This sculpture by KarolLacko of Dmitri Mendeleev andthe columns of his periodictable, radiating outward fromhis head, stands in front ofthe Faculty of Chemical andFood Technology of the SlovakUniversity of Technology inBratislava, Slovakia. This yearmarks the 150th anniversary ofMendeleev's initial publication ofthe table as organizing principleand predictive tool.
For thousands of years,Andean farmers have cultivatedcolorful landraces of domesticatedpotatoes, such as lioness, tunica,and tarmena shown in thisarrangement. Landraces and wildspecies hold genetic diversity thatcould be key to developing newpotato varieties, which are neededto help farmers adapt to climatechange and other challenges.
In winter, snowshoe hares(Lepus americanus) molt frornbrown to white coats to maintaincamouflage in snow-coveredenvironments. This seasonaladaptation has evolved in severalanimal species and can result incamouflage mismatch as snowduration decreases. The GordonResearch Conference on Ecologicaland Evolutionary Genomics willbe held from 14 to 19 July 2019in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Molecules produced at justa few billionths of a degreeabove absolute zero displayexotic quantum properties.A classical gas of potassium-rubidium molecules is chemicallyreactive (top); when the gaslS cooled to low temperatures,collective quantum effects governhow molecules move and collide,suppressing reactivity and enablingformation of a stable, degeneratemolecular gas (bottom).