——A Case Study of Industrial Poverty Alleviation of Xueshan Township in Luquan County of Yunnan Province through Planting Codonopsis pilosula"/>
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1. Targeted Poverty Alleviation and Development Institute, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, Kunming 650221, China; 2. Office of Rural Work Leading Group of Kunming Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Kunming 650500, China; 3. People’s Government of Xueshan Township, Luquan County, Luquan 651517, China
Abstract Due to the severe restrictions of natural conditions and ecological environment, high-altitude mountainous areas usually become the "hard bones" in the battle against poverty. Xueshan Township, Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County of Yunnan Province, located in the alpine valley of Jinsha River, is a major township with wide and deep poverty, and the incidence of poverty is up to 45.00%. In recent years, Xueshan Township has insisted on the battle against poverty, made effort to develop the Codonopsis pilosula industry, and successfully developed a road to poverty alleviation through C. pilosula industry, and formed a unique industrial poverty alleviation model by the end of 2018, the incidence of poverty dropped to 0.74%. Based on field survey and interview, this paper analyzes and summarizes the specific practices, main results, practical experience and promotion and application measures of the poverty alleviation model of C. pilosula planting industry in Xueshan Township, in the hope of providing certain reference for the targeted poverty alleviation in similar areas in Yunnan Province and other provinces of China.
Key words High-altitude mountainous areas, Industrial poverty alleviation, Chinese herbal medicine planting, Codonopsis pilosula, Model, Xueshan Township of Luquan County
Eliminating (or reducing) poverty is an essential requirement for the development of human society[1]. As the largest developing country in the world, China has the important mission and arduous task of poverty alleviation. Since 2014, China has implemented the targeted poverty alleviation strategy. In September 2015, the UN issuedTransformingourWorld:the2030AgendaforSustainableDevelopment, proposing eliminating all forms of poverty by 2030[2]. To respond to this requirement, Chinese government promptly formulatedChina’sNationalPlanonImplementationofthe2030AgendaforSustainableDevelopment[3], to ensure all the rural population living are lifted out of poverty, achieve poverty alleviation in all poor counties and solve the overall regional poverty issues by 2020[3-5]. The implementation of the policy of targeted poverty alleviation has become a mission of promoting and implementing the 13th Five-Year Plan and comprehensively building a well-off society[6]; theReporttothe19thNationalCongressoftheCommunistPartybecomeChinaincluded the targeted poverty alleviation into one of the three key tasks of building a well-off society in an all-round way[7]. There are many forms and approaches for poverty alleviation. However, the practice has proved that the industrial poverty alleviation is the fundamental means to help the poor people get rid of poverty, and is the only way to shake off poverty[8-10], and ranks first in the "five batches" of China’s targeted poverty alleviation strategy[5].
Luquan County is one of the national level poor counties of Yunnan Province, its poverty is wide and deep[11]. Xueshan Township is a high-altitude mountainous township with the largest difference in altitude, the most formidable natural conditions and the highest incidence of poverty. It is located in the alpine valley of Jinsha River, with the highest altitude of 4 247 m, the lowest altitude of 794 m, the altitude difference is up to 3 453 m. "High mountain, deep valley, steep slope, many bends, dangerous road" are the basic portrayal of the township. Most parts of Xueshan Township are high-altitude mountainous areas, the overall slope is large, the climate is cold, and the traffic is inconvenient. All these greatly restrict the industrial development. Before 2015, the local people made their living relying on planting traditional crops such as maize and potato, their income was very low. As a result, the poverty is wide and deep. In the whole Xueshan Township, the number of registered poor households was 1 367, the poor population was 5 311, the incidence of poverty reached 45.00% (the percentage of registered poor population to total population of agricultural households in 2014), making Xueshan Township rank the first of the poor towns of Luquan County. All seven village committees of Xueshan Township are poverty-stricken villages, including five deep poverty-stricken villages. How to develop suitable industries on the barren land of high-altitude mountainous areas to promote the poor people to increase income and stabilize poverty is the biggest problem facing Xueshan Township. To implement the great project of people’s livelihood, the party committee and government of Xueshan Township has always made active effort and bold innovation. In March of 2015, through consultation with many parties and learning experience of other areas, Xueshan Township decided to introduce Chinese herbal medicines such asC.pilosula, and firstly plant in Shugu Village Committee. After making initial achievements, in 2017, it decided to promote the Chinese herbal medicine planting industry in the whole township, established a unique industrial poverty alleviation model for high-altitude mountainous areas. By the end of 2018, it has achieved better poverty alleviation effect, the incidence of poverty at the end of 2018 in Xueshan Township dropped to 0.74%. Based on field survey and interview with rural cadres, this paper analyzes and summarizes the specific practices, main results, practical experience and promotion and application measures of the poverty alleviation model ofC.pilosulaplanting industry in Xueshan Township, with the aim of providing necessary references for the targeted poverty alleviation in similar areas in Yunnan Province and other provinces of China.
2.1Makingscientificplanandmakingclearofnewideasofindustrialdevelopment(i) Based on the pilot project in Shugu Village Committee in 2015-2016, it determined the industrial development idea of "large-scale planting, regional distribution, standardized production, specialized varieties, and market-oriented marketing". Besides, according to the vertical climate characteristics of the alpine valley, it made the regional industrial distribution of high, medium and low altitude levels, to actively strive for the related policies and steadily promote the implementation. The specific distribution is as follows: in the high-altitude cold mountainous area with an altitude ≥2 400 m, crop rotation of Chinese herbal medicines such asC.pilosulaandAngelicasinensis; at medium altitudes of 1 500-2 400 m, mainly planting industrial crops such asChaenomelessinensisand redZanthoxylumbungeanum; in the low-heat valley mountainous areas with an altitude <1 500 m, mainly planting greenZanthoxylumbungeanum,SorghumbicolorandCitrusmedica, and experimentally planting hot zone fruits[13]. (ii) Giving full play to the guiding and promotion effects of industrial poverty alleviation funds, and making accurate plan, encouraging and guiding industrial assistance objects to actively participate in industrial development and promote the development of poverty alleviation industry in the whole township through land circulation, crop management and protection fees, seedling supply, planting incentives,etc., to realize steadily poverty alleviation of the registered poor households and constant increase of the income of non-poor people, new identified and registered poor households can obtain income of 2 700 yuan annually within three years, and ensured the rural labors are liberated and there are more migrant workers, and the family economic income of household will be further increased.
2.2Issuingdetailedindustrialdevelopmentplan,implementingpoliciesinaccordancewithindividualhouseholds,andactivatingtheindustrialsupportfunds(i) Making detailed industrial development plan, and implementing policies in accordance with individual households. Xueshan Township fully implemented the "five-one" stable income-increasing model of Luquan County (namely, one planting and breeding industry, one mu of land circulation, one cooperative share, one mu of economic forest fruit, one photovoltaic poverty alleviation project) and the "one policy for one household" development plan, made-to-order development of the planting industry, each household has more than two stable industrial projects (the land circulation of is 0.133 ha each household, 7 500 yuan/year per for 1 ha of land circulation, approved as per the standard of three years; average household planting of red (green)Z.bungeanumup tp 0.133 ha, and each household signs a made-to-order planting agreement; newly identified and registered poor households have 0.133 ha crop management and protection fees (8 250 yuan/ha annually, approved as per the standard of three years), to ensure sustained and stable income increase of poor households. (ii) Making every effort to integrate and activate the industrial support funds. For households plantingC.pilosula, each household was provided with subsidy of 7 500 yuan/ha for seedling costs (households of Shugu Village Committee obtained subsidy of 300 yuan). Besides, households were rewarded according to the survival rate ofC.pilosula: 300 yuan if the survival rate of seedlings is ≥60%; 200 yuan if the survival rate of seedlings is 40%-60%; no reward if the survival rate is lower than 40%. For planting red (green)Z.bungeanum, the township government provides seedlings free of charge. After the survival of seedlings, award will be given at five yuan for each survival seedlings (up to 0.133 ha); for planting varieties other than red (green)Z.bungeanumandC.pilosula, award of 300 yuan will be given if the survival rate is ≥60%, and 200 yuan will be given if the survival rate is 40%-60%.
2.3Exploringandpracticing"partybranch+company+cooperative+farmers"C.pilosulaplantingmodelXueshan Township carefully studied and actively explored the path of "double promotion" of party building and poverty alleviation, found the combination of grassroots party building and poverty alleviation, realized the organic integration of grassroots party building and poverty alleviation. Besides, Xueshan Township put the emphasis of the grassroots party building to promote poverty alleviation in the elimination of root causes for poverty, to ensure the "seamless connection" of grassroots party building with poverty alleviation, and established the "party branch+enterprise+cooperative+farmers’ model. In addition, it built the party organization on the industrial chain, gathered the leaders of getting rich on the industrial chain, to give full play to the guiding and demonstration role of the party organization. Through the party organizations guiding cooperatives, cooperatives promoting the farmers, the company guaranteeing the market operation and sales, it enhanced farmers’ ability to withstand market risks, and realized the advantages of grassroots party organizations in political leadership, policy guidance, and mobilization of the farmers, and the company and farmers’ professional cooperatives in technology, information, market, and funds, to fully expand the channels for poor farmers to increase their incomes, ensure that poor people can get rid of poverty and become rich, and effectively promote the increase of incomes of poor people in the villages, and make Xueshan Township become a real "C.Pilosulatownship" and achieve a sustained and stable increase of the poverty alleviation industry.
2.4Takingvariousmeasurestoimprovetheorganizationallevel(i) Supporting various business entities, introducing many companies including Kunming Youzhi Agricultural Science and Technology Service Co., Ltd., establishing five agricultural cooperatives, and building a "party branch+company+cooperative+farmers" poverty alleviation industrial development model, to achieve the "double promotion" of party building and poverty alleviation", build the party organization on the industrial chain, gather the leaders of getting rich on the industrial chain, vigorously developing the rural collective economy, actively promote the full coverage of the poor rural households by the new rural cooperative organizations, and promote 2 657 households (including 1 367 registered poor households), to realize sustained and stable income increase of poor households through industrial poverty alleviation. (ii) Establishing a township-level e-commerce platform and seven village-level e-commerce sites, broadening the farmers’ rich getting path from agricultural product sales, made-to-order planting and financial services, and realize income of 1.96 million yuan. (iii) Combining the geographical and environmental conditions of the township with the development of the farmer’s industry, strengthening the development plan of the village collective economy, studying the industrial development plan in accordance with specific conditions of each village and household, one policy for one village, one characteristic for one village, ensure each administration village has a continuous and stable village collective economic project, to make the poor villages meet the standard of getting rid of poverty. In addition, Xueshan Township vigorously promoted the "party branch+company+cooperative+farmers" model, the company and the village committee signed a purchase agreement, the cooperative signed a planting agreement with the farmers, and determined thatC.Pilosulawill be purchased by village committee and cooperatives at the minimum protection price, and the company and cooperative agreed to return 0.2 yuan/kg ofC.Pilosulato the collective economy of the village party organization. By the end of 2018, seven administrative villages in Xueshan Township had fully realized the standard of collective economic income more than 20 000 yuan, of which the collective economy of Shugu Village Committee was 64 000 yuan.
3.1IncomeincreaseoffarmersThrough the hard work of the 12 000 people in the township in recent years, Xueshan Township has achieved a structural breakthrough in the Chinese herbal medicine planting industry represented byC.pilosula. According to the field survey,C.pilosulaplanting industry in Xueshan Township has truly become its star industry, and it has become the "money tree" for the income increase of the poor people in Xueshan Township. In 2018, Xueshan Township planted a total of 200 ha ofC.pilosula, 33 ha ofA.sinensis, 13.33 ha ofParisyunnanensis, 586.67 ha ofZ.bungeanum, 33.33 ha ofC.sinensis, 13.33 ha ofS.bicolor, 3.33 ha ofA.carmichaeli, realized the full coverage of industrial development of all farmers. Specifically,C.pilosulaplanting involved 691 households (347 registered poor households and 344 general households), the total income reached 23 million yuan, and the income per household reached 34 732 yuan;A.sinensisplanting involved 327 households (173 registered poor households and 154 general households), the total income reached 2.97 million yuan, and the income per household reached 9 083 yuan.
Through the survey on theC.pilosulaplanting income of 50 typical households getting out of poverty in Shugu Village Committee in 2018 (Table 1), the results indicate that the average family net income of 50 typical households getting out of poverty in 2018 was 42 747 yuan, the per capita net income was 9 916 yuan, much higher than the poverty line (3 500 yuan) of Yunnan Province in 2018. From the poverty alleviation effect of theC.pilosulaplanting industry, the average Chinese herbal medicine planting area of these 50 households in 2018 was 0.191 5 ha per household, the net income of planting Chinese herbal medicine in 2018 was 29 262 yuan/household, accounting for 68.45% the total family net income (42 747 yuan/household) in 2018. On average, even though other incomes are not included, only the net income from planting Chinese herbal medicines, these 50 households (211 people) had reached the per capita net income of 6 934 yuan, significantly exceeding the poverty line of Yunnan Province in 2018. Thus, the industrial poverty alleviation effect of plantingC.pilosulawas significant.
According to the individual household assessment and acceptance results of 1 367 registered households (5 311 people) in the whole township, by the end of December of 2018, 1 343 households (5 224 people) successfully got out of poverty, only 24 households (87 people) were still poor, the incidence of poverty dropped to 0.74%, which was 44.26 percentage points lower than that in 2015. Seven poor villages (including five deeply poor villages) met the criterion of getting rid of poverty specified by Yunnan Province (Table 2).
Number of householdssurveyedNumber offamily memberspersonTotal family netincome in2018∥yuanFamily netincomeper capita in2018∥yuanChinese herbalmedicineplanting areain 2018∥haNet income fromplanting Chineseherbal medicinein 2018∥yuanPercentage of net incomefrom planting Chineseherbal medicine to total familynet income in 2018∥%No.1436 0209 0050.166 726 87074.60No.2534 2506 8500.133 317 967.552.46No.3435 0368 7590.146 721 59061.62No.4321 6457 2150.133 318 215.584.16No.5453 01613 2540.333 342 51080.18No.6449 83212 4580.200 029 85259.91No.7375 03025 0100.200 036 61148.80No.8434 0808 5200.206 725 69075.38No.9551 37510 2750.233 330 602.559.57No.10445 42411 3560.133 314 33731.56No.11316 2845 4280.066 74 87029.91No.126215 95835 9931.600 0195 440.890.50No.13429 0727 2680.100 027 20493.57No.14597 62019 5240.200 049 85251.07No.15431 4127 8530.093 318 20357.95No.16318 6456 2150.066 74 80825.79No.17544 7708 9540.133 337 29683.31No.18543 3708 6740.133 328 65066.06No.19548 2909 6580.233 328 05058.09No.20435 8088 9520.133 314 82541.40No.21454 08013 5200.166 746 83086.59No.22434 0968 5240.100 026 49077.69No.23435 0088 7520.066 718 48052.79No.24326 8568 9520.100 026 02096.89No.25438 0809 5200.200 026 58869.82No.26562 91012 5820.266 738 00560.41No.27659 1369 8560.333 351 704.587.43No.28547 9109 5820.333 343 69791.21No.29428 0847 0210.166 721 947.578.15No.30454 08013 5200.366 744 457.582.21No.31439 4089 8520.200 021 63454.90No.32430 6087 6520.100 012 65041.33No.33325 8038 6010.133 318 034.569.89No.34432 0048 0010.166 721 02965.71No.35529 8105 9620.100 014 234.547.75No.36543 7608 7520.200 028 00463.99No.37439 4169 8540.200 025 04663.54No.38428 5607 1400.133 311 78741.27No.39542 7008 5400.200 035 24082.53No.40434 5688 6420.133 327 21578.73No.41428 0607 0150.100 024 46587.19No.42423 9845 9960.066 75 95624.83No.43645 1447 5240.166 742 32693.76No.44535 7307 1460.100 024 80469.42No.45441 00010 2500.200 032 41079.05No.46428 0967 0240.133 310 41637.07No.47322 9027 6340.133 311 74251.27No.48434 5248 6310.080 021 55662.44No.49439 4689 8670.100 030 29876.77No.50434 6168 6540.180 026 59676.83Mean value of 50 households4.2242 7479 9160.191 529 26268.45
Village committeeTotal registered poorpeople over the yearsNumber ofhouseholdsNumber ofpeopleNumber ofagriculturalhouseholds inthe end of 2014Incidence ofpovertyin 2015∥%Number of poor people getting out of poverty in in the end of 2018Number ofhouseholdsNumber ofpeopleIncidence ofpoverty in theend of2018∥%RemarksTuomuni Village1113821 10434.60260.54Extremely poor villageFengzu Village1646441 62739.582100.61Extremely poor villageLewu Village12951977566.97391.16Extremely poor villageShicheng County2871 1101 72664.315201.16Poor villageJiduo Village3531 3892 32059.874150.65Poor villageHayi Village1104061 25832.27280.64Extremely poor villageShugu Village2138612 61132.986190.73Extremely poor villageTotal of Xueshan Township1 3675 31111 80245.0024870.74-
The practice ofC.pilosulaplanting industrial poverty alleviation in Xueshan Township indicates that the industrial poverty alleviation is an important breakthrough for poor people in mountainous areas to get rid of poverty and become rich and also an effective way to ensure that the poor people can continue to get rid of poverty and become rich and well off.C.pilosulaplanting industrial poverty alleviation established in Xueshan Township can effectively develop and utilize the high-altitude mountainous land resources and develop the characteristic Chinese herbal medicine industry. It not only allows the poor people to reasonably enjoy the assistance policy provided by the governments at all levels, but also solves the problem of "precision to the household", and gives play to the advantages of high-altitude mountainous resources. It realized innovation in the "targeting" mechanism of poverty alleviation policy for poor households, and it is a dynamic practice in the new era to win the battle against poverty. On October 15, 2018, Cheng Lianyuan, secretary of the Kunming Municipal Party Committee, went to Xueshan Township to survey the work of poverty alleviation and inspected the situation ofC.pilosulain Xueshan Township, and required Xueshan Township to combine the unique vertical climate characteristics to develop the modern agriculture with plateau characteristics, build up "Xueshan Brand" characteristic industrial brand[13], energetically build "hometown ofC.pilosula", to make natural ecological advantage become economic advantage and win the battle against poverty.
4.1ActiveguidanceofgovernmentaspillarTheC.pilosulaplanting industry of Xueshan Township realized sustainable poverty alleviation. In this industrial poverty alleviation model, the party committee and government of Xueshan Township gave full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the poor people, helped the poor people to improve themselves. Under the necessary support of the State, Yunnan Province, Kunming City, Luquan County and various circles of society, Xueshan Township stressed the importance of "teaching the poor how to get rid of poverty", to improve the self-development ability of poor people, and it always plays a pillar core role in theC.pilosulaplanting industrial poverty alleviation. Before 2015, restricted by the geographical environment and climate conditions of the alpine valley area, the farmers in Xueshan Township relied merely on traditional crops such as maize and potato to maintain their livelihood, their income was lower than 7 500 yuan/ha. In 2015, through consultation with many parties and learning experience of other areas, Xueshan Township decided to introduce Chinese herbal medicines such asC.pilosulato develop the industry and first tried it in Shugu Village Committee and then gradually promoted the mode. In March, the farmers have basically planted traditional crops such as corn. Without any experience ofC.pilosulaplanting, the township party committee and the government organized work teams go door-to-door to persuade farmers to plantC.pilosula, and asked the village cadres and party members to try first, pull out the maize seedlings and plantC.pilosulaseedlings. In 2015, it adopted the full amount subsidy for planting cost to guide farmers to plantC.pilosula. At the rate of 30 000 yuan/ha subsidy criterion (70% provided by the township government and 30% by companies), Xueshan Township planted 4 ha ofC.pilosula. In the same year, it realized the yield of 43 t, total income of 485 400 yuan. Some farmers obtained income of 150 000 yuan/ha, which was over 20 times more than planting maize and potato. In 2016, Xueshan township party committee and government continued to promoteC.pilosulaplanting, and offered subsidy of 7 500 yuan/ha to stimulate farmers’ enthusiasm of plantingC.pilosula. Shugu Village Committee mobilized 138 households to plantC.pilosula, realizing planting area of 16.08 ha, achieving the yield of 173 t and a total income of 3.841 million yuan, the households increased their income by 7 285.6 yuan on average. In 2017, after summarizingC.pilosulaplanting experience in 2015 and 2016, the township party committee and government decided to promote the development of Chinese herbal medicine as an industrial poverty alleviation strategy in the whole township, implemented centralized development and building an industrial support for poverty alleviation. In accordance with the requirements of "high starting point, large scale, and all aspects", Xueshan Township formulated Development Plan for Characteristic Chinese Herbal Medicine Industry in Xueshan Township, adhered to the principle of "one product for one village" and "many products for one village" at three altitude levels to develop the industry, actively promote the large scale, specialized, information-based, and brand-oriented industrial poverty alleviation, greatly improve the organizational level of the industry, extend the industrial chain, form the "production+marketing" one-stop system, so as to build the industrial support for poor people to get rid of poverty and get rich.
4.2PromotionofleadingenterprisesasthecarrierHow to solve the problems of "what to plant, how to plant, how to sell, and how to sell at high price" is the starting point and main work of the battle against the poverty[14]. For individual poor people living in the high-altitude mountainous areas, to connect with the increasingly mature big market and obtain higher economic income, it is necessary to combine the leading enterprises with the poor people through the poverty alleviation funds, make the leading enterprises become effective carriers for the implementation of poverty alleviation projects and capital turnover, and promote the socialization and marketization of industrial poverty alleviation work. For this, Xueshan Township insisted on introducing leading enterprises such as Kunming Youzhi Agricultural Science and Technology Service Co., Ltd. and Luquan Baiwei Chinese Herbal Medicine Co., Ltd., and increasing the support for these enterprises. Through poverty alleviation leading enterprises and poor households directly sign planting and purchasing contracts, they determined the minimum protection price for purchasing and enterprise repurchase measures, let agricultural products enter the market, effectively solved the problem of farmers’ product sales difficulties, and realized the effective connection between decentralized farmers and big markets, effectively stabilizedC.pilosulamarket and safeguarded the fundamental interests of farmers. In September 2018, Lama Xinggao, director of the Kunming Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee, went to the "party construction+poverty alleviation" demonstration base in Shugu Village, Xueshan Township to survey the development ofC.pilosulaindustry, all registered poor people in the site unanimously said to him that as the as the market ofC.pilosulais stable, we do not need government support, we can increase our income and get rich through plantingC.pilosula.
4.3CooperativeorganizationasthebridgeProviding one-stop services for poor households is a key work for smooth implementation of industrial poverty alleviation projects and ensuring income increase of poor people in Xueshan Township. In accordance with the industrial work principle formulated by the Party Committee and the government of Xueshan Township "gradually establishing industrial cooperatives to achieve large-scale and standardized production", in order to develop the characteristic Chinese herbal medicine industry, Xueshan Township has successively established seven professional planting cooperatives such as Jiaozi Xueshan Chinese Herbal Medicine Planting Professional Cooperative. At present, all registered poor people (1 367 households) in the township have become members of cooperatives. The cooperatives regularly organize poor people to visit and receive training, exchange experiences and go out for study, which not only improves the organization ofC.pilosulaplanting industry projects and also effectively solves the problem of poor people lacking technology and information. With constant exploration and improvement in the past three years, the party committee and government of Xueshan Township have employed the means of market economy to enable the poor people and cooperative organizations to form a community of interests, and give full play to the role of cooperatives in driving the poor to increase their income and become rich, so as to transform the poor households from the previous "individual work" into the current "team work".
In recent years, Xueshan Township has gradually opened a road to poverty alleviation throughC.pilosulaplanting industry with the characteristics of Xueshan Township. However, theC.pilosulaplanting mode of Xueshan Township is reproducible, and it is suitable for development ofC.pilosulaor other Chinese herbal medicines in many places with the same or similar conditions. In addition, many experiences and implications are connected in essence. As long as they grasp the core idea of the model and grasp the key to industrial development, they can learn from the model ofC.pilosulaplanting in Xueshan Township.
5.1Graspingthegeographicalandculturalconditionsoflocalcharacteristiccropplanting(i)C.pilosulais a deep-rooted plant suitable for growing in sandy loam with deep, loose and well-drained soil. It has high adaptability, likes mild and cool climate, and dislikes hot, flood, cold conditions, and is suitable for growing in temperate and cool zone with altitude of 2 000-3 000 m. (ii)C.pilosulais suitable for planting in high-altitude mountainous areas with low yield, low added value, and input and output not proportional, so as to give prominence to the advantages ofC.pilosulaplanting. Compared with traditional crops such as maize and potato, the income from plantingC.pilosulahas increased by 10-20 times. (iii)C.pilosulaplanting is a labor-intensive industry. From seedling raising, mid-term management to harvest, it is necessary to invest a large amount of labor, so it is suitable for areas with surplus labor (especially the elderly), it can fully digest surplus labor, promote employment, and increase the income of farmers. From analysis of the above conditions, it is of great significance to promote the planting of Chinese medicinal herbs such asC.pilosulain high-altitude and poverty-stricken mountainous areas. As to Luquan County, the range of Chinese herbal medicines such asC.pilosulain warm and cool climate zone is wide. According to the calculation and statistics[15], the land area of Luquan County with altitude of 2 000-3 000 m is up to 3 094.41 km2, accounting for 72.83% of the total land area of the county; as to Yunnan Province, according to the Yunnan Provincial Agricultural Division Office[15], the land area of the province’s warm temperate zone and temperate climate zone (western areas have altitude of 2 000-3 000 m, eastern areas have altitude of 1 900-2 800 m) is up to 125 545.54 km2, accounting for 32.75% of the total land area of Yunnan Province. This indicates that the high-altitude poverty-stricken mountainous areas of Luquan County and even Yunnan Province have excellent land resources endowment in developingC.pilosulaindustry.
5.2Creatingindustrialpovertyalleviationmodelwithcharacteristiccropplantingaccordingtolocalconditions(i) Sticking to the principle of industrial development according to local conditions, actively guiding poor villages to establish their comparative advantages based on local natural resource endowments, vigorously promoting the development of concentrated poverty alleviation industrial clusters, and forming the poverty alleviation industry of "one industry for one township and one product for one village" with characteristic advantages in accordance with the requirements of specialized distribution and regional production. (ii) Actively making innovation in institutional mechanism, vigorously introducing and cultivating new business entities, and effectively exploring new modes of industrial assistance for "party construction+enterprises+cooperatives+poor households", to ensure long-term stable income-increasing channels for poor households. (iii) Making effort to develop the collective economy, consolidating and upgrading the village collectives, actively exploring new mechanisms for collective economic operations that are consistent with requirements of market economy, to ensure the preservation and appreciation of collective assets, increase the asset income of poor people, and continuously raise the vitality of the collective economy. (iv) Effectively strengthening the industrial poverty alleviation and financial support, continuously making innovation in industrial poverty alleviation models, exploring mechanisms for linking interests between enterprises and poor households, and striving to build a number of leading enterprises to promote the growth of mountainous agricultural industries and increase farmers’ income. Finally, it is recommended to enhance the policy guidance, technical guidance, and take the method of replacing compensation by reward, energetically develop suitable characteristic agricultural industries, and make scientific management of the poverty alleviation industries already put in place, to bring into play their benefits and promote income increase of poor people.
Asian Agricultural Research2019年3期