




      2018-02-20 08:29:22
      新疆社會(huì)科學(xué) 2018年2期

      Practical and Real Basis of Xi Jinping Thought on New Era Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

      Ding Huanhuan(1)

      Abstract: Xi Jinping Thought on New Era Socialism with Chinese Characteristics is a rational explanation on strategic objective, development driving force and practical route of social development with Chinese characteristics in a new era. Therefore, it is of important significance and practical value to command its essence, master its practical basis, scientifically understand its practical basis and explain route for its implementation. This article, based on this consideration, with the “Four Greats”: great struggle, great project, great cause and great dream as the studying perspective, has a systematic research on the background, real situation and implementation strategy for Xi Jinping Thought on New Era Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, to further explain the important political significance and value of this Thought for the great practice of socialist development with Chinese characteristics.

      Keywords:Four Greats, Xi Jinping Thought on New Era Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, practice foundation and basis

      “Belt and Road” Initiative and Shift of World Power

      Liu Fangping(23)

      Abstract: The essence of the changes in the world political and economic situation is the new round of Shift and adjustment of world power.The traditional theory on power shift focuses on maintaining the US dominance over power. By comparison, moral realistic theory on power shift puts the core at how the rising nations realize power shift. As a big rising nation, China came up with the Belt and Road Initiative as a new route to speed up the shift of world power. This initiative will increase China’s political leading role and strategic credibility, and will strengthen China's national will.

      Keywords: Power shift, shift route, strategic credibility, Belt and Road Initiative

      New Stride in Political Economy with Chinese Characteristics-On the Innovation of Political Economy with Chinese Characteristics by the Report delivered at CPC 19th National Congress

      Hu Rongtao(30)

      Abstract: On the Economic Work Conference held by the Central Committee of CPC in December 2015, the CPC Central Committee came up with, for the first time, the concept of political economy with Chinese characteristics. Political economy with Chinese characteristics is the localized Marxist political economy in China, and is the reflection of practice of and experience essence of socialist political economy. The Report delivered at the Nineteenth CPC National Congress is a Marxist guiding literature full of theory, innovation and vision, and constitutes a major historical stride of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory including political economy. The author listed new approaches present in the Report delivered at the Nineteenth CPC National Congress for political economy with Chinese characteristics. Specifically, the author discussed these new approaches from such respects as theoretical innovation for main social contradiction, theory innovation on historical phase, theory innovation on objective and strategic arrangement, innovation on basic strategic approach system, theory innovation on economic development stage, innovation development objective, innovation on development strategy for issues related to agriculture, rural area and peasants, innovation for regional development strategy and all-round opening-up.

      Keywords: Report delivered at the Nineteenth CPC National Congress, Political Economy with Chinese Characteristics, innovation

      Research on Unbalanced Agriculture Chain, “Big Country Effect” in Grain Import Trade and the Strategy of “Going Global”

      Zhao Feng, Song Xuefeng, Zhang Jie(38)

      Abstract: Food security is not only the basis of economic and social development, but also an important guarantee for national security. In the article, the author studied the issue of unbalanced global agriculture chain, and based on the data of four kinds of China-imported grain in recent years, used the Spearman formula and the VAR model to test the “big country effect” empirically in China's grain import trade. Through the empirical test, the author found that there is no connection among the import volume of the 4 major grain crops, domestic prices and international prices. China’s grain import trade deviates from the “big country effect”, which shows that China’s grain import trade is in a disadvantageous position in the international market.To balance the gap between supply and demand of grain in China, evade the unfairness of grain import trade and safeguard China’s food security, the author comes up with the strategy of “going global” for grain production of China.

      Keywords: agricultural industry chain,import trade,food security, “big country effect”, “going global” strategy

      A Study on Man-land Relations and Development Strategies of Ethnic Minorities in Xinjiang

      Yi Jianping (77)

      Abstract:The article, focusing on the subsistence and development strategy of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, especially Uygur people, discussed the relationship between geographical environment and population structure, the poverty of ethnic minorities, and the way to reduce poverty, and the solution for the unemployment of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang. The author proposed that we should strengthen bilingual education, enhance national common language education and modern education to increase competitiveness of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang. In addition, the author proposed efforts for ethnic minorities to increase cultural adaptive capacity, eradicate man-made obstacles, integrate themselves into the modernization process of China and make full use of the space and other resources of China, and no longer live in the poor and enclosed environment, which is the best strategy for ethnic minorities, especially Uygur peasants and herdsmen in southern Xinjiang.

      Keywords: Uygurs, man-land relationship, bilingual education, cultural adaptive capacity

      Three Modes of World Anarchy—Criticism on Winter’s Culture Theory from the Perspective of Ethics

      Cao Xing(100)

      Abstract: The world has entered the era of mankind community of shared future, but many countries still confront each other as enemies. It has become an important subject of diplomacy and international relations to study the models of international relations and how to turn better. So far, the best research on the differing states of anarchy has been the theory of three cultures built by Constructionist Winter, but Winter has not explored the roots of three cultures. In this article, the author analyzed the ethic roots of three states of anarchy in international politics, which is a new try in the cultural studies of world anarchy. This study is of important ethic value for international relations research, and given the issues of Korean peninsular, the Middle East, Kashmir, South China Sea and Diaoyu Islands, the study is of great significance. As far as the US is concerned, China should take the strategy that it is best to become friends, dare to be opponent, and not afraid to be enemy.

      Keywords:international relations, culture model, community of shared future, Hobbes culture, Locke culture, Kant culture

      “Neo-Ottomanism”: Historical Evoluation and Influence

      Zhang Xiangrong(108)

      Abstract: “Neo-Ottomanism” emerged in ?zal Era(1983-1993)and has come into being after the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) became the ruling party in 2002. Neo-Ottomanism in the two periods of time are closely connected, but also are differing distinctively. Scholars in and outside Turkey have different views on this doctrine. From the AKP's third ruling term, Neo-Ottomanism has begun to make its changes felt in Turkey’s domestic politics and foreign policy. Cautious and rational neo-Ottomanism gradually evolved into a fanatical and offensive form. There is deep soil for Neo-Ottomanism in Turkey society, and its influence in Turkey's politics and diplomacy will not disappear easily.

      Keywords:Neo-Ottomanism; ?zal; Justice and Development Party, Ottoman Legacy

      Exclusion of Illegally Obtained Confession—Discussed under the Principle of Directness and Verbalism

      Han Kang, Duan Housheng(123)

      Abstract: In court trial, the accused person's application for exclusion of illegally-obtained confession is withdrawal of confession in essence, namely revoke the statement made in the investigation and remake statement. According to the principle of directness and verbalism, the accused’s oral confession in court trial has higher effects than record of question, so the judge should take confession in court as substantial evidence to prove the factum probandum, and take the interrogation record as impeachment evidence to defend the proving force of the accused person's confession in court.

      Keywords:Illegally obtained evidence, principle of directness and verbalism, confession, impeachment evidence

      Ritual Integration: the Spatial Path for Traditional Chinese Culture Integration

      Long Bailin, Liu Weibing(143)

      Abstract: Ritual integration is the spatial path of traditional cultural integration. By space control, ritual integration can penetrate space culturally, which is reflected mainly through the establishment of space field and space metaphor, space presence of symbolic system, as well as institutionalized and life penetration of space. Ritual integration, through the presence of the other of the threshold, gives ideological legitimacy through the internal logic of emotion and life. The author maintains that we should draw critically from the ritual integration of traditional culture and construct contemporary norms of ritual for state, society and individual, which will help to give play to the function of ritual integration, but meanwhile we should be vigilant and guard against the rise of cultural doctrine of “back to the ancients”.

      Keywords:ritual, space, ritual integration, cultural integration

      Normal Analysis on Civil Rights Derogation by Administrative Power in Urban Governance-Viewed from the Theory of Public Property

      Jiang Fei(158)

      Abstract: As a result of the emergence of welfare state and benefit-giving administration, public property is no longer seen as a bestowal that the state gives its property to its citizens for use, but a duty that the state must assume through administrator for the development of social community. In urban governance, in the provision and management of public property, the administrator, in the pursuance of maximized pubic benefit, sometimes limits or derogates the freedom for use of public property, resulting in the reduction or loss of basic civil rights and interests. Public property theory sets up analytical framework for value play of public service and full use of public resources, and presents philosophy and norms for striking a balance in urban governance between the solution of practical problems and the realization of the ideal of rule of law.

      Keywords:public property theory, urban governance, administrative power, civil rights, derogation of rights

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