋巴結轉移的相關性分析[4]。

      1 材料與方法



      1.3結果判斷免疫組化切片中細胞陽性信號呈棕黃色細顆粒狀。計數微血管密度(micro vessel density, MVD)和微淋巴管密度(lymphatic microvessel density, LMVD):觀察用CD31(CD34)/D2-40標記的免疫組化切片,在100倍鏡下尋找血管/淋巴管密集的熱點區(qū)域,分別計數3個熱點區(qū)域200倍鏡下的微血管/微淋巴管計數,根據高倍鏡視野直徑計算每平方毫米的微血管/微淋巴管數量計為 MVD/LMVD[5-6]。

      1.4統(tǒng)計學方法MVD和LMVD結果運用SPSS 13.0軟件進行統(tǒng)計學方差分析,P<0.05為差異有統(tǒng)計學意義。

      2 結果


      淋巴結轉移灶腫瘤邊緣界限不清(圖1),CD117免疫組化染色陽性(圖2)。淋巴結轉移性GIST中男性6例,女性3例;6例原發(fā)于胃,3例原發(fā)于小腸;2例原發(fā)于胃者腫瘤直徑<5 cm,7例腫瘤直徑≥5 cm。組織學類型:7例呈梭形細胞型,1例為上皮樣細胞型,1例為混合細胞型。危險度分級:8例為高度危險,1例呈中度危險。淋巴結轉移性GIST的Ki-67增殖指數、核分裂象、MVD均一致偏高,且明顯高于非淋巴結轉移性GIST(P<0.05);9例淋巴結轉移性GIST顯微鏡下均呈浸潤性生長(表1)。

      2.2轉移性GIST與風險度評價根據2008年美國國立衛(wèi)生研究院(NIH)關于GIST風險度評價,本組轉移性GIST患者中,32例為高度風險,9例為中度風險,3例為低度風險,1例為極低風險。8例(8/9)淋巴結轉移、7例(7/11)肝臟轉移病例和17例(17/25)腹腔轉移病例屬于高度風險。轉移性GIST中,1例淋巴結轉移和1例肝臟轉移腫塊最大徑為1 cm(<2 cm),其余44例轉移性間質瘤腫瘤最大徑均>2 cm,其中有39例(87%)患者的腫瘤最大徑≥5 cm。

      2.3轉移性GIST的MVD轉移性GIST的MVD明顯高于非轉移性GIST(圖3、4),兩者差異有統(tǒng)計學意義(P<0.05)。其中發(fā)生于淋巴結轉移性GIST的MVD(實質)為每平方毫米511.11±72.20 個,發(fā)生于肝臟的轉移性GIST的MVD(實質)為每平方毫米(345.00±52.50 個,淋巴結轉移性GIST的MVD高于肝臟轉移性GIST的MVD,差異有統(tǒng)計學意義(P=0.041)。在腫瘤邊緣發(fā)生浸潤性生長區(qū)域觀察微血管分布發(fā)現:這些區(qū)域的MVD很高,平均每平方毫米633.78±125.64個,且血管排列紊亂扭曲(圖5、6)。




      表1 淋巴結轉移性GIST臨床病理特征(n=9)

      表2 文獻報道淋巴結轉移性GIST的臨床病理特征


      3 討論


      本組825例GIST患者中,45例發(fā)生轉移,淋巴結轉移者9例(1%),且發(fā)生淋巴結轉移者幾乎均為腫瘤體積大、風險度高、核分裂象及Ki-67增殖指數高的患者,提示上述指標對GIST生物學行為預測的有效性。但有1例直徑為2 cm的胃原發(fā)GIST也發(fā)生周圍淋巴結的轉移,這提示在臨床工作中腫瘤大小僅具有參考價值,如活檢提示組織有限時或形態(tài)學難以定論時或冷凍需要確定手術范圍時,腫瘤大者可能偏向惡性,腫瘤小者可能偏向良性[22]。目前,對于淋巴結轉移的GIST術前尚無可預測的臨床指標,但本組伴有淋巴結轉移的病例均表現為浸潤性生長。因此,對于顯微鏡下呈浸潤性生長的病例,應建議臨床密切隨診,同時浸潤性生長是否可以作為評價GIST生物學行為的新指標有待于進一步大宗病例分析。


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      WANG Yuan, MENG Gang


      PurposeTo explore the clinicopathologic features of metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) and the mechanism of lymph node metastasis.Methods45 cases of surgical specimens with metastasis were selected as the research object and 50 cases of primary tumors in the same period were compared. All materials were stained with immunohistochemical method that marked Ki-67, CD31, D2-40, and then micro vessel density (MVD) and lymphatic microvessel density (LMVD) in each group were calculated.ResultsThe total metastatic rate was 5.45%, the blood metastatic rate was 1.33% and the lymph node metastatic rate was 1.09%. MVD of metastatic GIST was 398.39±68.20/mm2and MVD of non-metastatic GIST was 192.07±56.85/mm2, and the difference between them was statistically significant. There was no lymphatic vessels distribution in the essence of GIST regardless of metastasis. About metastatic GIST, LMVD of the edge area of the essence was 13.28±2.40 /mm2and LMVD of normal tissue around the essence was 25.36±6.71/mm2. In regard to non-metastatic GIST, LMVD of the edge area of the essence was 12.21±1.83/mm2and LMVD of normal tissue around the essence was 24.23±8.64/mm2. No statistically significant existed between LMVD of the edge area of the essence and LMVD of normal tissue around the essence. All of the 9 cases of lymph node metastatic GIST and 12 from 86 cases of non-metastatic GIST showed invasive growth.ConclusionMVD of metastatic GIST is higher than that of non-metastatic GIST. There is no lymphatic vessel within the essence of GIST. The invasive growth way may be the cause of the lymph node metastasis.

      gastrointestinal neoplasm; gastrointestinal stromal tumors; lymph node metastasis; pathology

      時間:2017-9-18 6:23 網絡出版地址:http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/34.1073.R.20170918.0623.009.html

      R 735





      安徽醫(yī)科大學基礎醫(yī)學院病理學教研室,合肥 230032

      王 源,女,碩士,醫(yī)師。E-mail: 1151285373@qq.com

      孟 剛,男,博士,教授,通訊作者。E-mail: menggangbl@163.com

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