A long time ago, there lived a partridge in a safe and warm hollow3 under a tree. Unfortunately, there was no proper source4 of food available near his home. So, he decided to go out in search of a good source of food. He soon found out a field where there was enough supply of food, so he did not come back to his home for few days and ate to his hearts content every day.
While the partridge was enjoying himself in the field, a hare happened to see the partridges old home. He liked it very much and started living in it. One fine day, the partridge decided to go back to his old home again. He had now grown very fat because of a healthy diet. When he saw the hare comfortably living in his home, he asked him to move out immediately.
They had a long argument, but could not arrive on any decision. So, they both decided to contact a supposedly learned cat to solve their problem. The cat lived nearby. When the partridge and the hare got close to him, he decided to take advantage of the situation. He said, “My dear friends, I am so sorry. I am old and hard of hearing. Both of you come close to me and tell me your problem. I will do my best to help you out.” As soon as the partridge and the hare came near the cat, he killed them both and had a big meal.
This story teaches us that whenever two people have a fight, the third, the mediator, often takes advantage of the situation.
1. partridge? ?n. 鷓鴣 2. hare? ?n. 野兔
3. hollow? ?n. 洞;山谷 4. source? ?n. 來源