劉鵬成 徐湛
摘 要: 正交頻分復用(OFDM)是一種多載波技術(shù),但其信號存在較高的峰均比(PAPR)問題,通過發(fā)送端功率放大器時需要較高的線性工作范圍。研究一種新的低復雜度部分傳輸序列(PTS)峰均比抑制方法,該方法在時域?qū)Σ煌纸M子載波相移,尋找低PAPR的OFDM信號傳輸。通過傳遞少量相移信息,可以在接收端對基帶信號逆向移位操作恢復原始基帶信號。仿真結(jié)果表明,所提方法在低復雜度下可以有效降低PAPR,同時保持較好的誤比特率性能。
關(guān)鍵詞: OFDM; 多載波技術(shù); PAPR; PTS; 峰均比抑制; 子載波相移
中圖分類號: TN919.3?34 文獻標識碼: A 文章編號: 1004?373X(2018)17?0015?05
Abstract: The orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a kind of multicarrier technique. Its signal has high peak?to?average power ratio (PAPR), so it requires higher linear operating range while transmitting through the power amplifier of transmitter. A new kind of partial transmit sequence (PTS) PAPR suppression method with low complexity is proposed, with which the phase shift of the different grouped subcarriers is permormed in the time domain to find the OFDM signal transmission with low PAPR. By transferring a small amount of phase shift information, the reverse shift operation is carried out for the baseband signal in the receiving terminal to restore to the original baseband signal. The simulation results show that the proposed method can effectively reduce the PAPR in low complexity while maintaining the perfect bit error rate performance.
Keywords: OFDM; multicarrier technique; PAPR; PTS; PAPR suppression; subcarrier phase shift
本節(jié)對所提算法綜合性能進行仿真驗證,統(tǒng)計OFDM信號分組子載波相移PAPR的CCDF和BER特性。以下仿真采用等效基帶,且接收端已知子載波相移信息。限幅門限設(shè)置為信號平均幅值-1.5 dB,以方便統(tǒng)計該方法PAPR的CCDF性能。采用相鄰均勻分組方式。OFDM信號采用4倍過采樣可接近模擬信號的PAPR CCDF性能,接收端采用奈奎斯特速率接收,仿真參數(shù)設(shè)置如表2所示。
4分組,步進為32,不同相移次數(shù)PAPR的CCDF統(tǒng)計特性如圖6所示。相移次數(shù)對PAPR的CCDF性能影響最大,相移次數(shù)為4和32在PAPR的CCDF值為[10-3]時,峰均比相差1 dB。步長和分組數(shù)對PAPR的CCDF作用不大。
設(shè)置4分組,步進為32,相移64次,得到修改的PTS與傳統(tǒng)4分組64個備選信號PAPR的CCDF曲線如圖7所示,修改的PTS較CPTS有更好的PPAR CCDF性能。
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