



      The Pulitzer Prize普利策獎

      2017-12-21 00:23:33胡楊


      The Pulitzer Prize is an award for achievements in newspaper, magazine and online journalism, literature, and musical composition in the United States. It was established in 1917 by provisions1 in the will of American (Hungarian-born) Joseph Pulitzer who had made his fortune as a newspaper publisher, and is administered2 by Columbia University in New York City. Prizes are awarded yearly in twenty-one categories. In twenty of the categories, each winner receives a certificate and a US$15,000 cash award. The winner in the public service category of the journalism competition is awarded a gold medal.


      The Pulitzer Prize does not automatically consider all applicable3 works in the media. Entries must fit in at least one of the specific prize categories, and cannot simply gain entrance for being literary or musical. Works can also only be entered in a maximum4 of two categories.


      Each year, 102 jurors5 are selected by the Pulitzer Prize Board to serve on 20 separate juries for the 21 award categories. Most juries consist of five members, except for those for Public Service, Investigative Reporting, Explanatory6 Reporting, Feature7 writing and Commentary8 categories, which have seven members; all book juries have three members. For each award category, a jury makes three nominations. The board selects the winner by majority vote from the nominations9 and selects a different entry following a 75% majority vote. The board can also vote to issue no award. The board and journalism jurors are not paid for their work; however, the jurors in letters, music, and drama receive a $2,000 honorarium10 for the year, and each chair receives $2,500.


      Anyone whose work has been submitted is called an entrant11. The jury selects a group of nominated12 finalists and announces them, together with the winner for each category.


      Beginning in 2007, online elements will be permitted in all journalism categories except for the competitions two photography categories.


      The Pulitzer Prize Board historically resisted13 the admission of magazines into the competition, resulting in the formation of the National Magazine Awards at the Columbia Journalism School in 1966. In 2015, magazines were allowed to enter for the first time in two categories (Investigative Reporting and Feature Writing). In October 2016, magazine was extended to all journalism cate-gories.


      Some critics of the Pulitzer Prize have accused14 the organization of favoring those who support liberal causes or oppose conservative15 causes. And a 2012 aca-demic study found that only 27% of Pulitzer winners since 1991 were females.


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