



      雙 語

      2018-11-13 12:14:54
      時代郵刊 2018年19期

      The article in Time on Sep 6th 2018,Inside Trump’s hot and cold relationship with Abe mentions that the two men have a tight rapport — Trump has met with Abe eight times, more than with any other counterpart, and talked to him on the phone 26 times. Trump sees Abe as a savvy negotiator and a worthy counterpart.After saying “I remember Pearl Harbor,”Trump then launched into a blistering critique of Japan’s economic policies. He railed against the U.S. trade deficit with Japan. It epitomized the paradoxical nature of Trump’s closest relationship with a foreign leader.


      The article with the title saying the Greatest Fear Comes True in Washingtonpost on Sep 3rd, 2018, mentioned that Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen’s plea is a crushing blow because he is the first cooperating witness that could implicate Trump directly in all three matters—the hush money for women and campaign money, Trump’s business dealings, and the Trump campaign’s Russia connections. Buckle up. Trump now goes from the frying pan into the fire.


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