




      2018-09-10 07:22:44賴廣輝
      廣西植物 2018年9期

      Abstract: Based on the reliable flowering specimens collected from some populations of Phyllostachys in East China, field investigations and anatomical observations, the morphological characteristics of the inflorescence, pseudospikelet and floret of four species within this genus, Ph. dulcis McClure, Ph. longiciliata G. H. Lai, Ph. purpureociliata G. H. Lai and Ph. yunhoensis S. Y. Chen et C. Y. Yao, were described and supplemented, and the photos of flowering branchlets and inflorescences showing main characteristics were provided. Ph. longiciliate G. H. Lai, with capitate inflorescence and short floret, was indicated to belong to sect. Heterocladae C. P. Wang et G. H. Ye, while the other three species, having spitate inflorescence and long floret, were just right to fall into sect. Phyllostachys. All the vouchers were deposited in Herbarium of Guangde Forestry Institute, Anhui Province (GDFI).

      Key words: Bambusoideae, Phyllostachys, floral morphology, Ph. dulcis, Ph. longiciliata, Ph. purpureociliata, Ph. yunhoensis

      CLC number: Q949 Document code: A Article ID: 1000-3142(2018)09-1215-06

      摘 要: 該文根據(jù)采自華東地區(qū)的一些剛竹屬植物居群中的可靠花枝標(biāo)本,結(jié)合現(xiàn)場(chǎng)調(diào)查和形態(tài)解剖觀察,描述和增補(bǔ)了白哺雞竹、瓜水竹、谷雨竹、云和哺雞竹的花序、假小穗和花部形態(tài)特征,并提供了顯示花枝外貌和花器官主要特征的照片。瓜水竹的花序呈頭序,小花較短,應(yīng)屬于水竹組;而其余3種的花序呈穗狀,小花較長(zhǎng),應(yīng)歸隸剛竹組。所有的憑證標(biāo)本均保存于安徽省廣德縣林業(yè)科學(xué)研究所竹類標(biāo)本室中。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 竹亞科, 剛竹屬, 花部形態(tài), 白哺雞竹, 瓜水竹, 谷雨竹, 云和哺雞竹

      Phyllostachys Sieb. et Zucc., a large, economically important genus of about 60 species in Bambusoideae (Ma et al, 2014), is distributed in East Asia to West Himalaya, especially in subtropical China, with a few species in Vietnam, Burma and North India. In this genus, the floral morphology of 36 species has been described (Lai, 2013; Wang & Stapleton, 2006 ; Lai, 2001a, b; Wang et al, 1996), and the floral characters of the rest are still unknown. In the course of investigations on bamboo germplasm resources from East China in recent years, the populations of some species within this genus were found in the flowering state, and the specimens of the flowering branchlets were collected as vouchers and were deposited in Herbarium of Guangde Forestry Institute, Anhui Province (GDFI). Based on these specimens, field observations and anatomical records, the floral morphology of four species are described and supplemented for the first time as follows.

      1 Phyllostachys dulcis McClure, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 35 (9): 285, f. 2. 1945. (Plate I: 1-13)

      Descr. fl. add.: Inflorescence iterauctant, flowering branchlets lateral on branch nodes, spicate, base subtended by some bracts that are imbricate and upward gradually enlarged, the superiors spathaceous, the largest 15-17 mm long, initially dark-purple, later withered-yellow, inconspicuously about 15-nerved, apex mucronate or long-acuminate, back glabrous, margins sparsely ciliate; sometimes only inferiorly wrapped by 2 or 3 spathaceous-bracts, bracts 22-25 mm long, initially greenish-purpurate, obviously 17-19-nerved, apex with long-ovate or lanceolate reduced leaf, mouth not auriculate but with several setae on each shoulder. Pseudospikelets (1 or) 2 in each bract, sessile. Glume 1 (-3) (if 2 or 3, the superior more larger than the inferior), 10-15 mm long, back not or faintly 1-porcate and slightly nerved, apex long-acuminate, margins sparsely ciliate or subglabrous. Florets (1 or) 2 in each pseudospikelet, comparely gracile; lemma thinly chartaceous, 13-19 mm long, in the exposed part purple and in the covering part greenish, back with 1 faint ridge and several veins, apex long-acuminate and puberulous; palea submembranous, slightly shorter than or about as long as lemma, back 2-keeled and glabrous, apex bifid; lodicules 3, membranaceous, narrowly lanceolate, whitish; stamens 3; anthers initially yellowish-greenish, later yellowish, 8-12 mm long; filaments separated, white, 25-38 (-49) mm long, glabrous; ovary long-ovate or urceolate, glabrous; style 1, white, 11-18 mm long, glabrous; stigmas 3, white, 3-4 mm long, plumose. Flowering in April and May.

      China, Anhui Province, Guangde County, Taozhou Town, Changshanling, G. H. Lai. 14001.

      This species was introduced from acultivating po-pulation in Zhejiang and Anhui border into Guangde National Bamboos Germplasm Bank in November 2011 and cultivated under No. 192. Some of the plants began to flower in the spring of 2014 and continued until May 2017.

      2 Phyllostachys longiciliata G. H. Lai, Subtrop. Pl. Sci. 42 (1): 53, f. 1. 2013. (Plate I: 14-27)

      Descr. fl. add.: Inflorescence iterauctant, flowering branchlets lateral on branch nodes or terminal on branchlets, densely capitate, composed of 7-11 sessile pseudospikelets gathered into fascicle; terminal inflore-scence inferiorly wrapped by 5 or 6 branch-sheaths that are yellowish-green and upward gradually shortened; sheaths pubescent toward the apex of the back and straightly setose on each shoulder of the mouth, the largest 20-32 mm long, apex with 15-45 × 6-12 mm lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate reduced leaf; the smallest covering a side of the inflorescence, 8-15 mm long, apex with 8-12 × 1-3 mm or subulate reduced leaf; lateral inflorescence not vaginated but basally subtended by upward gradually enlarged, imbricate some bracts, the largest 9-11 mm long, back 7-9-nerved, apex caducously mucronate. Pseudospikelet gracile, with 2 florets. Glume 1, glabrous, 8-9 mm long, apex long-acuminate, back 1-porcate and slightly nerved toward the apex. Floret small; lemma narrowly lanceolate, thinly chartaceous, initially yellowish-green, 7-10 mm long, back 1-porcate and about 6-nerved but not tessellated, apex long-acuminate; palea thinly chartaceous, greenish, usually slightly longer than or about as long

      Note: 1-13. Phyllostachys dulcis McClure 1. Flowering plants; 2. Flowering branches, showing spicate iterauctant inflorescence; 3. Pseudospikelet;

      4. Bracts at the base of pseudospikelet; 5. Middle and upper part of bract in dorsal view; 6. Glume in ventral view; 7. Middle and upper part of

      lemma in ventral view; 8. Upper part of palea in ventral view; 9. Lodicules; 10. Anthers; 11. A part of filament; 12. Ovary and style; 13. Stigmas.

      14-27. Phyllostachys longiciliata G. H. Lai. 14. Flowering plants; 15. Flowering branches, showing capitate iterauctant inflorescence;

      16. A capitate iterauctant inflorescence; 17. Bracts at the base of iterauctant inflorescence; 18. Largest branch-sheath at the base of iterauctant

      inflorescence; 19. Glume in dorsal view; 20. Lemma in lateral view; 21. Palea in lateral view; 22. Lodicule; 23. Anthers; 24. A part of

      filament; 25. Ovary and style; 26. Ovary with a lodicules; 27. Stigmas. Scale bars: 3-8, 18=5 mm;

      9-13, 20, 23, 24, 26=1 mm; 16, 17, 19, 22=2 mm; 21, 25=0.8 mm; 27=0.5 mm.

      Plate Ⅰ Inflorescence of Phyllostachys dulcis and Ph. longiciliata as lemma, back 2-keeled, margins short-ciliate above the middle part, apex slightly bifid; lodicules 3, membranaceous, nearly band-shaped, 2-2.5 mm long, white, ciliate toward the apex; stamens 3; anthers initially yellowish-green, later yellowish, band-shaped, 5.5-7 mm long; filaments separated, white, 13-15 mm long, glabrous; ovary flask-shaped, 1.5-2 mm long, about 1 mm wide at the base, glabrous; style 1, white, 3-3.5 mm long, glabrous; stigmas 3, white, 2.5-3.5 mm long, plumose. Flowering in May.

      China, Anhui Province, Guangde County, Taozhou Town, Hengshan National Forest Park, Anhui Bamboo Garden, G. H. Lai. 14003.

      This species was introduced from acultivating population in Bamboo Garden of Zhejiang Academy of Forestry into Anhui Bamboo Garden in September 1999 and cultivated under No. 99-121. In May 2014, a few plants bloomed, but returned to normal vegetative growth in the following year.

      3 Phyllostachys purpureociliata G. H. Lai, Pl. Divers. Resour. 35 (2): 138, f. 4. 2013. (Plate Ⅱ: 1-15)

      Descr. fl. add.: Inflorescence iterauctant, flo-wering branchlets lateral on branch nodes, spicate, composed of 3-5 sessile pseudospikelets, base subtended by 5 or 6 bracts that are imbricate and upward gradually enlarged, the largest 19.5-23.5 × 6-7 mm, back glabrous, 17-19-nerved, mouth slightly straightly setose on each shoulder, margins sparsely caducously ciliolate, apex subulate-mucronate. Pseu-dospikelet 20-30 mm long, with (1 or) 2 florets, basally 1-spathaceous; spathe initially green or yellow-green, purpurate toward the apex or only at the margins, later withered-yellow, 21-25 mm long, back glabrous, 19-23-nerved but not tessellated, margins densely caducously short-ciliate, mouth setose on each shoulder or almost not, apex with va-riable (broadly ovate to subulate), purple-green or green reduced leaf. Glumes 2, the first submembranous, 12-15 mm long, back pilose, margins ciliate, apex acute or hebetate; the second similar to lemma, thinly chartaceous, 16-20 mm long, back 1-porcate and glabrous, margins short-ciliate, apex acuminate or long-acuminate. Floret stronger; lemma thinly chartaceous, initially yellowish-green, 21-26 mm long, back puberulous toward the apex, 1-porcate and 13-15-nerved but not tessellated, apex long-acuminate; palea thinly chartaceous to submembranous, yellowish-green or greenish, shorter than lemma, 20-25 mm long, glabrous, back 2-keeled, apex puberulous and obviously bifid; lodicules 3, small, membranaceous, nearly band-shaped, 1.5-2 mm long, white, margin slightly short-ciliate; stamens 3; anthers initially yellowish, dark-yellow when dry, band-shaped, 9-14 mm long, basally hastate; filaments separated, white, 23-35 mm long, glabrous; ovary ovate or subtriangular, 2-4 mm long, about 1-1.5 mm wide at the base, glabrous, stipitate; stipe 1.5-5 mm long; style 1, white, 13-16 mm long, glabrous; stigmas 3, white, 5-8 mm long, plumose. Flowering in April.

      China, Zhejiang Province, Suichang County, Miao-gao Town, Jinxi Village, G. H. Lai et al. 15032.

      This species, with mass flowering, grows on the banks of the river in the locality. The bamboo forest is in a state of decline during the investigation, and some of the flowered plants had been dead.

      4 Phyllostachys yunhoensis S. Y. Chen et C. Y. Yao, Act. Phytotax. Sin. 18 (2): 183, f. 7. 1980. (Plate Ⅱ: 16-28)

      Descr. fl. add.: Inflorescence iterauctant, flo-wering branchlets lateral on branch nodes, spicate, composed of 5-7 sessile pseudospikelets, base subtended by 4 or 5 bracts that are imbricate and upward gradually enlarged, the largest 15-19 × 3.5-4.5 mm, back glabrous and about 16-nerved, mouth slightly straightly setose on each shoulder, margins very short ciliolate, apex subulate-mucronate. Pseudospikelet 21-23 mm long, with (1 or) 2 ( or 3) florets (sometimes the inferior with one reduced floret only), base 1-spathaceous; spathe initially yellowish-green and sometimes purpurate toward the apex, later withered-yellow, 18-23 mm long, back pubescent or subglabrous, 13-17-nerved and sometimes tessellated, margins densely caducously short-ciliate, mouth setose on each shoulder or almost not, apex with ovate-lanceolate to subulate, purple-green reduced leaf. Glume 1, dorsally glabrous, 1-porcate and 9-11-nerved; ones in the inferior pseudospikelets thinly chartaceous, 13-15 mm long, apically acuminate or long-acuminate; ones in the middle and the superior pseudospikelets submembranous, 8-12 mm long, apically hebetate. Floret stronger; lemma chartaceous, initially yellowish-green, sometime purpurate toward the apex, 20-24 mm long, back glabrous or rarely puberulous, 1-porcate and 9-11-nerved but not tessellated, apex long-acuminate; palea thinly chartaceous, yellowish-green or greenish, obviously or slightly shorter than lemma, 19-22 mm long, glabrous, back 2-keeled, apex slightly bifid; lodicules 3, small, membranaceous, subtriangular or subovate, 1-2 mm long, white, faintly nerved at the middle part; stamens 3; anthers initially yellowish, band-shaped, 8-11 mm long, basally hastate; filaments separated, white, 35-56 mm long, glabrous; ovary broadly ovate, 2.5-3 mm long, about 1 mm wide at the base, glabrous, stipitate; style 1, white, 14-20 mm long, glabrous; stigmas 3, white, 6-10 mm long, plumose. Flowering in April.

      China, Zhejiang Province, Longquan City, Anren Town, Yanshanling, G. H. Lai et al. 15050.

      This species, with mass flowering, grows on a mountain slope in the locality. The bamboo forest is in a state of decline during the investigation, and a few flowered plants has been dead.

      Acknowledgement The author wishes to express his sincere thank to senior engineer FU Leyi (Guangde Forestry Bureau of Anhui Province) for her helps to anatomical observation on the flowering branchlets. This work, in part, was supported by a grant from Zhejiang A & F University.


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