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The article in Time on Dec 6th 2018, The Divorce Rate Is Dropping.That May Not Actually Be Good News mentions that divorce is on the decline to 39% and has been since the 1980s (50%)in America. But in practice, this does not mean more people are living happily ever after. The people who are getting married are increasingly staying married. But that group is an ever-smaller and more privileged group of individuals.Marriage is becoming one of the many institutions from which the poor, and less-educated are excluded.
The article with the title saying White House officials reprimanded for violating the Hatch Act in Washingtonpost on Dec 3rd, 2018, mentioned that six White House officials violated a federal law that prohibits public employees from conducting political activity in their official roles when they used their official Twitter accounts to send or display political messages supporting President Trump. Hatch Act is aimed to make sure the government is run in a nonpartisan fashion and to protect federal employees from political coercion.