Almost every household in Xian keeps a dog, so there are various breeds around. Every morning and every dusk, in the communities, in the parks, or along the streets, there are owners walking their pets. The dogs may keep pace with their owners and vice versa.
Dogs have become family members. They eat well, sleep well, and shower daily. Whenever they fall ill, they go and see a doctor. Lacking as they do surnames, their given names are nevertheless highly individualistic. It is recorded that there are 8 million residents in the city. How can that be? Nobody has taken a census of canines, so they must number upwards of 10 million.
Society is now classless, yet so many sub-groups have emerged. These include fellow villagers or townsmen, classmates, and army comrades. They cast out and weave a vast social web. Presently, there are further groupings like those who surf online, those who play the stock market, those who pursue Buddhism, those who scale mountains, and those who keep dogs. One idiom states: “Friends fool around like foxes and dogs.” At this point in time, friendships are in fact forged via dogs. When the appointed time comes around, dog-made friends will assemble in the squares with their pets. The animals will jump around and bark, hounds and bitches will copulate, bowels will be discharged, and cocked legs will let forth the geyser. Every owner declares they are a “pa” or “ma” of their companion and show off with vehemence how handsome, how obedient, how attentive, and how faithful they are.
Faithfulness is the number one reason for keeping a dog. How desperately people need faithfulness. Even cheats and philanderers cannot stomach unfaithfulness in another man or beast. In this city, you seldom spot a stray dog. Occasionally you may encounter one or two who have slipped their lead, but those who are lost will always be adopted by others. Itinerant folks who wander the streets are invariably unemployed. And then there are cats. Charming as they are, cats are without loyalty. So many of them find themselves driven out of the house.
Three people have told me dog-related stories. One is that there was a couple who lived together with the wifes mother for over a decade. When their son was in secondary school, the old lady passed away. The couple raised a dog instead. One day, they suddenly found that its eyes bore a great resemblance to the deceased biddy. From then on, they were convinced it was her reincarnation.
Another fellow said that his father died seven or eight years ago. Even so, he increasingly had the sensation that the dog was his pas spitting image. The gait and the twitching mouth were uncannily similar. The third man claimed that his dog had narrow slit-like eyes. When the members of the family were talking or engaged in some activities, the dog would sit at the foot of the wall with its head craning forward and its eyes winking at them. Its expression was all-seeing and all-knowing. Then, the owner would say: “Go to your room and sleep. Bump the door closed after you!” The dog groaned with reluctance in a tone that was neither falsetto nor bass. Maybe it was registering its defiance. Anyhow, it could comprehend human words even though people could not understand theirs. The pet would just repeat the same words, only in different tones: “Woof! Woof!”
All of a sudden, I wondered: How would it be if a dog could speak a human language?
Spurred on by this thought, I broke out in a cold, fearful sweat. Oh heavens, were dogs to be able to speak our language, what a monstrosity that would be! Every day the news would shake the skies and the world would completely collapse!
Just think about it. No matter how scorching hot it became outside, what would happen within these four walls? So many concealed secrets that belonged to the stately world of humanity would be laid bare for the outside to see. These would include elderly men acting in an undignified fashion, youngsters showing no filial piety, curses flying, violent kickings and punching, money laundering, bribery, robbery, smoking dope, fencing stolen items, manufacturing counterfeit goods, tax evasion, others being framed, scheming after positions, and grand conspiracies. People always boast how they have revealed the mysteries of nature. In actual fact, everybody has their own mystery of nature. It turns out that the dog is the most convenient whistleblower. Just like the black box on a plane or president of a superpower who has his finger on the nuclear button, it wields terrifying power.
To be honest, dogs are not really faithful. They are simply agents who put on an air of fidelity so as to infiltrate a family and poach its secrets. The upside of this situation is that we still have a harmonious society. Why? Simply because a dog can master everything save for human speech.
How could God permit canines to speak our tongue? Impossible. A dog who knows the language of man ceases to be a dog at all. No one would have them as pets anymore.
Indeed, dogs should not be allowed to speak human language. No, never.