王 佳
(南昌工程學院 外國語學院, 南昌 330099)
另外,“目的論”的代表性人物克里斯蒂安·諾德(Christine Nord)認為高校英文網頁這類文本主要包括兩種功能,“信息功能”和“感染功能”[5]。前者體現(xiàn)在高校英文網站旨在向目標讀者提供學校的相關基本信息,例如歷史沿革、校區(qū)情況、師資隊伍、學科發(fā)展、人才培養(yǎng)、科學研究、國(境)外合作、辦學條件、發(fā)展愿景等,而后者體現(xiàn)在其著力于提升學校的國際知名度、宣傳學校各方面的優(yōu)勢以及吸引國外學生來華交流或與國外科研機構進行項目合作。如果未能成功實現(xiàn)以上兩個功能,諾德認為便造成了失敗的翻譯。
例1Its first president, Jiang Chunfang, is a renowned translator of Russian and publisher who pioneered the publication of the Encyclopedia of China. Throughout its history, SISU has attracted and retained distinguished scholars with commitment to teaching and academic pursuits, including Fang Chong, Lu Peixian, Ling Dayang and Xu Zhongnian, who have become part of the University’s increased wealth of intellectual resources.(上海外國語大學)
例2Sichuan University enjoys a long tradition in education and boasts many renowned scholars. (四川大學)
例3Fudan University celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2005. Chinese president Hu Jintao sent a letter of congratulations, expressing his hopes that the school will continue its tradition of excellence while developing and innovating into the future, building itself into a world-class comprehensive university, fostering development of persons of talent, ability, and integrity, and putting forth a new, even greater contribution towards building a prosperous society and realizing the Chinese people’s great revival.(復旦大學)
例4Looking into the future, Sichuan University has the social responsibility to attract brilliant minds, nurture talents to serve the country. (四川大學)
例5We have been dedicated to providing our students with a humanistic and holistic education that enables them to think globally and innovatively and make practical use of their professional knowledge and skills for smooth cross-cultural communication. (上海外國語大學)
例6As a key comprehensive university with an array of outstanding faculty members, it has enjoyed coordinated development in humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, technological sciences, life sciences, modern engineering and management and so on.(南京大學)
例7The university has 22 academic colleges, together with Graduate School, School for Continuing Education, Advanced Vocational School and Modern Distance Education School.(南開大學)
例8The history of Tongji can be traced back to 1907 when German Medical School was founded by Erich Paulun, a German doctor in Shanghai. After being renamed Tongji German Medical School in the following year, it was formally established as a university in 1923. It became National Tongji University. Around 1949, Tongji already boasted five colleges of natural sciences, engineering, medical science, liberal arts and law, and enjoyed a fine reputation as a comprehensive university both home and abroad. Following a nationwide campaign of restructuring universities in 1952, Tongji became an engineering-intensive university with top-notch strength in civil engineering and architecture, which is second to none in terms of scale and number of disciplines. Since 1978, “two transforms” were launched, namely, the transforming to an international university by restoring links to Germany, and the transforming from a university focusing mainly on civil engineering to multi-disciplinary engineering university. In 1995, Tongji declared to be jointly built by the Ministry of Education and the Shanghai Municipal Government. By 2007 when it was celebrating its centennial, Tongji had become a comprehensive, international, research-oriented university with distinct features and global influence. (同濟大學)
上述例子里,中國高校網頁上的英文簡介花費了大量的篇幅來介紹學校的歷史沿革。例如同濟大學在講述歷史傳承時,就用了半頁A4紙多達200個單詞。但在英語平行文本里面,無論是哈佛大學(The university is based in Cambridge and Boston, Massachusetts)、斯坦福大學、倫敦大學學院、帝國理工學院、澳大利亞國立大學等介紹地理位置還是普林斯頓大學、約克大學(The University of York opened in 1963 with just 230 students)、圣安德魯斯大學等介紹建校時間都是一筆帶過。因此根據“目的論”,為了將信息準確地傳遞給目標受眾,要盡可能使信息簡單明了,重點突出,這樣他們才能用最短的時間最快地抓住重點。因此,翻譯時,譯者應適度采用刪繁為簡的方法,具體來說,就是抓住重要信息,其余信息可以放在二級標題或者超鏈接里。
參考譯文:例8:The history of Tongji can be traced back to 1907.
例9It is also one of the “211 Project” and “985 Project” universities. (武漢大學)
例10Fudan hosts 99 Chair Professor of Chang Jiang Scholars Program. (復旦大學)
例11Nankai University has 20 teachers selected by national “Millions of Talents Program”. (南開大學)
對中國學生來說,“211工程”“985工程”“長江學者”以及“百千萬人才工程”是耳熟能詳的[14],前兩者代表了學校社會認可度高、國家支持度高、信息資源豐富、學術氛圍濃厚、平臺好和學生能力強,后兩者則代表了學校師資力量強。但是如果僅僅直譯的話,外國讀者很難理解,因此有必要在后面進行詳細的解釋,分別增譯為“211 Project and 985 Project, projects of establishing world’s leading universities in China co-financed by the Chinese central government and local governments for the 21st century”, “Chang Jiang Scholars Program, a program jointly financed by the tycoon Li Ka-shing and the Ministry of Education”以及“Millions of Talents Program (Program to strengthen the cultivation of excellent young talents in China)”,以便譯文讀者能夠清楚地了解學校的情況,進一步提高譯文的可接受性。
例12Now, there are 15,307 full-time students in the CUC, including 9264 undergraduates, 3512 candidates for doctor and master degrees, and 16780 students in programs of continuing education.
Among the total 1897 staff members in the CUC, there is a strong faculty team of 1096 professionals, some of whom enjoy great fame both at home and abroad. In recent years, one professor has been appointed to a distinguished position as the Changjiang Program Scholar; 11 have entered provincial or ministerial leveled Talent Engineering Project; 7 have won the national or municipal Famous Teacher prize; 24 have won the honorable title of Beijing Outstanding Teachers, while a batch of young and middle-aged teachers have grown up into academic backbones, which have, therefore, raised the whole academic level of the school. In addition to all these above, the CUC has employed a number of well-known experts and scholars as visiting professors.(中國傳媒大學)
中國傳媒大學網站的英語譯文用了足足148個單詞來介紹學校的所設學科、師生數量、師資情況、國際合作、遠程教育以及繼續(xù)教育,國外學生看完后很容易眼花繚亂。其實,根據國外慣例,這些信息在學校簡介里一語帶過即可。更為具體的數據可以放在小標題facts and figures的超鏈接里,有時還可以以表格的形式展示出來,一目了然,不但契合了目標網絡文本方便快捷的特點,更加容易被目標受眾接受,同時也滿足了讀者的信息需求,實現(xiàn)了信息的有效傳遞。例如:牛津大學的facts and figures里:
Student numbers
Total students
Undergraduates make up 52% of the total student body, graduate students 46%, and other students 2%.
MenWomenTotalUndergrad-uates6 1315 47211 603Graduates5 9094 59010 499Visiting, recognise-d and other students201299500Total12 24110 36122 602
Staff numbers
31 July 2014Headcount12 510Full time equivalent 11 422.9