



      Blossoms at the Great Wall

      2020-04-24 09:28:35
      Beijing Review 2020年17期

      Apricot fl owers are in full blossom along the Badaling section of the Great Wall, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, 60 km northwest of downtown Beijing. The Badaling section partly opened on March 24, after being closed for almost two months due to the novel coronavirus disease outbreak. It is the most popular segment of the Great Wall among tourists.

      Starting from April, other sections of the Great Wall have also reopened, and many residents have visited these scenic sites to enjoy the spring flowers. At present, however, visitors must book tickets online in advance and register with their personal information to get a health code, and have their temperatures taken upon entry. These sites have also capped the number of daily visitors for epidemic prevention and control.

      红安县| 鄂州市| 阆中市| 横山县| 石阡县| 吴川市| 龙井市| 观塘区| 揭东县| 新干县| 故城县| 黔西县| 江北区| 兴业县| 方山县| 桑日县| 铜梁县| 禹州市| 彰化市| 上林县| 长寿区| 襄汾县| 柳州市| 广昌县| 小金县| 辽宁省| 太和县| 阿克苏市| 普洱| 杭锦后旗| 宽甸| 洪泽县| 孟津县| 华安县| 沂源县| 大邑县| 望奎县| 福鼎市| 贵港市| 宁南县| 九龙坡区|