



      Introduction of the Beijing SHRIMP Center (National Science and Technology Infrastructure)

      2018-01-13 03:07:30
      China Geology 2018年3期

      The Beijing SHRIMP Center (BSC) is one of the National Science and Technology Infrastructures, jointly recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance of China. It was established in December of 2001 and is incorporated into the Institute of Geology, China Geological Survey in Beijing. The major objectives of the BSC are to undertake research in geochronology and cosmochronology, the formation and early history of the solar system and the Earth and tectonic evolution of orogenic belts.The BSC also develops Earth Sciences related instruments and related new dating techniques and methods.

      The director of BSC is Prof. Tao Wang. In 2017, there were 6 members of BSC were in the list of top 10 Highly Cited Researchers of China Geological Survey. Since 2014,Prof. Dunyi Liu, the honorary director of the center, has been included in the list of Thomson Reuters/Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers for 4 consecutive years. He is the only scientist who won the Award from the Ministry of Land and Resources (now "the Ministry of Natural Resources").

      1. The most efficient globalized science and technology infrastructure

      1.1. The analytical facilities in BSC

      SHRIMP II (Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Micro Probe II).

      SHRIMP IIe-MC (Multi-collector Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Micro Probe II).

      ZEISS MERLIN Compact SEM (attached with CL4 and EDS).

      HORIBA LabRAM HR Evolution.

      selFrag Lab (Laboratory Fragmentator).

      1.2. Highly efficient operation and output

      The BSC insists on a policy of ''open-door, sharing, and high proficiency'', hence the productivity is very impressive.During the past 17 years, the BSC has analyzed more than 16000 geochronology and geochemistry samples. Our users came from many countries around the world, such as China,USA, Canada, Germany, Italy, Brazil, Colombia, Korea,India, Mongolia, Cuba and Iran, etc. The BSC has played a very important role in earth science research both home and abroad. Up to December 31 of 2017, more than 1800(domestic and overseas) research papers have been published based on the experimental data obtained from SHRIMP II of the Center, including 700 papers on international publications.The first author SCI papers published by the Center’s staff were more than 120. Since 2007, the annual scientific output(numbers of international journal papers) of the single SHRIMP in the center has been the No. 1 among similar facilities in the world. The BSC has become the showpiece of resource-sharing of the National Science and Technology Infrastructure, and a shining example of how future research facilities should operate in China.

      2. Analytical methodologies and development (R & D) of new scientific instruments

      2.1. Analytical methodologies established

      Small domain, in-situ U-Pb dating.

      Small domain, in-situ O isotopes measurements.

      2.2. New analytical methodologies under development

      New U-Pb dating methodology on Lunar basaltic glass beads.

      Small domain, in-situ U-Pb dating methodologies on Xenotime, Monazite and Rutile.

      2.3. R & D of new scientific instruments

      The key instrument of BSC-SHRIMP II.

      Two TOF-SIMS developed by the technical team of BSC.

      The Special-funded Program on National Key Scientific Instruments and Equipment Development, "New models of TOF-SIMS for Isotope Geology", which is undertaken by the BSC and its partners passed the technical acceptance which was organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources, China on April 10thof 2018. The TOF-SIMS is the first large precision mass spectrometer independently developed in China. Its technical specifications are at the advanced level in the field,which will provide new technical method for the research of geochemistry and cosmochemistry.

      3. Highlights of the BSC’s scientific research

      (i) Discovery of the oldest rocks (3.8 Ga) in China and the research on Archean evolution of Anshan won the 1stprize of Science & Tech Award of Ministry of Land & Resources in 2004. The follow-up study on "Early Precambrian crustal formation and evolution of the North China Craton" won the 1stprize of Science & Tech Award of Ministry of Land &Resources in 2017, and it has also passed two rounds of application oral defense for the National Natural Science Award.

      (ii) Preliminarily constructing the chronology framework of ophiolites in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and proposing a new understanding of the periodic evolution of the orogenic belt has exerted an important influence both home and abroad. The related achievements "ophiolites dating and its application in the research of orogenic belt" won the 2ndprize of Science & Tech Award of Ministry of Land &Resources in 2018.

      (iii) Dating and geochronological research of Apollo Lunar samples accomplished cooperatively by researchers from the BSC and Washington University (at St. Louis)redefined the age of Imbrium Impact as 3.92Ga, which filled the research and technical gap in relevant fields in China and laid a solid technical foundation for the follow-up research on samples collected by China's lunar exploration program.

      4. International Cooperation

      (i) The BSC successfully developed a SHRIMP Remote Operation System (SROS) and established the global remote network (cooperated with universities and institutions from Brazil, Italy, Canada, Australia, Mongolia, etc.). SROS has completed remote SHRIMP analysis for more than 21,000 hours, and the related achievements have won the 3rdprize of Beijing Science and Technology Award in 2011.

      (ii) In 2009, the BSC initiated the establishment of the International Precambrian Research Center of China (IPRCC),which attracted quite a few world-famous scholars in Precambrian and formed an International Research Platform.In the past 9 years, IPRCC has successfully organized 3 international conferences, 12 international field excursions and 13 international training courses, which have been highly appraised by the international geological society. The establishment of IPRCC strengthened the position of the BSC as an international research platform and expanded the academic influences of China in the international Precambrian society.

      5. Contacts

      Ms. WANG Chen

      The Beijing SHRIMP Center

      Institute of Geology,

      Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences

      No.26 Baiwanzhuang Road, Beijing, 100037, P.R.CHINA

      Tel: +86-10-5683-3555

      E-mail: wangchen@bjshrimp.cn

      Website: www.bjshrimp.cn

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