胡碧華 曹子文 陳麗琨 周建中 伍健芝
[摘要] 目的 探討胸部多排螺旋CT掃描診斷職業(yè)性塵肺病的應用及其臨床意義。 方法 選取2017年8月~2018年8月我院收治的職業(yè)性塵肺病患者110例,所有患者均進行X線檢查與胸部多排螺旋CT掃描。比較兩種檢查方法塵肺各類型情況、肺內合并癥情況。 結果 胸部多排螺旋CT掃描檢查出的胸膜粘連、空洞、斑片影、病灶數(shù)目多于X線檢查(P<0.05);胸部多排螺旋CT掃描檢查出的胸膜增厚、肺門淋巴結腫大、肺大皰、肺氣腫多于X線檢查(P<0.05)。 結論 職業(yè)性塵肺病診斷中,胸部多排螺旋CT掃描的診斷結果更準確,診斷率更高。
[關鍵詞] 職業(yè)性;塵肺病;胸部多排螺旋CT掃描;X線檢查
[中圖分類號] R445.3 ? ? ? ? ?[文獻標識碼] B ? ? ? ? ?[文章編號] 1673-9701(2019)32-0104-03
Application and clinical significance of chest multi-slice spiral CT scan in diagnosis of occupational pneumoconiosis
HU Bihua ? CAO Ziwen ? CHEN Likun ? ZHOU Jianzhong ? WU Jianzhi
Department of Radiology, Occupational Health Surveillance Institute, Guangdong Occupational Disease Prevention and Treatment Institute, Guangzhou ? 510300, China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the application and clinical significance of chest multi-slice spiral CT scan in the diagnosis of occupational pneumoconiosis. Methods A total of 110 patients with occupational pneumoconiosis admitted to our hospital from August 2017 to August 2018 were enrolled. X-ray examination and chest multi-slice spiral CT scan were performed among all the patients. Types of pneumoconiosis and intrapulmonary complications of the two examination methods were compared. Results The number of cases of pleural adhesions, cavities, patchy shadows, and lesions detected by multi-slice spiral CT scan was larger than that detected by X-ray examination (P<0.05). The number of cases of pleural thickening, hilar lymph node enlargement, pulmonary bulla and pulmonary emphysema detected by multi-slice spiral CT scan was larger than that detected by X-ray examination (P<0.05). Conclusion In the diagnosis of occupational pneumoconiosis, chest multi-slice spiral CT scan has more accurate diagnosis results and higher diagnosis rate.
[Key words] Occupational; Pneumoconiosis; Chest multi-slice spiral CT scan; X-ray examination
塵肺在我國是常見的職業(yè)疾病,多發(fā)于長期進行粉塵工作的人群,主要分為石棉肺、煤工塵肺、矽肺三種,發(fā)病原因為細小粉塵長時間堆積在肺部組織中刺激組織發(fā)生病變[1]。近幾年,多層螺旋CT(Multisliecs helieal CT,MSCT)技術發(fā)展迅速,該方法掃描所需時間較短,通過多種重建、薄層等可以獲得更加清晰、高質量的圖像,有利于盡早診斷出塵肺,為患者提供治療[2]。我院在職業(yè)性塵肺病診斷中,使用胸部多排螺旋CT掃描進行診斷,診斷結果準確,現(xiàn)報道如下。
1 資料與方法