




      2019-01-09 07:05李飛洪春香
      中國現代醫(yī)生 2019年33期

      李飛 洪春香

      [摘要] 目的 探討血清胱抑素C與血清25羥維生素D對診斷兒童過敏性紫癜早期腎損害的臨床價值。 方法 選取2018年5月~2019年5月我院兒童過敏性紫癜患兒60例,根據腎功能結果分為無腎損害組和有腎損害組,每組30例,同期采用隨機數字法收集我院兒??七M行健康體檢的健康兒童30例作為對照組,比較三組尿mALB、血清CysC、25-(OH)vitD水平及其陽性情況。 結果 有腎損害組、無腎損害組尿mALB、血清CysC水平均顯著高于對照組(P<0.05),血清25-(OH)vitD水平均顯著低于對照組(P<0.05),有腎損害組尿mALB、血清CysC水平均顯著高于無腎損害組(P<0.05),血清25-(OH)vitD水平顯著低于無腎損害組(P<0.05)。有腎損害組尿mALB、血清CysC、25-(OH)vitD陽性率分別為33.3%(10/30)、26.7%(8/30)、30.0%(9/30),無腎損害組尿mALB、血清CysC、25-(OH)vitD陽性率分別為13.3%(4/30)、13.3%(4/30)、13.3%(4/30),對照組尿mALB、血清CysC、25-(OH)vitD陽性率分別為0、3.3%(1/30)、3.3%(1/30)。有腎損害組、無腎損害組尿mALB、血清CysC、25-(OH)vitD陽性率均顯著高于對照組(P<0.05),而有腎損害組患兒的尿mALB、血清CysC、25-(OH)vitD陽性率均顯著高于無腎損害組(P<0.05)。 結論 血清胱抑素C與血清25羥維生素D可用于診斷兒童過敏性紫癜早期腎損害,臨床價值高。

      [關鍵詞] 血清胱抑素C;血清25羥維生素D;兒童過敏性紫癜;早期腎損害

      [中圖分類號] R446.6? ? ? ? ? [文獻標識碼] A? ? ? ? ? [文章編號] 1673-9701(2019)33-0012-03

      [Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical value of serum cystatin C and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the diagnosis of early renal damage in children with Henoch-Schonlein purpura. Methods 60 children with Henoch-Schonlein purpura from May 2018 to May 2019 in our hospital were randomLy enrolled and divided into the group of no renal and the group of renal damage according to renal function results, 30 cases in each group. 30 case healthy children receiving healthy checkup in the same period in department of children's health prevention in our hospital were selected as controls by random number method. The levels of urine mAlb, serum CysC and 25-(OH) VitD were compared among the three groups. Results In the group of no renal damage and the group of renal damage, the urine mALB and serum CysC levels were significantly higher than those in the control group(P<0.05), and the serum 25-(OH) vitD levels were significantly lower than those in the control group(P<0.05). The urine mALB and serum CysC levels in the group of renal damage were significantly higher than those in the group of no renal damage(P<0.05), the serum 25-(OH) vitD level in the group of renal damage was significantly lower than that in the group of no renal damage(P<0.05). The positive rates of urine mALB, serum CysC, and 25-(OH) vitD in the group of renal damage were 33.3%(10/30), 26.7%(8/30), and 30.0% (9/30) respectively, the positive rates of urine mALB, serum CysC, and 25-(OH) vitD in the group of no renal damage were 13.3%(4/30), 13.3%(4/30), and 13.3%(4/30) respectively, and the positive rates of urine mALB, serum CysC, and 25-(OH) vitD in the group of no renal damage were 0, 3.3%(1/30), and 3.3%(1/30) respectively. The positive rates of urine mALB, serum CysC, and 25-(OH) vitD in the group of renal damage and the group of no renal damage were significantly higher than those in the control group(P<0.05), and the positive rates of urine mALB, serum CysC, and 25-(OH) vitD in the group of renal damage were significantly higher than those in the group of no renal damage(P<0.05). Conclusion Serum cystatin C and 25 hydroxyvitamin D can be used to diagnose early renal damage in children with Henoch Schonlein purpura, and It has a high clinical value.

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