




      2020-02-18 07:17:50
      油氣與新能源 2020年6期

      1 Thoughts on CNPC’s 14th Five-Year Plan Regarding Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

      Ding Peng, Zhang Xiuling, Shen Juexin

      At present, the world is undergoing great development, great change and great adjustment. The development situation of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is more serious and complicated. It is significant to study CNPC’s 14th Five-Year Plan regarding BRI to strengthen existing cooperation achievements, actively develop new ways of cooperation and deepen oil and gas cooperation. This paper systematically summarized and analyzed BRI achievements and issues du ring the 13th Five-Year Plan period, and put forward proposals for CNPC’s 14th Five-Year Plan.

      5 Open Innovation to Assist the Formulation of CNPN’s 14th Five-Year Plan

      Tian Chengkun, Cao Bin, Zhang Junxian,Yuan Zhengang, Wang Shouquan, Zhou Bing

      The formulation and implementation of the Five-Year Plan is an important way for our party to govern the country. The formulation of the 14th Five-Year Plan shall embody the characteristics of highlighting open-ended planning, addressing uncertainty, and high-quality development. In response to three outstanding characteristics, the master plan research team gave full play to their research advantages in the field of planning consulting methodology by means of extensive questionnaire surveys, suggestions, expert discussions, and scenario planning. The approaches helped to manage various uncertain risks and challenges, explore a planning research and integrated management system for the 14th Five-Year Plan period. It assisted CNPC’s 14th Five-Year Plan with multi-angle open innovation research to meet high-quality indicators and evaluation systems.

      9 Challenges and Suggestions to G as Storage Development during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period

      Liu Ye, He Gang, Yang Lina,Wang Nianrong, Ba Xili, Zhang Hongyan

      Underground gas storage is one of the most important peak-shaving methods which has played an important role in the steady development of nature gas industry in China. The capacity of natural gas storage is very important to promote the construction of natural gas production, supply, storage and marketing system. This paper discussed the construction status, challenges and existing problems in the construction and operation management of gas storage. It analyzed domestic and foreign differences in geological conditions, injection production pressure, produced material composition, injection production system operation flexibility, metering and transportation system, gas injection compressor and other aspects of gas storage.Based on the experience of overseas construction and operation management, the paper put forward countermeasures and suggestions such as aspects of talent training incentive, gas storage ope ration mode, price reform, gas injection and production processing technology, efficient equipment, site selection and intelligent construction for gas storage development during the 14th Five-Year Plan period.

      22 Surface Engineering of Water System Construction Mode and Key Water Treatment Technology in Shale Gas Development

      Zhu Jingyi, Xie Weihong, Li Bing,Wang Nianrong, Luo Chengsong, Ju Long

      This paper analyzed two challenges, alargeamount of water demand for fracturing production and fracturing flow back fluid disposal for water system in shale gas development. It suggestedap plying an economic and efficient ground construction mode of well site collection, pipeline transportation, centralized treatment and recycling fracturing to realize fracturing and water balance. Based on water quality index of fracturing and reinjection, the patented technology and equipment for flow back fluid treatment have been successfully demonstrated and applied in the field,which effectively guarantees the large-scale development and benefit construction of shale gas.

      29 Optimization of Pipeline Network Deployment during Progressive Production Period in Dongsheng Gas Field

      Peng Jie

      During gas field progressive production period, a large-scale standard well pattern deployment was not well developed, which made surface cascade gas production pipeline network has to be adjusted to meet capability and transformation demand. A design optimization of gas production pipeline network was carried out that included advanced deployment of gas production main pipe and pipeline layout design, supplemented and improved standardized low-pressure gathering design model in construction production period of Dongsheng gas field. The improved adaptability of gas production pipeline network guaranteed gas field is producing rapidly.

      35 Research and Ap plication of Precision Marketing Targeting Refined Oil Customers Based on K-Means

      Zhang Xi, Sui Yi, Hao Jing, Ni Jieqing

      This paper introduced a data-driven precision marketing framework targeting refined oil retail customers in accordance with big data analytics. The framework focused on how to establish refined oil re tail customer profiles as per data characteristics and business practices, and elaborated the key technical points of customer clustering based on K-means algorithm. The paper also discussed the application effect of customer clustering model through multiple practical use cases.

      40 Brief Study on Construction of Communication Network in Intelligent Oil and Gas Field

      Fang Li, Yang Shihai, You Jingxi, Huang Haiyan

      Data communication network is the most fundamental foundation of intelligent oilfield construction. A communication network suitable for the intelligent construction should subdivide its own communication services according to the intelligent management requirements, so as to realize the relatively independent vertical and horizontal security sharing of each communication service, then provide a safe, reliable and efficient communication network for intelligent oil and gas fields.

      44 Discussion on Energy Audit of Oil and Gas Production

      Chen Yanfei, Liu Bo, Yu Jiqing

      With people’s deepening understanding of energy consumption management and National standard, General principle of energy audits (GB/T 17166—2019), it sets new requirements for energy audit of oil and gas production. T his paper introduced and discussed the energy audit based on domestic and foreign situation and development of energy audit and characteristics of energy consumption in oil and gas production. It summarized and put forward the process, content, method and key points applicable to energy audit of oil and gas production, and pointed out opinions and suggestions to solve problems existing in actual work.

      48 Analysis of Technical Changes of Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines (ASME B31.8S—2016)

      Ma Weiping, Liu Haipeng, Zhao Wei, Cai Liang, Qi Qingfang

      It was of great significance to en sure the safe operation of long-distance pipelines. The United States is the first country in the world to implement oil and gas pipeline integrity management. The standard, Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines (ASME B31.8S—2016), was a programmatic document in the field of pipeline integrity management, which reflected the technical progress of gas pipeline integrity management in the United States. The paper introduced the important technical provisions of ASME B31.8S—2016, such as pipeline integrity management procedure and process, accident impact area, risk assessment method, integrity assessment method, response to integrity assessment, performance plan, and management of change plan. China petroleum industry standard SY/T 6621 adopted ASME B 31.8S. It was suggested to track the dynamic information of the revision of ASME B 31.8S, which was of guiding significance to improve the technical level of China's pipeline industry standards.

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