



      The Gift of Life

      2020-03-19 03:52:34ByDuanWei&ChenJian
      Beijing Review 2020年11期

      By Duan Wei & Chen Jian

      The Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan made news even before it opened. The fi rst emergency specialty fi eld hospital in the city designated for coronavirus patients, it was readied in around 10 days. The 1,000-bed hospital started running on February 3 and by February 28, it had discharged 527 patients.

      The hospital is managed by the Peoples Liberation Army. Some of its 1,400 medical personnel are veterans who had participated in the combat against severe acute respiratory disease in Beijing in 2003 and served on anti-Ebola missions in Sierra Leone and Liberia, where they acquired rich experience in the treatment of infectious diseases.

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