李卉嬪 張稚妍
The year 2018 marked the lOth anmversaryof Denmark-China comprehensive strategicpartnership. Over the decade, the two countries haveen2aged in extensive cooperation in 58 fields: health,food and agriculture, intellectual property and marketsupervision, culture,tourism, maritime affairs,politics andlaw, and urban development to name but a few. Chinahas become the largest trading partner of Denmark inAsia as well as its second larest trading partner globally,only next to the EU.The year 2018 witnessed a surgeof Chinese investment in Denmark to USD l.1 billion,based on USD 290 million in 2017. On top of trade andeconomic cooperation,China and Denmark have alsomaintained close bonds in culture and people-to-peopleexchanges. Durng the China-Denmark ToUrism Year2017,the Danish Tourist Board rolled out a series ofin-depth tour products with varied themes, such as“FairyTales in Denmark”, “Food in Denmark”, and “Designin Denmark”, seeking to meet Chinese tourists' needs inexploring the natural scenay and rich culture Denmarkhas to offer.
To sustain Denmark's strong tradition in fairy tales,the lst Hans Christian Andersen Drawing Event withthe theme "A Dialog between Andersen's Fairy Talesand Tianfu Culture", was held in Chengdu, SichuanProvince on December l, 2018. Andersen's fairy taleslike The Daughter of the Sea,The Little Match Girl,and The Emperor’s New Clothes, all touch a deepchord in the hearts of generations of Chinese children.During the event, Mr. Lars Lund Rasmussen, ConsulGeneral of the Consulate General of the ConsulateGeneral of Denmark in Chongqing, shared his viewson China-Denmark trade and economic cooperation,and cultural exchanges.
In 2018, a Danish business delegation came toSichuan and visited Chengdu Shuangliu IntemationalAirport, China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone.and other areas, where they were impressed by therapid growth and bright prospect of the southwestemprovince. The delegation members said that Denmarkis willing to intensify the communication and cooperation with Sichuan in business, energy, lifescience, food security, health, culture, and other fields;and hoped the two sides would enable closer inter-enterprise exchanges and extend their cooperationin international friendship city, infrastructureconstruction, green energy, food safety, and othersectors, particularly, they would seize the cooperationopportunities brought along by the Chengdu-Copenhagen direct flight opened in late 2018.
"I am quite confident in the development potentialof southwestem China, and excited about the ever-growing investment opportunities in Yunnan Guizhou,Sichuan, and Chongqing. We plan to bring moreDanish enterprises to invest here by hosting investmentpromotions and business negotiations," Mr Rasmussentold our reporter. Sichuan has now entered cooperationwith Denmark in infrastructure construction educationand other fields. Horsens Kindergarten and HorsensPrimary School, co-funded by China and Denmark,opened in October 2018, existing as a shining exampleof bilateral education cooperation. A host of Danishenterprises, such as Maersk, Carlsberg, LEGO,PANDORA, and Ecco, have invested in Sichuan.Having lived in China for 11 years, Mr. Rasmussenhas an intimate knowledge of the country. Sincehe took office as Consul General of the ConsulateGeneral of Denmark in Chongqing two years ago,he has been hamessing his strength to help Danishbusiness community get closer to China especially thesouthwestem region, and offer them valuable advices intheir investment decision-making.
"Hopefully, our active efforts will enable moreDenmark-China cooperation proj ects," Mr. Rasmussensaid, noting that, since he chose to live in China afterthe 2008 financial crisis, he has witnessed how Chinahas emerged from the economic meltdown and gearedonto a track of high quality, fast growth. He praised,"China is embracing the world with a more open,inclusive posture. It is a land with better infrastructure,smoother roads, boosted tourism industry and ever-improved people's livelihood, the very hallmarks foran advanced, open, and globalized country."
Denmark is a founding member of the AsianInfrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Duringthe first Belt and Road Forum for InternationalCooperation, Danish Prime Minister Lars LokkeRasmussen said that. Denmark is glad to be part ofthe Belt and Road Initiative in various aspects, andis willing to work with China in tapping into theircooperation potential in medical care, food, education,culture, tourism, football, and other fields, in a way tofurther advance Denmark-China business cooperationand cultural exchanges to a new high.
When it comes to cooperation and exchanges,Consul General Rasmussen said: "The initiativeis all-embracing as it covers cooperation in trade,infrastructure construction, education, culture, andother sectors." "While the initiative enables us to beopen to each other's culture, cultural exchanges heraldfurther progress of the initiative and closer culturalbonds bring more advantages and opportunities forour bilateral business cooperation," he added.
Denmark is known as "the Kingdom of FairyTales". During the Hans Christian Andersen DrawingEvent, kids in Chengdu showed their drawing worksblending characters in Andersen's fairy tales with pandahotpot, and other elements of Tianfu culture, using theirwild imagination to tell old fairy tales in a new way.
Back to the 19th century, Andersen wrote aChina-themed story The Nightingale, which can beseen as an attempt to boost China-Denmark culturalexchange through fairy tales. "There is always aprofound truth behind each ofAndersen's fairy tales,"Mr. Rasmussen said with a smile, "Taking my favorite'The Ugly Duckling' as an example, the story tells usthat one should not judge others by appearance buttreat everyone as equals."
Tourism, another key driver fueling culturalexchanges, has been also featuring prominently inbilateral ties. The Chengdu-Copenhagen direct flight,opened in late 2018, has been facilitating closerfriendship and better communication between the twopeoples. Mr. Rasmussen said, "I hope to see moreChinese people choose Denmark as one of their touristdestinations, and more Danish people come to Sichuanto experience local customs and culture."