摘 要:為了研究滴灌措施下干旱地區(qū)防護林內(nèi)土壤鹽分的變化情況,選擇建平地區(qū)常見的荒山綠化樹種——沙棘作為研究對象,開展了滴灌與不滴灌、不同滴灌年限處理下的土壤鹽分含量研究,結(jié)果表明,滴灌處理可以明顯降低淺層土壤中的鹽分含量,不灌溉林地處理下土壤鹽分變化情況與流動沙丘的對照處理趨于一致,但是后者鹽分空間分布的異質(zhì)性程度更強;滴灌后1~3年,隨著年限的增加,同土層中鹽分含量逐漸降低,根系生物量干重逐漸增加,且根系分布情況上移,主要集中在0~60 cm的土層中。由此可知,滴灌對淺層土的洗鹽效果較好,但是滴灌時間長了根系有向淺層土層集中的趨勢,建議每年大水漫灌1次,以有利于根系的下扎。
中圖分類號:S753.5 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1004-3020(2020)02-0023-03
Study on Soil Salinity Changes of Hippophae rhamnoides Forest under Different Drip Irrigation
Dong Liguo
(Baishan Forest Farm of Jianping County Chaoyang 122406)
Abstract:In order to study the changes of soil salinity in protective forests in arid areas under drip irrigation,Hippophae rhamnoides,a common barren hill tree species in Chaoyang area,was selected as the research object. The soil salt content under drip irrigation and non-drip irrigation and different drip irrigation years were studied. The results showed that drip irrigation treatment could significantly reduce the salt content in shallow soil. The change of soil salinity under the treatment of non-irrigated forest land was consistent with the control treatment of mobile sand dune,but the spatial distribution of salt content in the latter was more heterogeneous;After 1~3 years,with the increase of years,the salt content in the same soil layer gradually decreased,the dry weight of root biomass increased gradually,and the root distribution increased,mainly concentrated in the 0~60 cm soil layer. It can be seen that drip irrigation has a good effect on salt washing in shallow soil,but the drip irrigation time has a tendency to concentrate the shallow soil layer. It is recommended to flood the water once a year to facilitate the lowering of the root system.
Key words:drip irrigation;Hippophae rhamnoides;salt;root biomass
1 材料與方法
1.1 試驗地情況
試驗安排在建平縣某沙棘防護林內(nèi)進行,原來為半流動式沙丘,植被覆蓋度在3%~5%,2016年4月開墾后栽植沙棘防護林。試驗地年降水量平均380 mm左右,最低降水量僅為200 mm,風(fēng)沙大,冬季嚴寒少雪,夏季炎熱,常發(fā)生干旱[5]。
1.2 試驗材料
供試沙棘品種為扁優(yōu),1 a生,來源于縣內(nèi)某苗圃;試驗材料包括滴灌設(shè)備、電導(dǎo)率儀、取樣工具、電子天平等。