How Our Understanding of Liangzhu Evolved from Culture to Civilization
Sixty years ago, archaeologist Xia Nai suggested the name of Liangzhu Culture to define the ancient existence in Liangzhu characterized by archaeological discoveries. Thanks to the material evidence and studies since 1936, it is academically correct to say that Liangzhu Civilization is the first state civilization in China. It has taken a long journey for archaeologists to understand that Liangzhu Culture first named 60 years is actually Liangzhu Civilization.
Xia Nai noted the historical naming in his diary. Time was the morning of December 26, 1959. The event was a meeting of leaders of archaeological teams working the Yangtze River basin. The speech he gave was under the title of archaeological issues in the Yangtze River basin. In the speech he first came up with the term Liangzhu Culture which describes an ancient culture around the Taihu Lake and Hangzhou Bay. The term Liangzhu Culture came from Xia Nai at this professional gathering.
The Liangzhu Culture archaeologically refers to a culture that existed from 5,300 to 4,300 years ago in the late phase of Neolithic Age. The 36,500 square-kilometer central area of the culture spread around the Taihu Lake. The culture reached further north in Jiangsu and further south in Zhejiang. At present, over 1,000 archaeological sites excavated in this vast region in eastern China can be attributed to the Liangzhu Culture.
The Liangzhu Culture marks the unprecedented development of the prehistoric jade culture of China. The people of Liangzhu invented a ritualized jade system. Some of jades are decorated with a deity insignia. It was through the ritual jade objects and the ritual system that the ruling class of Liangzhu exercised its power over religion, state administration, military affairs and material wealth.
Then how come the Liangzhu Culture is now considered a civilization?
Civilization is a complex concept that inspires various definitions and explanations. In Chinese, the concept is even sometimes used an adjective to describe an individual who behaves herself decently in the public, indicating a civilized behavioral and ideological code people should follow and carry out. According some definitions, ancient Liangzhu was a regional early state with primary characteristics of a civilization: urban settlements, full-time specialists not involved in agriculture, concentration of surplus production, class structure and state-level organization.
Unlike the ancient civilizations in other parts of the world, Chinese civilization is a broad concept that describes a comprehensive civilization with the Yellow River basin and the Yangtze River basin as the core area. In fact, the Chinese civilization is a unity where many diverse regional civilizations came together and fused.
A night sky full of stars, a metaphor proposed by archaeologist Su Bingqi, is a perfect description of the Chinese civilization. There are the Liangzhu Culture around the Taihu Lake, the Hongshan Culture in Liaoning in northeastern China, the Shijiahe Culture in the north, the Taosi Culture in the south of Shaanxi, the Shimao Culture in the north of Shanxi, just to name a few important regional cultures across China.
About 6,000 years ago, regional cultures in China experienced fast and complex social and cultural development and urbanization. From 5,500 years to 4,000 years ago, many regional cultures became powerful. For a long time, the archaeological community thought that the Chinese civilization was largely along the Yellow River basin in the north and that the Xia and the Shang were the beginning of the Chinese civilization. This understanding diminished the historical significance of regional cultures far away from the Yellow River basin. Ample and convincing material evidences from recent archaeological excavations have changed peoples understanding of the Chinese civilization. Now it is agreed that Liangzhu is a perfect case study and that it is the first state civilization in China.