Any Americans who switched on their radios at eight oclock in the evening of 30th October 1938, would have heard a weather forecast followed by live music broadcast from the Meridian Room in the Hotel Park Plaza, New York. Then something happened which changed everything...
An announcer broke in to report that, “Professor Farrell of the Mount Jennings Observatory” had detected explosions on the planet Mars. Concerned listeners were told that a large meteor had crashed into a farmers field in Grovers Mills, New Jersey. A reporter was then heard at the site describing a Martian emerging from a large metallic cylinder, “Good heavens,” he declared...
The reporter continued his grizzly description until he reported that Martians were mounting walking war machines and firing “heat-ray” weapons. Listeners could hear the devastation—the sound of the heat rays, the screams and the explosions. That night, nearly one million American radio listeners actually believed that a real Martian invasion was underway. Panic broke out across the country. In New Jersey, terrified civilians jammed highways seeking to escape the alien marauders.
It was all a hoax of course, and the director, actor and producer of the radio play broadcast at 8 pm—Orson Welles—got into trouble for the brilliant but reckless way he adapted the classic H.G.Wells novel, The War Of The Worlds. Even though the story was over thirty years back then, it still had the ability to speak to the darkest fears inside the human psyche. It amazed and shocked many ordinary Americans, and sent much of the country into a blind panic.
English-born Herbert George Wells remains one of the greatest science fiction writers of the English language. His books became so successful that many were turned into successful films. In The Invisible Man a scientist turns himself invisible but struggles to turn himself back again. In The Island of Dr. Moreau a ship-wrecked man discovers the ghastly and horrific experiments done by an evil doctor, as he wanders around the island.
The First Men in the Moon tells of two men landing there who discover an alien race living there. In The Time Machine an English scientist invents a time machine travelling from the Victorian period to into the far future, discovering strange sentient races as he progresses. Many of these themes sound familiar to sci-fi fans now—not because he copied them, but because he invented them and everyone else subsequently took and developed his ideas.
Wells was an enormously confident man. He was very creative and always seemed to researching for his next new idea or dreaming up a possible future technology. Fascinatingly, he was often right, for example, he predicted the atomic power and antigravity-substances to allow machines to escape the earths gravity. Written in 1896, The Island of Dr. Moreau features now familiar ideas, such as genetic engineering, blood transfusions and advanced surgical techniques. His 1933 novel The Shape of Things to Come saw a wireless wrist intercom that had many smart phone like features.
Before that in 1923s Men Like Gods, he imagined a utopian future in which people communicated almost entirely by wireless telephones and voice mail. In the late 1930s, he proposed something he called the “World Brain”, an enormous bank of human knowledge stored on microfilm and transported free to users by aeroplane—this needed only the invention of the microchip to resemble the internet. He even thought of the automatic sliding door, which appeared in 1899s When The Sleeper Awakes, more than a half-century before it was invented.
H.G.Wells published hundreds of books and pamphlets of many different kinds—from novels and short stories to social commentary, reportage, travel writing and world history. An intellectual powerhouse with a genius for telling stories, any science fiction fan should seek out his work.