Ethiopia: shifting from agriculture to industry
Sources from several authoritative websites showthat Ethiopia, an ancient civilization with ahistory of more than 3,000 years, is one of the leastdeveloped countries in the world. Agriculture andanimal husbandry are the backbone of this country'seconomy, while the industrial foundation is relativelyweak.
Over the past years, however, this country withagriculture as its main pillar has witnessed remarkabledevelopment in electrification and industrialization.This is attributed to the establishment of China-Ethiopia industrial parks to some extent, such as"Eastem Industry Zone", "Hawassa Industrial Park",and "Kilinto Industrial Park". In 2017, Ethiopiaeven ranked No. 1 for the foreign direct investment(FDI) in manufacturing among African countries,which was due to the interconnectivity and win-wincooperation between China and Etlriopia.
A miracle happened in the desert
In Tigre language, Addis Ababa means "freshflowers". Now, these "flowers" blooming on the "roofof Africa': have not only relied on the unique naturalresources in Africa, but also been nourished byvarious industrial parks which spring up as the Beltand Road Initiative is put in place.
Dukem Town is 30 kilometers away from AddisAbaba, capital of Ethiopia. Once a barren place,Dukem now enjoys great prosperity. Many people seethis transition as a miracle, which originated from theestablishment of the industrial park. Jiao Yongshun,deputy director of the administrative committeeof the Eastem Industry Zone, witnessed the robustdevelopment of the park. He said, "just a few yearsago it was a desolate place, where even people couldhardly be seen, not to mention a car." But now inthe park, a patchwork of spacious and smooth roadshas taken shape, on which taxis are shuttling backand forth. Rows of restaurants outside the park haveopened with booming businesses.
Ethiopian employees in the industrial park arealso the witnesses of the miracle. Five years ago,Alemayehu began to learn car assembly from hisChinese master after graduating from college. Nowhe has been promoted as production manager of LifanGroup. Familiar with every process on the productionline, he is now also an operating instructor. He said:"I have learned a lot in this company. I have seenpositive changes not only in myself and my family,but also in the whole country."
When the park was just established, thegovernment of Ethiopia did not attach importanceto it, and was not ready to roll out various favorablepolicies for it, which discouraged many potentialinvestors' enthusiasm. However, Lifan Group, awell-known Chinese private-owned car maker, wasdeternuned to take root here and resolutely embarkon a venture. The decision Lifan Group made is notreckless. Through comprehensive investigationsof Ethiopia's economic development, LifanGroup learned that in Ethiopia cars were basicallyimported by then and the country was badly inneed of domestic auto manufacturing. In addition,the Ethiopian government showed its resolutionto support the industrial parks, after carrying outcontinuous communications on related policies withChinese counterparts and especially visiting manyindustrial parks in China. These increasing effortshave led to remarkable results.
Since settling in Eastem Industry Zone in 2014,Lifan motors have gained a good reputation amonglocal users, and Lifan taxis can be seen everywhere inthe country. More importantly, Ethiopia has becomean important overseas base for Lifan Group as well asthe largest investment market for the group in Africa.Abass Ibrahim, director of Rakaiz Al-marifahforResearch & Studies, Sudan, who visited Lifan Group,said, "the production line with a capacity to produce5,000 cars is impressive. If I hadn't seen it with myown eyes, it would be hard for me to believe thatthere is such a car assembly factory in Ethiopia.What it brings to Africa is not only cars, but alsothe upgrading of industry and technology as well asthe hope for development. Here I see the future ofAfrica's development."
Close cooperation brings more chances
Apart from Eastern Industry Zone, the Ethiopiangovernment begins to build another 14 industrialparks under its Growth and Transformation Plan II(GTPII) during 2015 and 2019.
On June 20, 2017, Hawassa Industrial Park,featuring "completion with nine months" and "zeroemission commitment", officially opened. This130-hectare industrial park is different from theprivate-owned Eastem Industry Zone, for it is entirelyfunded by the Etluopian government and built byCCECC Ethiopia Construction Private limitedCompany. In the same year, the construction of thephase II of Kilinto Industrial Park kicked off, thelargest industrial park under construction in Ethiopia.
At the beginning of cooperation, both sidesdid not see rapid progress in the construction ofthe industrial park. In order to help the Etluopiangovernment get a full picture of the planning andconstruction of the industrial park, Chinese sideinvited Ethiopian officials to visit industrial parksin Suzhou, Changzhou, Kunshan and other cities.The investigation boosted the confidence of theEthiopian government. As a result, the prime nunisterof Etluopia has led establishment of the IndustrialPlanning Committee and the Technical SteeringCommittee. Every three months, these committeeshold meetings to solve problems facing thedevelopment of the park.
Meanwhile, the Eastern Industry Zone haslaunched a "one-stop service" process, with whichcustoms clearance, work permits and duty-freebusiness can all be completed in the park. In addition,to ensure the supply of electricity the substationshave been established in the park.
Lu Qizhong, president of the Eastern IndustryZone, is also the founder of the park. In 2006, hecame to Ethiopia to inspect the construction ofa cement plant, during which China's Ministryof Commerce called for the bidding of overseaseconomic and trade cooperation zones, claiming thateligible overseas parks will receive financial support.Therefore, Lu Qizhong decided to set up an industrialpark in Ethiopia. But at the beginning, many obstacleslied ahead. Lu Qizhong said, "a total of USD 200million has been invested in the first phase of EasternIndustry Zone, most of which is our own funds. Asthe enterprises intending to settle in the park couldnot solve land subdivision with the industrial park, itwas very difficult for them to make investment andstart business in the park. In the toughest moment, weeven had to sell domestic assets to provide funds forthe park."
Thanks to the joint efforts of the Chineseand Ethiopian governments, and as the Etluopiangovernment gained in-depth understanding ofindustrial parks, Lu's industrial park saw hopeeventually. In 2012, then Ethiopian Prime MinsterMeles Zenawi passed an administrative order toissue land certificates to enterprises in the park. Afterthree years of unremitting efforts, the Ethiopiangovernment issued the first industrial park law inApril 2015, which completely solved this problem.Jobs ignite dreams
Entering Huajian shoe factory located in theEastern Industry Zone, you can see thousands oflocal employees dressed in overalls are engaged insix production lines, cutting, sewing, sole pullingand shaping pairs of women's shoes. By the end ofAugust 2018, Huajian had exported products worthmore than USD 100 nullion, and provided 7,000jobs for local communities, including 28 disabledemployees.
Among the first batch of private-ownedenterprises entering the industrial park, Huajianshoe factory serves as a model for Chinese privateenterprises to go global. At the Boao Forum for Asiaheld at the end of April 2017, economist Justin YifuLin spoke highly of the factory saying: "the successof Huajian Group in Ethiopia has exerted a globalinfluence."
At Jiangsu Lida Textiles Jean Factory,established by another key Chinese enterprise inthe park, hundreds of Ethiopian workers dressedin neat overalls was busy on the production lines,meticulously in every procedure from cutting,dyeing to packing. Wang Tao, general manager ofthe enterprise, said, "Ethiopia's cheap labor andelectricity price are important factors attracting us toinvest in the park. Our jeans, featuring high-qualityand fashionable design, are recognized by more andmore Ethiopians. Our workers can not only masterprofessional skills, but also earn about 50% morethan in local enterprises." Wang Tao also noted that a"job hopping" phenomenon appears now. "It nurrorsthe positive changes we have brought, for only whenworkers have gained more skills and more experiencecan they have the opportunity to 'change jobs'."
Over the past few years, the industrial parkshave brought tremendous changes to Ethiopia.The upgrading of Ethiopia from an agriculturaleconomy to an industrial one not only transformsthe life of Ethiopian people, but also provides arare opportunity for the country to take off on thedevelopment path.