第 1 期
許 紅,張威威,季兆鵬,王 黎,王 晴,蘇大鵬,雷寶華,楊艷秋(1)
胡明毅,孫春燕,高 達(12)
邱隆偉,穆相驥,李 浩,張 軍,葛 君,徐 爽,周士博(24)
杜紅權,王 威,時志強,談健康,曹環(huán)宇,殷雪峰(34)
汪 虎,何治亮,張永貴,蘇 坤,王濡岳,趙聰會(41)
王秀平,牟傳龍,肖朝暉,陳 堯,王啟宇(50)
邵新荷,龐雄奇,胡 濤,徐田武,徐 源,唐 令,李 慧,李龍龍(67)
鐘 鍇,朱偉林,薛永安,周心懷,徐長貴,牛成民(92)
周瑤琪,辜洋建,周騰飛,岳會雯,李曼潔,尹興城,梁 釗,曹夢春,董詩繪(109)
王龍樟,姚永堅,張 莉,周江羽,徐 行,肖嬌靜,沈 奧,徐 喬(123)
李美俊,張忠濤,陳 聰,楊程宇,盧曉林,付 健,代金慧,唐友軍(133)
劉 瑩,劉海燕,楊海長,王東東,宋廣增,呂大煒,陳 瑩,李增學(142)
張 莉,雷振宇,許 紅,帥慶偉,駱帥兵,錢 星(152)
錢 星,張 莉,易 海,韋振權,雷振宇,駱帥兵(162)
孫 輝,劉少治,呂福亮,范國章,馬宏霞(170)
王文環(huán),彭緩緩,李光泉,蔚 濤,魏晨吉(182)
馬 東,張 坤,胡君城,李賀輝,馬 龍,唐 唐(190)
鮮 強,馮許魁,劉永雷,呂 東,安海亭,蔡志東,王祖君,苑恒超(196)
邱登峰,云金表,劉全有,周 雁,寧 飛,宋海明(205)
第 2 期
周心懷,張新濤,牛成民,劉 豪,黃江波(215)
趙 珊,劉 華,蔣有錄,王永詩,郝雪峰,張 聰(223)
李志明,陶國亮,黎茂穩(wěn),蔣啟貴,曹婷婷,劉 鵬,錢門輝,謝小敏,李 政(236)
徐田武,張洪安,李繼東,趙 偉(248)
張偉忠,張云銀,查 明,曲志鵬,于景強,張 林,何 暢(262)
王 亞,楊少春,路 研,馬寶全,趙永福,王永超(271)
湯國民,王飛龍,王清斌,萬 琳,燕 歌(284)
高 輝,朱耿博侖,王泫懿,史 華,王明磊,何夢卿,竇亮彬,王 琛(302)
陳朝兵,楊友運,邵金輝,朱玉雙,陳新晶,石 磊,孟 迪(313)
袁 偉,柳廣弟,徐黎明,牛小兵(326)
陳東陽,王 峰,陳洪德,魏新善,孫 詩,祝圣賢(335)
李玉宏,高 崗,王行運,屈 童,韓 偉,宮振奇,張 文,黨文龍(346)
陳志鵬,任戰(zhàn)利,崔軍平,祁 凱,張園園,于春勇,任文波,楊桂林,劉潤川(354)
黎 榮,胡明毅,楊 威,劉滿倉(369)
鄧 莉,劉君龍,錢玉貴,張世華,王天云,于海躍(380)
喬占峰,沈安江,倪新鋒,朱永進,嚴 威,鄭劍鋒,黃理力,孫曉偉(392)
蔡習堯,高曉鵬,李慧莉,趙 燚(403)
張美華,王春華,欒 穎(413)
薛 衡,黃祖熹,王賀華,安永生,劉 榧,成 一,何 冰,劉 卡(423)
第 3 期
金之鈞,白振瑞,高 波,黎茂穩(wěn)(451)
周慶凡,金之鈞,楊國豐,董 寧,尚柱成(469)
梁新平,金之鈞,Alexander Shpilman,殷進垠,劉全有,Boris Uspensky(478)
劉可禹,劉 暢(491)
劉喜武,劉宇巍,劉志遠,宋 亮,劉 炯,霍志周,張金強,錢恪然,張穎燕(504)
劉惠民,張 順,包友書,方正偉,姚素平,王 勇(512)
支東明,唐 勇,楊智峰,郭旭光,鄭孟林, 萬 敏,黃立良(524)
許 琳,常秋生,楊成克,陶親娥,王仕莉,費李瑩,徐士陸(535)
王 偉,趙延偉,毛 銳,孫中春,牟立偉(550)
李志明,陶國亮,黎茂穩(wěn),錢門輝,謝小敏,蔣啟貴,劉 鵬,鮑云杰,夏東領(558)
蔣啟貴,黎茂穩(wěn),錢門輝,鮑云杰,劉 鵬,陶國亮,馬曉瀟,李志明,曹婷婷,吳世強(571)
李俊乾,盧雙舫,張 婕,張鵬飛,薛海濤(583)
陳方文,趙紅琴,王淑萍,盧雙舫,王 民,丁 雪(593)
高德利,劉 奎(602)
蘇建政,李鳳霞,周 彤(616)
董明哲,李亞軍,桑 茜,李 晟,李 萌,蘇玉亮(636)
蘇玉亮,魯明晶,李 萌,張 琪,王文東,董明哲(645)
李 曉,赫建明,尹 超,黃北秀,李關訪,張召彬,李麗慧(653)
王小軍,梁利喜,趙 龍,劉向君,秦志軍,李 瑋(661)
牛小兵,馮勝斌,尤 源,梁曉偉,辛紅剛,淡衛(wèi)東,李廷艷,任繼勝(669)
第 4 期
劉宇坤,何 生,何治亮,張殿偉,李天義,王曉龍,郭小文(716)
冉建斌,張藝山,李海銀,陳 佳,李文閣,邢紅閣,代 瑜(725)
錢一雄,田 蜜,李慧莉,陳 躍,沙旭光,李洪泉(738)
屈紅軍,蒲仁海,陳 碩,高勝利,鄭艷榮(752)
吳高奎,林暢松,劉永福,劉景彥,楊憲彰,李 浩(763)
張正濤,林暢松,李慧勇,黃 志,張國坤(778)
彭 麗,伍軼鳴,練章貴,彭 鵬,王 劍,蘇 洲,易珍麗(789)
逄淑伊,操應長,梁 超(799)
王 媛,汪少勇,李建忠,張義杰(810)
賀婷婷,段太忠,趙 磊,劉彥鋒(822)
王清龍,韓劍發(fā),李 浩,孫彥達,何海全,任世君(835)
宮 越,林暢松,何 敏,張忠濤,張 博,舒梁峰,馮 軒,洪芳浩(851)
姜 靜,張忠濤,李 浩,羅 祎,田洪訓,劉漢堯(864)
張曼莉,林暢松,何 敏,張忠濤,李 浩(875)
林建力,張憲國,林承焰,段冬平,黃 鑫,孫小龍,董春梅(886)
陳治軍,馬芳俠,肖 剛,張 勇,高怡文,王小多,韓長春(900)
李 全,吳 偉,康洪全,任世君,逄林安,楊 婷,蔡露露,劉小龍(917)
徐澤陽,趙靖舟,李 軍(938)
第 5 期
胡文瑄,姚素平,陸現(xiàn)彩,吳海光,孫福寧,靳 軍(947)
呂修祥,陳佩佩,陳 坤,張 杰,錢文文(957)
王玉偉,陳紅漢,郭會芳,朱志輝,王倩茹,喻 鵬,漆立新,云 露(972)
鄧 尚,李慧莉,韓 俊,崔德育,鄒 榕(990)
羅勝元,陳孝紅,劉 安,李 海(999)
孫同文,高喜成,呂延防,付 廣,王海學,王浩然(1011)
周 翔,于世泉,張大智,于海生,陳 曦(1038)
付紅軍,姜洪福,王運增,李 昂,付 廣,胡慧婷,樊自立(1048)
石文龍,牛成民,楊 波,王利良,鄧 輝,王 航,張德龍(1056)
高 陽,劉 春,白曉佳,王志章,楊 振,陳嘉豪,崔 航(1065)
魏修平,胡向陽,李 浩,趙 冀,趙連水(1084)
田繼先,李 劍,曾 旭,孔 驊,王 鵬,沙 威,王 牧,石正灝,宋德康(1095)
王雨菡,丁偉銘,劉 璇,魏 韌,董 琳(1106)
唐自成,鐘大康,王 威,石文斌,杜紅權,孫海濤,王 愛,周志恒,賈曉蘭(1115)
胡 迅,尹艷樹,馮文杰,王立鑫,段太忠,趙 磊,張文彪(1126)
王文勝,蘭義飛,史紅然,田清華,張志剛,薛 雯(1135)
第 6 期
鄭和榮,彭勇民,唐建信,龍勝祥,劉光祥,高 波,何希鵬,王運海,顧志翔(1155)
朱如凱,鄒才能,吳松濤,楊 智,毛治國,楊海波,范春怡,惠 瀟,崔景偉,蘇 玲,王煥第(1168)
蘇 越,王偉明,李吉君,龔大建,舒 芳(1185)
黃文彪,詹卓琛,逯瑞敬,高 陽,盧雙舫,白振華,楊 亮(1197)
石巨業(yè),金之鈞,劉全有,黃振凱,張 瑞(1205)
肖佃師,趙仁文,楊 瀟,房大志,李 勃,孔星星(1215)
朱毅秀,黃導武,王 歡,何賢科,師 源,佘亞明(1226)
盧 歡,徐長貴,王清斌,杜曉峰,劉曉健(1270)
田偉超,盧雙舫,王偉明,李進步,李 壯,李 杰(1281)
楊金秀,宋朋霖,何巍巍,王紅亮,王 民,肖佃師(1295)
周 磊,王永詩,于雯泉,盧雙舫(1308)
雷 誠,袁新濤,楊軒宇,徐慶巖,王 敏,佘姣鳳(1317)
張鵬飛,盧雙舫,李俊乾,薛海濤,李文鏢,張 宇,王思遠,馮文俊(1339)
《石油與天然氣地質(zhì)》期刊入選“慶祝中華人民共和國成立 70 周年精品期刊展”
Dynamic characteristics and model of hydrocarbon accumulation in the large Chunxiao oil and gas field in the East China Sea Shelf Basin
Xu Hong,Zhang Weiwei,Ji Zhaopeng,Wang Li,Wang Qing,Su Dapeng,Lei Baohua,Yang Yanqiu(1)
Characteristics of tectonic-lithofacies paleogeography in the Lower Cambrian Xiaoerbulake Formation,Tarim Basin
Hu Mingyi,Sun Chunyan,Gao Da(12)
Characteristics of detritus development in the Permian lower Shihezi Formation in Hangjinqi area and its influence on reservoir physical
Qiu Longwei,Mu Xiangji,Li Hao,Zhang Jun,Ge Jun,Xu Shuang,Zhou Shibo(24)
Geochemical characteristics and source of natural gas of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in Malubei area,northeastern Sichuan
Du Hongquan,Wang Wei,Shi zhiqiang,Tan Jiankang,Cao Huanyu,Yin Xuefeng(34)
Microfracture types of marine shale reservoir of Sichuan Basin and its influence on reservoir property
Wang Hu,He Zhiliang,Zhang Yonggui,Su Kun,Wang Ruyue,Zhao Conghui(41)
Petrologic characteristics and genesis analysis of the Ordovician Wufeng Formation-Silurian Longmaxi Formation in Laifeng-Xianfeng
area of western Hubei
Wang Xiuping,Mou Chuanlong,Xiao Zhaohui,Chen Yao,Wang Qiyu(50)
Microscopic characteristics of pores in Es3shales and its significances for hydrocarbon retention in Dongpu Sag,Bohai Bay Basin
Shao Xinhe,Pang Xiongqi,Hu Tao,Xu Tianwu,Xu Yuan,Tang Ling,Li Hui,Li Longlong(67)
Tight oil reservoir characteristics of lacustrine mixed marlstone in the Palaeogene Shahejie Formation of Shulu Sag,Bohai Bay Basin
Fu Xiaodong,Wu Jianping,Shou Jianfeng,Wang Xiaofang,Zhou Jingao,Zhang Tianfu,Guo Yongjun(78)
Petroleum geologic conditions and distributional features of large- and medium-sized oil and gas fields in Bohai Sea Basin
Zhong Kai,Zhu Weilin,Xue Yong’an,Zhou Xinhuai,Xu Changgui,Niu Chengmin(92)
Reservoir characteristics and controlling factors of Shahezi Formation in Xujiaweizi Fault Depression,Songliao Basin
Shao Zhaoyi,Wu Chaodong,Zhang Dazhi,Yang Buzeng(101)
Sedimentary strata and organic matter features of the Cretaceous Laiyang Group in eastern Shandong Province
Zhou Yaoqi,Gu Yangjian,Zhou Tengfei,Yue Huiwen,Li Manjie,Yin Xingcheng,Liang Zhao,Cao Mengchun,Dong Shihui(109)
Forebulge migration since the Mid-Miocene in the southern South China Sea:evidences from the Beikang Basin
Wang Longzhang,Yao Yongjian,Zhang Li,Zhou Jiangyu,XuXing,Xiao Jiaojing,Shen Ao, Xu Qiao(123)
Origin of reservoir bitumen and its implications for adjustment and reformation of hydrocarbon-accumulation in Baiyuan Sag, Pearl
River Mouth Basin
Li Meijun,Zhang Zhongtao,Chen Cong,Yang Chengyu,Lu Xiaolin,Fu Jian,Dai Jinhui,Tang Youjun(133)
Types and characteristics of Paleogene coal-forming sedimentary systems in Qiongdongnan Basin
Liu Ying,Liu Haiyan,Yang Haizhang,Wang Dongdong,Song Guangzeng,Lyu Dawei,Chen Ying,Li Zengxue(142)
Sedimentary features and geological conditions for hydrocarbon generation and accumulation in Taixi Basin
Zhang Li,Lei Zhenyu,Xu Hong,Shuai Qingwei,Luo Shuaibing,Qian Xing(152)
Key Cenozoic tectonic transformation in Jiulongjiang Sag,Taiwan Strait Basin and its petroleum geologic significance
Qian Xing,Zhang Li,Yi Hai,Wei Zhenquan,Lei Zhenyu,Luo Shuaibing(162)
Stratigraphic framework and temporal-spatial distribution of Oligocene deepwater sedimentary sequence in Ruvuma Basin,East Africa
Sun Hui,Liu Shaozhi,Lyv Fuliang,Fan Guozhang,Ma Hongxia(170)
Waterflooding and optimum displacement pattern for ultra-low permeability reservoirs
Wang Wenhuan,Peng Huanhuan,Li Guangquan,Yu Tao,Wei Chenji(182)
Correlation between relative permeability, capillary pressure and resistivity index
Ma Dong,Zhang Kun,Hu Juncheng,Li Hehui,Ma Long,Tang Tang(190)
Pre-stack fluid identification for fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoir in Tazhong area
Xian Qiang,Feng Xukui,Liu Yonglei,Lyv Dong,An Haiting,Cai Zhidong,Wang Zujun,Yuan Hengchao(196)
The stress concentration effect at fault end under various boundary conditions and its implications for fracture development
Qiu Dengfeng,Yun Jinbiao,Liu Quanyou,Zhou Yan,Ning Fei,Song Haiming(205)
Growth of strike-slip zone in the southern Bohai Bay Basin and its significances for hydrocarbon accumulation
Zhou Xinhuai,Zhang Xintao,Niu Chengmin,Liu Hao,Huang Jiangbo(215)
Ramp zone types and their hydrocarbon distribution characteristics in the Bohai Bay Basin
Zhao Shan,Liu Hua,Jiang Youlu,Wang Yongshi,Hao Xuefeng,Zhang Cong(223)
Favorable interval for shale oil prospecting in coring Well L69 in the Paleogene Es3Lin Zhanhua Sag,Jiyang Depression,Bohai Bay
Li Zhiming,Tao Guoliang,Li Maowen,Jiang Qigui,Cao Tingting,Liu Peng,Qian Menhui,Xie Xiaomin,Li Zheng(236)
Characters of hydrocarbon generation and accumulation of salt-lake facies in Dongpu Sag,Bohai Bay Basin
Xu Tianwu,Zhang Hong’an,Li Jidong,Zhao Wei(248)
Genetic model of transtensional faults in Dongying Depression,Bohai Bay Basin,and its controls over hydrocarbon accumulation
Zhang Weizhong,Zhang Yunyin,Zha Ming,Qu Zhipeng,Yu Jingqiang,Zhang Lin,He Chang(262)
Characteristics and controlling factors of effective reservoirs of Mesozoic low-permeability clastic rocks in Gaoqing Region,Dongying
Depression,Bohai Bay Basin,China
Wang Ya,Yang Shaochun,Lu Yan,Ma Baoquan,Zhao Yongfu,Wang Yongchao(271)
Genesis and accumulation models of sulfur-rich heavy oil in Laizhou Bay Sag,Bohai Sea
Tang Guomin,Wang Feilong,Wang Qingbin,Wan Lin,Yan Ge(284)
Quality differences between dolomite and tight sandstone reservoirs
Wei Xinshan,Chen Juanping,Lyu Qiqi,Zhao Xiaohui,Jia Ya’ni(294)
Differences and origin of micro-pore throat characteristics for tight sandstone reservoir of Yanchang Formation,Ordos Basin
Gao Hui,Zhugeng Bolun,Wang Xuanyi,Shi Hua,Wang Minglei,He Mengqing,Dou Liangbin,Wang Chen(302)
Origin and distribution of formation water in tight sandstone reservoirs in the northeastern Ordos Basin
Chen Zhaobing,Yang Youyun,Shao Jinhui,Zhu Yushuang,Chen Xinjing,Shi Lei,Meng Di(313)
Main controlling factors for organic matter enrichment in Chang 7 member of the Yanchang Formation,Ordos Basin
Yuan Wei,Liu Guangdi,Xu Liming,Niu Xiaobing(326)
Characterization of braided river reservoir architecture of the Upper Paleozoic He 8 member on Fugu Tianshengqiao outcrop,eastern
Ordos Basin
Chen Dongyang,Wang Feng,Chen Hongde,Wei Xinshan,Sun Shi,Zhu Shengxian(335)
Characteristics of newly discovered crude oil in the Weihe Basin and its petroleum geological significance
Li Yuhong,Gao Gang,Wang Xingyun,Qu Tong,Han Wei,Gong Zhenqi,Zhang Wen,Dang Wenlong(346)
Age and petroleum geological implications of prolific formations in Ha’ri Depression Well YHC1,Yin’e Basin
Chen Zhipeng,Ren Zhanli,Cui Junping,Qi Kai,Zhang Yuanyuan,Yu Chunyong,Ren Wenbo,Yang Guiling,Liu Runchuan(354)
Sedimentary facies model and favorable reservoir distribution of the Middle Permian in Sichuan Basin
Li Rong,Hu Mingyi,Yang Wei,Liu Mancang(369)
Provenance and sedimentary system of the Jurassic successions in the front of Longmen Mountain in western Sichuan Basin
Deng Li,Liu Junlong,Qian Yugui,Zhang Shihua,Wang Tianyun,Yu Haiyue(380)
Types of mound-shoal complex of the Lower Cambrian Xiaoerbulake Formation in Tarim Basin,northwest China,and its implications for
Qiao Zhanfeng,Shen Anjiang,Ni Xinfeng,Zhu Yongjin,Yan Wei,Zheng Jianfeng,Huang Lili,Sun Xiaowei(392)
Sedimentary microfacies and setting of the Upper Ordovician carbonates in the Yubei area,Tarim Basin
Cai Xiyao,Gao Xiaopeng,Li Huili,Zhao Yi(403)
Inverted rate of boundary faults along Fulongquan fault depression,Songliao Basin
Zhang Meihua,Wang Chunhua,Luan Ying(413)
Water control completion of horizontal wells in Ahdeb oilfield and an integrated coupling model
Xue Heng,Huang Zuxi,Wang Hehua,An Yongsheng,Liu Fei,Cheng Yi,He Bing,Liu Ka(423)
Study and application of online diversion acidizing technology in injection wells in ultra-low permeability reservoirs
Deng Zhiying,Zhang Suiwang,Song Zhaojie,Wang Erzhen,Yang Qianlong,Wu Wenchao(430)
An approach to calculate developed reserves in gas drive fractured-vuggy reservoirs in Tahe oilfield
Zhu Guiliang,Sun Jianfang,Liu Zhongchun(436)
An approach to recognize interwell reservoir connectivity based on production data
Wang Renyi(443)
Has China ushered in the shale oil and gas revolution?
Jin Zhijun,Bai Zhenrui,Gao Bo,Li Maowen(451)
Shale oil resource potential and its mobility assessment:A case study of Upper Devonian Duvernay shale in Western Canada Sedimentary
Chen Zhuoheng,Li Maowen,Jiang Chunqing,Qian Menhui(459)
Shale oil exploration and production in the U.S.: Status and outlook
Zhou Qingfan,Jin Zhijun,Yang Guofeng,Dong Ning,Shang Zhucheng(469)
Geological characteristics and latest progress in exploration and development of Russian shale oil
Liang Xinping,Jin Zhijun,Alexander Shpilman,Yin Jinyin,Liu Quanyou,Boris Uspensky(478)
“Chemo-sedimentary facies” analysis: An effective method to study fine-grained sedimentary rocks
Liu Keyu,Liu Chang(491)
Progresses in geophysical characterization of continental shale oil sweet spots
Liu Xiwu,Liu Yuwei,Liu Zhiyuan,Song Liang,Liu Jiong,Huo Zhizhou,Zhang Jinqiang,Qian Keran,Zhang Yingyan(504)
Geological characteristics and effectiveness of the shale oil reservoir in Dongying sag
Liu Huimin,Zhang Shun,Bao Youshu,Fang Zhengwei,Yao Suping,Wang Yong(512)
Geological characteristics and accumulation mechanism of continental shale oil in Jimusaer sag,Junggar Basin
Zhi Dongming,Tang Yong,Yang Zhifeng,Guo Xuguang,Zheng Menglin,Wan Min,Huang Liliang(524)
Characteristics and oil-bearing capability of shale oil reservoir in the Permian Lucaogou Formation,Jimusaer sag
Xu Lin,Chang Qiusheng,Yang Chengke,Tao Qin’e,Wang Shili,Fei Liying,Xu Shilu(535)
Determination of the starting time for measurement of NMR effective porosity in shale oil reservoir:A case study of the Permian
Lucaogou shale oil reservoir,Jimusaer sag
Wang Wei,Zhao Yanwei,Mao Rui,Sun Zhongchun,Mu Liwei(550)
Discussion on prospecting potential of shale oil in the 3rdsub-member of the Triassic Chang 7 member in Binchang block,southwestern
Ordos Basin
Li Zhiming,Tao Guoliang,Li Maowen,Qian Menhui,Xie Xiaomin,Jiang Qigui,Liu Peng,Bao Yunjie,Xia Dongling(558)
Experimental procedures of well-site geological evaluation for shale oil and related technological progress
Jiang Qigui,Li Maowen,Qian Menhui,Bao Yunjie,Liu Peng,Tao Guoliang,Ma Xiaoxiao,Li Zhiming,Cao Tingting,Wu Shiqiang(571)
Quantitative evaluation models of adsorbed and free shale oil and its microscopic occurrence mechanism
Li Junqian,Lu Shuangfang,Zhang Jie,Zhang Pengfei,Xue Haitao(583)
Evaluation of movable shale oil reserves in the Es1Lof the Raoyang sag,Jizhong Depression
Chen Fangwen,Zhao Hongqin,Wang Shuping,Lu Shuangfang,Wang Min,Ding Xue(593)
Progresses in shale gas well integrity research
Gao Deli,Liu Kui(602)
Hydraulic fracture propagation behavious and geometry under supercritical CO2fracturing in shale reservoirs
Su Jianzheng,Li Fengxia,Zhou Tong(616)
Fracturing technology of stimulated reservoir volume with subdivision cutting for shale oil horizontal wells in Ordos Basin
Mu Lijun,Zhao Zhenfeng,Li Xianwen,Zhang Kuangsheng,Tang Meirong,Du Xianfei,Bai Xiaohu(626)
Reservoir conditions and mechanism of shale oil flow
Dong Mingzhe,Li Yajun,Sang Qian,Li Sheng,Li Meng,Su Yuliang(636)
Numerical simulation of shale oil coupled flow in multi-pore media
Su Yuliang,Lu Mingjing,Li Meng,Zhang Qi,Wang Wendong,Dong Mingzhe(645)
Characteristics of the shale bedding planes and their control on hydraulic fracturing
Li Xiao,He Jianming,Yin Chao,Huang Beixiu,Li Guanfang,Zhang Zhaobin,Li Lihui(653)
Rock mechanics and fracability evaluation of the Lucaogou Formation oil shales in Jimusaer sag, Junggar Basin
Wang Xiaojun,Liang Lixi,Zhao Long,Liu Xiangjun,Qin Zhijun,Li Wei(661)
Fracture extension and distribution pattern of volume fracturing in tight reservoir:An analysis based on actual coring data after
Niu Xiaobing,Feng Shengbin,You Yuan,Liang Xiaowei,Xin Honggang,Dan Weidong,Li Yanyan,Ren Jisheng(669)
Organic matter pyrolysis kinetics and formation permeability variation during upgrading process of low-maturity shale oil
Wang Yiwei,Wang Youping,Meng Xianglong,Su Jianzheng,Long Qiulian(678)
Sedimentary dynamics of basin:Status and trend
Lin Changsong(685)
Sedimentary environment of the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation shale in the Upper Yangtze region
Zhao Jianhua,Jin Zhijun,Lin Changsong,Liu Guangxiang,Liu Keyu,Liu Zhongbao,Zhang Yuying(701)
The rock physics modeling experiment under overpressure and theoretical model for overpressure prediction in carbonate rocks
Liu Yukun,He Sheng,He Zhiliang,Zhang Dianwei,Li Tianyi,Wang Xiaolong,Guo Xiaowen(716)
The “2W1H” seismic exploration technique and its application in Pubei area,Turpan-Hami Basin
Ran Jianbin,Zhang Yishan,Li Haiyin,Chen Jia,Li Wenge,Xing Hongge,Dai Yu(725)
Formation of fault bend fold-controlled meteoric karst reservoir in the middle and late Himalayan movement: A case study of the
Dawangou Formation carbonate rocks at Yangjikan section,Keping,northwestern Tarim Basin
Qian Yixiong,Tian Mi,Li Huili,Chen Yue,Sha Xuguang,Li Hongquan(738)
Controls of facies-potential coupling on oil accumulation in the Mesozoic Ordos Basin
Qu Hongjun,Pu Renhai,Chen Shuo,Gao Shengli,Zheng Yanrong(752)
Characteristics of major unconformities and paleo-geomorphology during the Mesozoic key transformation stages in Kuqa-Tabei area
Wu Gaokui,Lin Changsong,Liu Yongfu,Liu Jingyan,Yang Xianzhang,Li Hao(763)
Characteristics of the Neogene strike-slip faults and their controls on hydrocarbon accumulation in Shaleitian uplift,Bohai Bay Basin
Zhang Zhengtao,Lin Changsong,Li Huiyong,Huang Zhi,Zhang Guokun(778)
Features and sedimentary evolution of high-frequency sequence in continental lacustrine rift basin:Example of the lower Shahejie member 3
in Jiyang Depression,Bohai Bay Basin
Peng Li,Wu Yiming,Lian Zhanggui,Peng Peng,Wang Jian,Su Zhou,Yi Zhenli(789)
Lithofacies characteristics and sedimentary environment of Es4Uand Es3L:A case study of Well FY1 in Dongying sag,Bohai Bay Basin
Pang Shuyi,Cao Yingchang,Liang Chao(799)
The hydrocarbon expulsion efficiency of medium-low mature source rocks and tight-shale oil potential in the Es4,Leijia area in West
Depression,Liaohe Basin
Wang Yuan,Wang Shaoyong,Li Jianzhong,Zhang Yijie(810)
Triassic sedimentary model in Block T of Tahe oilfield,Tarim Basin
He Tingting,Duan Taizhong,Zhao Lei,Liu Yanfeng(822)
Carbonate sequence architecture, sedimentary evolution and sea level fluctuation of the Middle and Lower Ordovician on outcrops at
the northwestern margin of Tarim Basin
Wang Qinglong,Han Jianfa,Li Hao,Sun Yanda,He Haiquan,Ren Shijun(835)
Characteristics and geological significance of unconformities at the late Early Oligocene in the Pearl River Mouth Basin,northern South
China Sea
Gong Yue,Lin Changsong,He Min,Zhang Zhongtao,Zhang Bo,Shu Liangfeng,Feng Xuan,Hong Fanghao(851)
Late Miocene to Quaternary sequence architecture and unidirectionally-migrating channels in the northeastern continental slope,Pearl
River Mouth Basin
Jiang Jing,Zhang Zhongtao,Li Hao,Luo Yi,Tian Hongxun,Liu Hanyao(864)
Sequence architecture and evolution of shelf-margin deltaic systems of the Late Oligocene in Pearl River Mouth Basin
Zhang Manli,Lin Changsong,He Min,Zhang Zhongtao,Li Hao(875)
Diagenetic evolution characteristics constrained by lithofacies in deep tight sand gas reservoir
Lin Jianli,Zhang Xianguo,Lin Chengyan,Duan Dongping,Huang Xin,Sun Xiaolong,Dong Chunmei(886)
Oil-sources rock correlation of Bayingebi Formation in Hari sag,Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin
Chen Zhijun,Ma Fangxia,Xiao Gang,Zhang Yong,Gao Yiwen,Wang Xiaoduo,Han Changchun(900)
Characteristics and controlling factors of deep-water channel sedimentation in Lower Congo Basin,West Africa
Li Quan,Wu Wei,Kang Hongquan,Ren Shijun,Pang Lin’an,Yang Ting,Cai Lulu,Liu Xiaolong(917)
Prediction of preservation conditions for Nanchuan shale gas reservoirs based on distribution of seismic quality factorQ
Tang Jianxin(930)
The impact of organic matter content on overpressure analysis and its correction method in the first member of Cretaceous Qingshankou
Formation,Placanticline area, Songliao Basin
Xu Zeyang,Zhao Jingzhou,Li Jun(938)
Effects of organic matter evolution on oil reservoir property during diagenesis of typical continental shale sequences
Hu Wenxuan,Yao Suping,Lu Xiancai,Wu Haiguang,Sun Funing1,Jin Jun(947)
Effects of differential diagenesis of deep carbonate rocks on hydrocarbon zonation and accumulation:A case study of Yingshan Formation
on northern slope of Tazhong uplift,Tarim Basin
Lyu Xiuxiang,Chen Peipei,Chen Kun,Zhang Jie,Qian Wenwen(957)
Hydrocarbon charging history of the ultra-deep reservoir in Shun 1 strike-slip fault zone,Tarim Basin
Wang Yuwei,Chen Honghan,Guo Huifang,Zhu Zhihui,Wang Qianru,Yu Peng,Qi Lixin,Yun Lu(972)
Characteristics of the central segment of Shunbei 5 strike-slip fault zone in Tarim Basin and its geological significance
Deng Shang,Li Huili,Han Jun,Cui Deyu,Zou Rong(990)
Geochemical features and genesis of shale gas from the Lower Cambrian Shuijingtuo Formation shale in Yichang block,Middle Yangtze
Luo Shengyuan,Chen Xiaohong,Liu An,Li Hai(999)
Research progress in fault transformation zones as lateral or vertical hydrocarbon migration pathways
Sun Tongwen,Gao Xicheng,Lyu Yanfang,Fu Guang,Wang Haixue,Wang Haoran(1011)
Characteristics and main controlling factors of natural fractures in the Lower-to-Middle Ordovician carbonate reservoirs in Tahe area,
Northern Tarim Basin
Hao Junmin,Wang Xiaoyao,Sun Jianfang,Sun Xiaotong,Shi Jinxiong,Cao Dongsheng,Zeng Lianbo(1022)
A model of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in non-hydrocarbon-generating subsag at basin margins and its exploration
significance:A case study on Sanhecun subsag of Zhanhua Sag,Bohai Bay Basin
Peng Cuncang(1031)
Characteristics and major controlling factors of gas-water distribution in tight volcanic gas reservoir in Xushen gas field,Songliao Basin
Zhou Xiang,Yu Shiquan,Zhang Dazhi,Yu Haisheng,Chen Xi(1038)
Improvement and application of the method for quantifying lateral transport capacity of fault-sandstone configuration
Fu Hongjun,Jiang Hongfu,Wang Yunzeng,Li Ang,Fu Guang,Hu Huiting,Fan Zili(1048)
Mechanism of “strike-slip-extensional” composite faults-controlled hydrocarbon accumulation in the northeastern Laizhouwan Sag,and
its enlightenment for exploration
Shi Wenlong,Niu Chengmin,Yang Bo,Wang Liliang,Deng Hui,Wang Hang,Zhang Delong(1056)
Cement characteristics of overgrown authigenic ferron dolomite and its impact on tight sandstone reservoirs qualities:Case study of the
Chang 4 & 5 members of Triassic Yanchang Formation in Longdong area,Ordos Basin
Gao Yang,Liu Chun,Bai Xiaojia,Wang Zhizhang,Yang Zhen,Chen Jiahao,Cui Hang(1065)
Differential structural deformation of the Dajiaoshiba area,East Chongqing
Tuo Xiusong,Chen Kongquan,Luo Shunshe,Tang Jiguang,Zhang Shuishan,Liu Qijun(1074)
An evaluation on logging data of horizontal wells in tight sand gas reservoir—A case study of drilling sector X in Daniudi gas field,
Ordos Basin
Wei Xiuping,Hu Xiangyang,Li Hao,Zhao Ji,Zhao Lianshui(1084)
Accumulation conditions and favorable plays for deep gas exploration at the northern margin of Qaidam Basin
Tian Jixian,Li Jian,Zeng Xu,Kong Hua,Wang Peng,Sha Wei,Wang Mu,Shi Zhenghao,Song Dekang(1095)
Lithofacies and causal mechanism of organic matter enrichment in the lower submember of the 3rd member of Shahejie Formation,
Bonan sag,Bohai Bay Basin
Wang Yuhan,Ding Weiming,Liu Xuan,Wei Ren,Dong Lin(1106)
Pore types and geological significance of calcarenaceous sandstones in the 3rd member of Xujiahe Formation in Yuanba area,
Northeastern Sichuan Basin
Tang Zicheng,Zhong Dakang,Wang Wei,Shi Wenbin,Du Hongquan,Sun Haitao,Wang Ai,Zhou Zhiheng,Jia Xiaolan(1115)
Establishment of training images of turbidity channels in deep waters and application of multi-point geostatistical modeling
Hu Xun,Yin Yanshu,Feng Wenjie,Wang Lixin,Duan Taizhong,Zhao Lei,Zhang Wenbiao(1126)
Spatial analysis of the sedimentary stages for composite channels based on sand-stratum ratio:A case study of the 2rd submember of
the lower 8th member of Shihezi Formation in the infilled pattern test area of Block ST,Sulige gas field,Ordos Basin
Wang Wensheng,Lan Yifei,Shi Hongran,Tian Qinghua,Zhang Zhigang,Xue Wen(1135)
Effect of SEM parameters on quantitative evaluation of shale micropores
Zhao Rixin,Lu Shuangfang,Xue Haitao,Tian Shansi(1141)
Exploration prospect of normal-pressure shale gas in Middle and Upper Yangtze regions:A case study of the Lower Cambrian shale in
Xiangzhong Depression
Zheng Herong,Peng Yongmin,Tang Jianxin,Long Shengxiang,Liu Guangxiang,Gao Bo,He Xipeng,Wang Yunhai,Gu Zhixiang(1155)
Mechanism for generation and accumulation of continental tight oil in China
Zhu Rukai,Zou Caineng,Wu Songtao,Yang Zhi,Mao Zhiguo,Yang Haibo,Fan Chunyi,Hui Xiao,Cui Jingwei,Su Ling,
Wang Huandi
Origin of nitrogen in marine shale gas in Southern China and its significance as an indicator
Su Yue,Wang Weiming,Li Jijun,Gong Dajian,Shu Fang(1185)
Microscope dynamic process and controlling factors of oil charging in tight reservoir
Huang Wenbiao,Zhan Zhuochen,Lu Ruijing,Gao Yang,Lu Shuangfang,Bai Zhenhua,Yang Liang(1197)
Quantitative classification of high-frequency sequences in fine-grained lacustrine sedimentary rocks based on Milankovitch theory
Shi Juye,Jin Zhijun,Liu Quanyou,Huang Zhenkai,Zhang Rui(1205)
Characterization,classification and contribution of marine shale gas reservoirs
Xiao Dianshi,Zhao Renwen,Yang Xiao,Fang Dazhi,Li Bo,Kong Xingxing(1215)
Sedimentary setting of thick sandstone in the 3rd member of the Oligocene Huagang Formation in A gas field in the Xihu Sag,East China
Sea Basin
Zhu Yixiu,Huang Daowu,Wang Huan,He Xianke,Shi Yuan,She Yaming(1226)
Discussion on the enrichment and mobility of continental shale oil in Biyang Depression
Feng Guoqi,Li Jijun,Liu Jiewen,Zhang Xinwen,Yu Zhiyuan,Tan Jingjuan(1236)
Quantitative evaluation of adsorbed and free gas and their mutual conversion in Wufeng-Longmaxi shale,Fuling area
Pang Xiaoting,Chen Guohui,Xu Chenxi,Tong Maosheng,Ni Binwu,Bao Hanyong(1247)
Mechanism of shale oil accumulation in the Hetaoyuan Formation from the Biyang Depression,Nanxiang Basin
He Taohua,Li Wenhao,Tan Zhaozhao,Wang Ya,Zhang Wenbo,Zhang Xinwen(1259)
Genetic mechanism of carbonate cements and its impact on the Mesozoic clastic reservoir quality of the C12 and Q17 structures,
Bohai Sea Area
Lu Huan,Xu Changgui,Wang Qingbin,Du Xiaofeng,Liu Xiaojian(1270)
Evolution mechanism of micro/nano-scale pores in volcanic weathering crust reservoir in the Kalagang Formation in Santanghu Basin
and their relationship with oil-bearing property
Tian Weichao,Lu Shuangfang,Wang Weiming,Li Jinbu,Li Zhuang,Li Jie(1281)
Distribution pattern of paleo and present BSRs in the toe-thrust belt of Niger Delta front
Yang Jinxiu,Song Penglin,He Weiwei,Wang Hongliang,Wang Min,Xiao Dianshi(1295)
Classification assessment of tight sandstone reservoir based on calculation of lower and upper limits of physical properties—A case
study of the tight sandstone reservoir in the 1st member of Funing Formation in Gaoyou Sag,North Jiangsu Basin
Zhou Lei,Wang Yongshi,Yu Wenquan,Lu Shuangfang(1308)
Quantitative characterization of fault lateral sealing capacity based on 3-D SGR model—A case from M field,Niger
Lei Cheng,Yuan Xintao,Yang Xuanyu,Xu Qingyan,Wang Min,She Jiaofeng(1317)
A new method to calculate shale gas content based on gas reservoir characterization—A case study of Wells JY 1 and PY 1 in Sichuan
Basin and its surrounding areas
Li Donghui,Nie Haikuan(1324)
Mechanism of shale oil mobilization under CO2injection
Zhao Qingmin,Lun Zengmin,Zhang Xiaoqing,Lang Dongjiang,Wang Haitao(1333)
Identification method of sweet spot zone in lacustrine shale oil reservoir and its application:A case study of the Shahejie Formation in
Dongying Sag,Bohai Bay Basin
Zhang Pengfei,Lu Shuangfang,Li Junqian,Xue Haitao,Li Wenbiao,Zhang Yu,Wang Siyuan,Feng Wenjun(1339)