1. Once there was a girl named Little Red Riding Hood.
2. One summer day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mom asked her to go visit her grandma with some cakes she made.
3. As Little Red Riding Hood walked towards her grandma’s house, she became so hungry that she ate some of
—在小紅帽去外婆家的路上,她越走越餓, 于是她就吃了一些蛋糕。
4. Then, she ate some more...and some more...and some more, until they were
5. She fell asleep under a tree.When Little Red Riding Hood woke up, it was night!
6. She ran to her grandma’s house as fast as she could.
7. “Where have you been?” grandma asked her.
8. “A wolf ate my cakes!” Little Red Riding Hood told her Grandma.—“一只狼吃了我的蛋糕!”小紅帽告訴外婆。
9. “I chased him and got lost. I’m sorry,Grandma.”
10. “Wolves don’t like cakes.”Grandma said.
11. As a punishment, Little Red
Riding Hood had to help Grandma do housework.
12. She washed dishes, swept the floor, and washed clothes.
13. Once she finished, her grandmother surprised her with some cakes.
14. Red didn’t want any more cakes. She was too tired to eat.
She fell asleep in grandma’s arms.