




      2020-10-29 05:45:16
      考試與評價·高一版 2020年5期

      【試題再現(xiàn)】 (保留原題號)


      Years ago, a deadly disease killed millions of people. The disease was called smallpox (天花). It caused a high fever, body aches, and sores (瘡) all over the body. Some people died from the disease. Others were left with awful scars.

      Everyone was afraid of getting smallpox. Parents feared that their children would get the disease. Some parents were so afraid that they asked doctors to give their children smallpox on purpose. Parents thought that their children would only get a mild form of smallpox by doing so.

      Edward Jenner's parents did that. He was locked in a stable (馬廄) with other children who had smallpox. Edward was lucky. He survived the disease, but he did not want other children to go through what he did.

      As he grew up, Edward began to hear that milkmaids did not get smallpox. They got cowpox, a mild form of the disease. When Edward became a doctor, he thought he could keep children from getting smallpox by giving them a mild case of cowpox, so he did an experiment.

      Edward found a milkmaid who had cowpox. He took fluid from a sore on hand. Edward made two small cuts in a boy's arm and put the cowpox fluid in the cuts. The boy got a slight fever, but he was not very sick. Two months later, Edward put smallpox fluid in the same boy's arm. The boy did not get sick. Edward's idea had worked.

      Edward had developed the first vaccine (疫苗). Since Edward's time, vaccines have been

      invented to prevent other deadly diseases.

      66—70: 請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,回答下列問題。(每小題1.5分)

      66. By whom was Edward locked in a stable?


      67. What's the meaning of the word “cowpox” in Paragraph 4? Please explain it in English.


      68. When did Edward think he could stop children getting smallpox?


      69. How did Edward Jenner prove his idea?


      70. Why will Edward Jenner always be remembered?



      66. His parents. / By his parents. / Edward was locked in a stable by his parents.

      67. A disease in cows / cattle. / A mild from of smallpox.

      68. When he became a doctor (, Edward thought he could stop children getting smallpox).

      69. He / Edward did an experiment (to prove his idea).

      70. He developed the first vaccine. / Because he developed the first vaccine, Edward Jenner will be remembered.



      【試題再現(xiàn)】 (保留原題號)


      W: You've lived in Spain for some time now.

      M: Yes, about twelve years.

      W: And have you noticed any changes in people's eating habits during these years?

      M: Oh yes.

      W: What kind of changes have you seen?

      M: Well, I suppose the biggest change is that women are spending less time in the kitchen than before. A lot of women have very busy lives.

      W: So they don't spend as much time cooking?

      M: That's right. They still cook but it tends to be fairly quick things.

      W: What about ready-cooked meals?

      M: Yes, they're getting more popular but they're still not nearly as popular as they are in Canada and the States.

      W: Do people have microwaves?

      M: Yes, they do. More and more people are getting microwaves.

      W: Hmm. Any other changes?

      M: Yes, lunch is changing. People used to spend a long time over lunch. Some still do, of course, but now a lot of people just have a sandwich for lunch. I'm talking about during the week, of course, not weekends.

      W: That's still the big family meal?

      M: On the whole, yes.

      W: What about young people? Have their eating habits changed?

      M: Fast food is very popular—McDonald's, Burger King, that sort of thing. Young people nowadays tend to prefer to eat hamburgers than the traditional Spanish “tapas”. That's where I notice most of the changes.


      【答案】 71. changes 72. than 73. Ready-cooked 74. well 75. prefer




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