After a long trip, now we are on Hunlunbeir Grassland. This is the first place we take photos. We can see blue sky, white clouds and green grass. 空氣多么新鮮,讓我心曠神怡!我看見太陽熱烈地照著綠油油的草地。What a beautiful picture!
We stand on the haystack and want to embrace the blue sky. 大草原上空曠無比,極目遠眺,碧空和那一望無際的綠野仿佛連接在一起。I love the great grassland and the beautiful nature!
I have never seen this kind of animal. They are called alpacas.羊駝的毛比羊毛長,光亮而富有彈性,也像羊毛一樣,可以用來織成毛線,做成羊絨衫。I love dull alpacas. They are soft and cute.
競技場上有豐富多彩的活動,其中射箭是我最喜愛的。On the grassland, I experience shooting arrows. Then my little brother and I join in the long jump and play on a swing. I really have a good time!
草原深處不時傳來牛羊的叫聲,那一個個別致的蒙古包就藏在濃綠的草地中。My little brother and I visit in the Mongolian yurt of the herdsman’s house. 草原上的人們生活十分安寧,充滿歡樂。
The roast whole sheep in Inner Mongolia is very delicious. The lamb is cut into big slices. 我和弟弟大快朵頤,美美地吃了一頓。
不知不覺,已經(jīng)到了夜晚,我們來到了滿洲里市。這里有排列整齊的建筑和飄著濃濃咖啡香味的街道,充滿了異國風(fēng)情。Night lights in Manchuria are brilliant and beautiful!