By Darin
Despite the fact that Mars has an atmosphere just 1 percent as dense as Earth’s,the surface of the Red Planet still has to deal with plenty of weathering and erosion.In 2008,researchers even captured a full-scale avalanche on Mars as it plunged down a 2,300-foot slope into a valley.These types of geological events often expose the structures beneath the martian surface,revealing layers of rock,dry ice and even water ice.
In a study published Thursday in the journal Science,researchers using the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter(MRO)investigated eight steep and eroded slopes at various locations across Mars.At each of these locations,they found thick shelves of relatively pure water ice located as little as 3.3 feet below the planet’s surface.Furthermore,some of these massive ice deposits were found to be more than 330 feet thick.
While scientists have observed water ice on the surface of the Red Planet many times before,researchers rarely get a chance to learn this much about its layering,thickness,purity and prevalence.
The discovery of these large reservoirs of pure water ice adds yet another piece of evidence supporting the increasingly held theory that water ice not only exists on Mars,but also is surprisingly common.Although the ice could obviously be used as a source of water for future manned missions to Mars,scientists have a long way to go before then.