Discovering Caocun Cultural Landscape: Landscape Preservation in Wenzhou Region
By Vincent Peu Duvallon (France)
My name is Vincent Peu Duvallon. I am trained as an architect in France, and I am currently teaching architecture in Wenzhou-Kean University.
Although I have lived in and out Wenzhou for more than seven years, I still have to discover new amazing places and landscapes. Caocun town, actually a network of 14 villages around an agricultural valley, is one of these. Recommended by my colleagues, I have been guided by the local public servants through the several sites that they decided to promote. But amazed by this amazing landscape, I have been there again several times since my first visit to try to understand what makes Caocun so particular.
French geographer Augustin Berque defines landscape as the mediation between human kind and its environment. What defines a landscape civilization for him is the combination of five criteria: one or several names to name landscape, a literature about landscape, landscape painting, an architecture to enjoy landscape, and ornamental gardens. Therefore he situates the birth of landscape during the period of the Six Dynasties (317-589) in China, particularly the region around Jiangsu and Zhejiang. He particularly insists on the work of Zong Bing (宗炳) who related the physical characteristics of landscape to its spiritual value. Europe would only become a landscape civilization during the renaissance, one thousand years later. Therefore for me, landscape defines Chinese civilization and landscape preservation takes a particular dimension in China and particularly in the region of Zhejiang.
The Town of Caocun, in Ruian, south of metropolitan Wenzhou is one of the first large scale preservation operations done in the south of Zhejiang. Its landscape had been forged by its inhabitants for more than 500 years giving the valley its particular form.
Respect &Preservation
What is amazing in this preservation operation is that although most of its historical architecture has disappeared, local authorities have been able to preserve the essence of its culture: the agriculture landscape, the settlements around and their relation to the topography.
Xu‘a(chǎn)o village is one of the 14 villages in Caocun. In the middle of the village,there is a Xuao Pavilion, which is one of the last architecture heritage built before the 20th century in Caocun, and the Yongsheng Bridge facing it is an amazing infrastructural heritage also dating from the Qing Dynasty. And the pavilion is still in use, providing shelter and space for the villagers to watch TV.
This pavilion and the bridge are an amazing narrative of this strong relationship that links water in public space in Easter China. The Meilong Creek structures the entire Xuao village settlements, with its construction on both sides forming the main street, but also organizes the public life: communication, public activities (in the pavilion) as well as all activities related to the water: washing, fishing and so on.
Shamao Bridge is a beautiful example of this ambiguity between what belongs to the realm of nature and what belongs to the manmade. Its huge column is obviously a massive stone that was there and local people just added some small stones for the lintels that link the both edges of the river.
In addition, around this bridge, local farmers have developed a very ingenious apparatus to take the water from the stream and redirect it for agriculture irrigation. The amazing economy of means in the farmers landscape crafting is beautiful, and need to be preserved as cultural treasures.
Laomentai (Old Gate) is one of the few pieces of heritage in Caocun. We can date this architectural fragment easily to the late Qing dynasty with its subtle influences from western classical architecture. More than the gate itself, what has been preserved is the way it frames the landscape, and how this historical architecture provides an intermediary scale between the viewer and the landscape. The house is located at the edge of the fields, at the bottom of a mountain. The wall that surrounded the courtyard between the house and the fields is almost intact and gives us an idea of the way landscape was perceived: not all revealed like a modern panorama but partly hidden. The wall hid the daily agricultural life but didnt hide the beautiful mountains on the horizon.
New Developments
Caocun is part of a national landscape preservation program and is one of its experimental sites. Besides preservation, local authorities have designed a series of sites that narrate the key landscape and cultural features of the area.
Meilong Academy is a reconstitution of an old house. Here I think we could define cultural landscape as a scholarly landscape: this long tradition of relationship between the academic world (scholars and academy) and the natural environment in the Chinese cultural sphere. It reminds me of the Neo-Confucian academies in South Korea, such as the Byeongsan Seowon, which embodies the profound respects that Confucian culture has for natural environment but also the high knowledge of the mountainous landscape they develop in the way that settles their academy in its settings. It also reminds me of all the landscape poetry that have been done by scholars, in this same region, in Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Jiangsu, and that structured our ways of perceiving landscape. I think this relation between scholars and the natural environment is very specific to China and I cant see in European tradition such a cultural construction of the landscape until the 15th century.
During my first visit to the site, and looking at the valley landscape from the tower we saw previously, I was amazed by a long construction—Zhaoshandu Aqueduct, which is the only piece of architecture (we consider here infrastructure as architecture) that has the scale of the landscape, and crosses the valley from one side to the other. It immediately made me think of a beautiful project that the Swiss architect Aurelio Galfetti did in Ticino in the 1970s: a series of public swimming pool arranged along a 5-meter-high bridge that gives the users an amazing perspective on the Swiss landscape. From this aqueduct in Caocun we can grasp the treasure of this valley, not some old buildings or some specific anecdotes, but the centuries old history of man inhabiting landscape, the cultural history of this countryside.
Yangxindao Park is located at the heart of the valley, at the confluence between two of its main rivers. In order to attract tourists, the local authorities have designed this interesting park that provides a more recreational access to the water, for fishing, for laying or for strolling.
What we have to understand here is not necessarily the different points that are marked on the panel, but its how this landscape has been built over centuries by farmers fighting with (the) flood, fighting with irrigation for their fields.
In an area where most historical wood-and-brick architecture has been replaced by concrete structure, Caocun has preserved what is the most important: its landscape. Not an ideal picture you see in the travel magazines, but an authentic relationship to the natural environment, transformed by mankind over centuries of settlements. Its agriculture landscape but also the villages, that even doesnt count much of historical building, preserved its original footprint, between the fields and the mountain, along the water, on the edge of landscape. Caocun heritage is not only its natural or manmade features. It is the way we understand our relation to the environment, and how we inhabit the world. This is what had been preserved and what constitute a universal treasure.
The preservation of Caocun cultural landscape is an experiment that I hope will inspire other regions in China, where landscape is so profoundly anchor it its culture.
Landscape preservation goes beyond tangible heritage, and touristic regional branding. It gives us a lesson from past generations of how to relate to the environment, and transform it into a productive, sustainable and resilient landscape. Landscape preservation addresses aesthetic (our perception of the environment), ethics (the environment as the built by the working class) and environment issues.