




      2020-05-19 15:06施維成朱俊高胡錫鵬代國忠李雄威李書進
      土木建筑與環(huán)境工程 2020年2期

      施維成 朱俊高 胡錫鵬 代國忠 李雄威 李書進

      摘 要: 卸載是引起巖土材料破壞的常見工況,為了研究粗粒土在不同中主應(yīng)力系數(shù)b情況下三向卸載時的強度特性,使用真三軸儀對粗粒土進行偏應(yīng)力q保持300 kPa不變,球應(yīng)力p不斷減小的等q、等b三向等量卸載試驗,分析三向卸載條件下粗粒土的強度特性,研究常用強度準則對卸載條件粗粒土的適用性。試驗結(jié)果表明:在三向等量卸載條件下,粗粒土的強度參數(shù)與中主應(yīng)力系數(shù)b有關(guān);對于不同的b值,b=0時的內(nèi)摩擦角φb最小,破壞應(yīng)力比Mb最大;破壞應(yīng)力比Mb隨著b的增大而減小,且隨著b的增大,減小的梯度在逐漸減小;內(nèi)摩擦角φb在b值較小時隨著b的增大而增大,在b值較大時隨著b的增大而減小,3個方向剪切的共同影響可以解釋這一變化規(guī)律;Matsuoka-Nakai強度準則、粗粒土應(yīng)力不變量強度準則和Lade-Duncan強度準則這3個強度準則都能反映內(nèi)摩擦角φb與b之間的這一規(guī)律,其中,Matsuoka-Nakai強度準則在b值較小時與試驗結(jié)果較為接近,粗粒土應(yīng)力不變量強度準則在b值較大時與試驗結(jié)果較為接近;粗粒土角隅函數(shù)強度準則與等q、等b試驗結(jié)果較為吻合。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 強度準則;粗粒土;強度參數(shù);卸載;加載

      中圖分類號:TU447? ? 文獻標志碼:A? ?文章編號:2096-6717(2020)02-0010-07

      Experimental study on the strength characteristics of coarse-grained soil under three-dimensional unloading

      Shi Weicheng1, Zhu Jungao2, Hu Xipeng3, Dai Guozhong1, Li Xiongwei1, Li Shujin1

      (1.School of Civil Engineering & Architecture, Changzhou Institute of Technology, Changzhou 213032, Jiangsu, P.R.China;2.Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Geomechanics and Embankment Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098, P.R.China;3.CCCC Third Highway Engineering CO., LTD, Beijing 101300, P.R.China)

      Abstract:? Unloading is a common condition that causes damage to geotechnical materials.In order to investigate the strength characteristics of the coarse-grained soil under three-dimensional unloading in different cases of the coefficient of intermediate principal stress b, several three-dimensional equal unloading tests in which the spherical stress p decreases with constant b and constant deviatoric stress q (300 kPa) were performed on coarse-grained soil by using true triaxial apparatus.The strength characteristics of coarse-grained soil were analyzed and the applicability of the commonly used strength criterions was studied.The test result shows that under the condition of three dimensional equal unloading, the strength parameter of coarse-grained soil is related to the coefficient of intermediate principal stress b.When b equals to 0, the internal friction angle φb is the minimum and the failure stress ratio Mb is the maximum.The stress ratio at failure decreases with the increase of b and, as b increases the gradient decreases gradually.The internal friction angle increases with b for small b values while decreases with the increase of b for large values.This can be explained by the co-impact of the shearing in three directions.All of the three strength criterions, including the Matsuoka-Nakai criterion, the criterion expressed by stress invariants of coarse-grained soil and Lade-Duncan criterion, can response the law between φb and b.It is found that the Matsuoka-Nakai criterion is the closest to the test results for small b values while the strength criterion expressed by stress invariants of coarse-grained soil is the closest to the test results for large b values.It is also found that the corner function strength criterion of coarse-grained soil is consistent with the experimental results.




      4 強度準則適用性研究


      4.1 應(yīng)力不變量強度準則


      I31+4I1I2 I3 =kf (1)



      kf= 63-63sin φ0+5sin2φ0+3sin3φ0 1-sin φ0-sin2φ0+sin3φ0




      I31 I3 =kf (3)


      kf= (3-sin φ0)3 1-sin φ0-sin2φ+sin3φ0? (4)


      I1I2 I3 =kf (5)

      式中kf= 9-sin2φ0 1-sin2φ0? (6)


      4.2 角隅函數(shù)強度準則


      q p? f=Mc·g(b) (7)



      g(b)= 1 (1+k)-k·(b-1)2? (8)


      k=1.462sin φ0-0.523 2 (9)


      5 結(jié)論









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      (編輯 王秀玲)


      基金項目:? 國家自然科學基金 (51678083);常州市科技支撐計劃(CE20195034)

      作者簡介:? 施維成(1982- ),男,博士,教授,主要從事土的基本性質(zhì)研究,E-mail: shiweicheng1982@163.com。

      Received: 2019-07-18

      Foundation items:? National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51678083); Changzhou Science and Technology Support Program (No. CE20195034)

      Author brief:? Shi Weicheng (1982- ), PhD, professor, main research interest: basic properties of soil, E-mail: shiweicheng1982@163.com.

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