Peng SUN(孫鵬)
China Economics and Management Academy,Central University of Finance and Economics,Beijing 100081,China
Abstract We prove a generalized Gauss-Kuzmin-Lévy theorem for the generalized Gauss transformation
Key words Gauss transformation;transfer operator;Gauss’problem;Hurwitz zeta function
Let p be a positive integer.We consider the following generalized Gauss transformation on[0,1]:
where{x}is the fractional part of x.Such transformations were first introduced in[3](the associated continued fractions had appeared in[2])and also studied in[7,8,11].For every p,Tphas a unique absolutely continuous ergodic invariant measure,
where m is the Lebesuge measure on[0,1].Equivalently,
is the unique continuous eigenfunction of the transfer operator corresponding to the eigenvalue 1.We remark that G1is the so-called Gauss-Kuzmin-Wirsing operator introduced in[5].Detailed discussion on this operator can be found in[4].
Gauss has shown that
In 1812,he proposed the problem to estimate
The first solution was given by Kuzmin[6],who showed in 1928 that
as n → ∞ for some q∈ (0,1).In 1929,Lévy[9]established
In this article,we would like to follow an approach in[10]to generalize Lévy’s result for all
Theorem 1.1For every positive integer p and every x∈[0,1],
are the Hurwitz zeta functions.
Remark 1.2We would like to thank an anonymous referee from whom we learned that there is a similar result in[7,Theorem 1.1(ii)].Compared to it,we have a different approach and the main novelty of Theorem 1.1 is the explicit expression of Qp,which is an upper bound of the exponential rate of decay for
As a generalization of Lévy’s result[9]onit is natural to expect thatalso decays exponentially.Our motivation is to see how the rate depends on p.The estimate we have for Qpshows that Qp→0 as p→ ∞.Furthermore,it provides the first order termSo,generally it is faster that ?p,nconverges to Φpas p grows.This is the most interesting fact we observe in this work.
For fixed p,we have
This recursive formula implies that ?nis differentiable(actually analytic)and hence
So,it is enough to study the operator Gp.Note that(1.1)holds if
We can actually show a more general result:
Theorem 2.1Let f∈C1([0,1])such that
Then,for every positive integer p and every x∈[0,1],we have
ProofFix p.Let
Note that
Moreover,for every k≥p and x∈[0,1],
Note that gn∈C1[0,1].Let
be the norm of gnin C1[0,1].Then,for every k≥p and x∈[0,1],we obtain
This implies that
converges absolutely and the sequence of its partial sums converges uniformly.Hence,we have
for some τk∈ [p,k],k=p,p+1,···.
Let k·k be the maximum norm on C[0,1],the space of all continuous functions on[0,1],andthat is,
for every k≥p.
If p≤k≤2p,then
If k≥2p+1,then
But for k≥2p+1,
So,for k≥2p+1,
Therefore,for all integers k≥p and all x∈[0,1],we have G(k,x)<0.Equivalently,Hence,
We will show in Theorem 3.1 that,which implies that,there is a constant c∈R such that
We note for any integrable function ψ,
So,for all n,
Hence in(2.2)we must have
Remark 2.2A direct corollary of Theorem 2.1 is
However,the idea of the proof actually relies on the knowledge that ηp(x)is invariant of Gp:We presume that(2.3)holds.So,we make the substitution(2.1)and consider the derivative of
Now,we evaluate Qp.If p=1,then Q1=2ζ(3)? ζ(2)<0.76,where ζ(n)is the Riemann zeta function.For p≥2,the following estimate is not too bad.
Theorem 3.1For every positive integer p,
Remark 3.2This implies that
Applying results on asymptotic expansions of Hurwitz zeta functions or polygamma functions(cf.[1]),we actually have
ProofFix p.For
we have
that is,
we have
that is,
Acta Mathematica Scientia(English Series)2018年3期