李文 姜鑫宇 王華堅 趙文隆
摘要? ? 為研究不同配方肥料的應用效果,進行了氨基酸肥料(9-12-26)、49%復合肥(9-10-30)、42%復合肥(9-9-24)在烤煙上的施用效果試驗,并對烘烤后煙葉的產量與質量以及煙葉內在成分進行分析比較。結果表明,施用氨基酸肥料(9-12-26)、49%復合肥(9-10-30)能夠明顯改善嵩明當地煙葉的產量,均價有了明顯的提高;氨基酸肥料(9-12-26)、49%復合肥(9-10-30)的施用使當地的煙葉內在化學成分協調性有了很大提高,糖堿比基本上控制在正常的范圍之內。施用42%復合肥(9-9-24)的煙葉內在化學成分協調性不夠好,糖堿比明顯偏高,鉀的含量也明顯不如施用氨基酸肥料(9-12-26)、49%復合肥(9-10-30)的煙葉。因此,綜合考慮,施用氨基酸肥料(9-12-26)、49%復合肥(9-10-30)效果明顯優(yōu)于施用42%復合肥(9-9-24)。
關鍵詞? ? 烤煙;配方肥;產量;質量
中圖分類號? ? S572;S147.5? ? ? ? 文獻標識碼? ? A? ? ? ? 文章編號? ?1007-5739(2019)11-0003-02
Abstract? ? In order to study the application effect of different formula fertilizer,the effects of amino acid fertilizer(9-12-26),compound fertilizer(9-10-30)and compound fertilizer(9-9-24)on flue-cured tobacco were tested,and the yield,quality of flue-cured tobacco and the internal components of tobacco leaves were analyzed and compared. The results showed that the amino acid fertilizer(9-12-26)and compound fertilizer(9-10-30)greatly improved the tobacco yield and average price in Songming area.The amino acid fertilizer(9-12-26)and compound fertilizer(9-10-30)greatly improved the coordination of chemical components in tobacco leaves,and the ratio of sugar to nicotine was basically controlled within the normal range. However,compared with the tobacco leaves applied with the amino acid fertilizer(9-12-26)and compound fertilizer(9-10-30),the tobacco leaves applied with compound fertilizer(9-9-24) had poorer coordination of internal chemical components,significantly high ratio of sugar to nicotine and significantly lower potassium content. Therefore,with comprehensive consideration,the effects of amino acid fertilizer(9-12-26)and compound fertilizer(9-10-30)were obviously superior to compound fertilizer(9-9-24).
Key words? ? flue-cured tobacco;formula fertilizer,yield;quality
1? ? 材料與方法
1.1? ? 試驗地概況
試驗在昆明市嵩明縣嵩陽鎮(zhèn)進行,供試土壤理化性狀為pH值6.5、有機質2.5%、堿解氮100.2 mg/kg、速效磷35.8 mg/kg、速效鉀150.3 mg/kg。
1.2? ? 供試材料