[摘要] 目的 評估規(guī)范化疼痛護理管理干預服務實行于脛骨遠端骨折患者中的臨床管理效果。方法 將2017年4月—2019年10月該醫(yī)院納入的74例脛骨遠端骨折患者以隨機數(shù)字分為兩組,各37例,實驗組選用規(guī)范化疼痛護理管理干預服務,參比組選用傳統(tǒng)疼痛護理管理干預服務,對比護理管理干預前、護理管理干預后疼痛評估分數(shù),計算護理管理干預滿意統(tǒng)計值。結果 護理管理干預后,實驗組疼痛評估分數(shù)小于參比組評估結果(P<0.05)。實驗組護理管理干預滿意統(tǒng)計值大于參比組評估結果(P<0.05)。結論 為脛骨遠端骨折患者選擇規(guī)范化疼痛護理管理干預服務體現(xiàn)較好臨床管理效果。
[關鍵詞] 規(guī)范化;疼痛;護理管理;脛骨遠端骨折
[中圖分類號] R7 [文獻標識碼] A [文章編號] 1672-5654(2020)03(a)-0009-03
[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the clinical management effect of standardized pain nursing management intervention service in patients with distal tibial fractures. Methods A total of 74 patients with distal tibia fractures who were included in the hospital from April 2017 to October 2019 were analyzed for this nursing management case. Random number table method was used to distinguish the cases. Each group was classified into 37 cases. The experimental group selected standardized pain nursing management intervention services, and the reference group selected traditional pain nursing management intervention services. The pain evaluation scores before and after nursing management intervention were compared to calculate the statistical value of nursing management intervention satisfaction. Results After the nursing management intervention, the pain assessment score of the experimental group was less than that of the reference group(P<0.05). The satisfaction statistical value of nursing management intervention in the experimental group was greater than that in the reference group(P<0.05). Conclusion The choice of standardized pain nursing management intervention services for patients with distal tibial fractures shows better clinical management results.
[Key words] Standardized; Pain; Nursing management; Distal tibial fracture
1 ?資料與方法
1.1 ?一般資料
1.2 ?方法
1.2.1 參比組 ?選擇傳統(tǒng)疼痛護理管理干預服務:按照醫(yī)生囑咐予以止痛藥物緩解疼痛,針對疼痛十分顯著的患者、存在止痛需求的患者適當選用鎮(zhèn)痛泵干預。
1.2.2 實驗組 ?選擇規(guī)范化疼痛護理管理干預服務:①疼痛護理管理干預小組,加強對小組組員的定期培訓干預,提升其疼痛護理管理技能;②準確評定患者疼痛程度,依據(jù)視覺模擬評定方式(VAS)實施疼痛評估;③為患肢實行冰敷,促使其患肢腫脹情況減輕,減少其疼痛;④讓患者聽輕音樂,分散其注意力,降低疼痛感覺;⑤止痛藥物方面護理管理干預,若患者存在中度疼痛則選用弱阿片類止痛藥品,若患者存在嚴重疼痛則選用強阿片類止痛藥品,若患者對疼痛較為敏感不過存在輕微疼痛,適當選用非甾體類止痛藥品等。