楊超 高珉
【摘 要】在現(xiàn)在設備控制電路中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)一些不受控制的信號或現(xiàn)象,而且沒有一定的規(guī)律,或有或無,這種情況可能就是電路出現(xiàn)了電磁干擾,電磁干擾是客觀存在的,無法完全消除,但可采用抑制干擾源、切斷干擾傳播途徑、降低電路敏感性等方法抑制電磁干擾帶來的影響。在現(xiàn)代各種工業(yè)控制系統(tǒng)中,變頻器被廣泛使用,變頻器產(chǎn)生的干擾會導致控制程序失控,甚至直接導致控制系統(tǒng)硬件損壞,本文簡述了電磁干擾分類、傳播途徑及常見抑制措施,重點分析變頻器電磁干擾源及抑制措施。
中圖分類號: TN773 文獻標識碼: A 文章編號: 2095-2457(2018)26-0033-002
Common suppression measures for inverter electromagnetic interference
YANG Chao1,2,3 GAO Min1
(1.National Nuclear Treasure Titanium Zirconium Co., Ltd., Baoji Shanxi 721013, China;
2. National Energy Nuclear Grade Zirconium R&D; Center, Baoji Shanxi 721013, China;
3. Key Laboratory of Nuclear Grade Zirconium in Shaanxi Province, Baoji Shanxi 721013, China)
【Abstract】Some uncontrolled signals or phenomenon appear in the control circuit of the equipment, and there is no certain rule, with or without, This kind of situation is likely to be circuit of electromagnetic interference, Electromagnetic interference is objective existence, cannot be completely eliminated, but can use this methods to suppress the effects of electromagnetic interference, such as suppress interference sources, cutting off route of transmission, and to reduce the circuit sensitivity. In modern industrial control systems, frequency converter is widely used. The interference of frequency converter can lead to the control program being out of control or even directly cause the hardware damage of control system. This paper introduce the classification of electromagnetic interference, route of transmission and common suppression measures of electromagnetic. Emphasis on the analysis of electromagnetic interference sources and suppression measures.
【Key words】Electromagnetic interference; Interference suppression measures; Inverter interference; Inverter interference suppression measures
1 電磁干擾概念
電子設備在實際使用時,由于自然因素和人為因素產(chǎn)生的電磁能量會進入電路,產(chǎn)生一些不需要的電壓和電流,它們在一定條件下會干擾電子設備的正常工作,這些電壓和電流稱為噪聲,而影響電子設備正常工作的噪聲稱為電磁干擾(Electromagnetic Interference,EMI)。
2 電磁干擾分類
2.1 按其來源分為
2.2 按其傳播途徑分為
3 電磁干擾常見抑制措施
3.1 屏蔽技術
3.2 接地技術