



      Big Hair Day (II)by Margaret Johnson

      2020-10-29 05:46周雨欣
      考試與評價·七年級版 2020年2期


      Chapter 3 Mr Sit Down

      Out in the street I look for Chapelfield Park on my map. Good—it's not far. I can get there by ten o'clock. I start to walk. Then I hear something and look down. A small boy is next to me. He looks about three or four. And he's crying. ‘Hello, I say. ‘Where's your mother? The boy doesn't answer. He just cries. I take his hand. ‘Don't cry, I say. I look up and down the street, but I can't see the boy's mother. I know what to do. I smile at the boy. ‘Come on, I say. ‘Come and see Mr Sit Down with me. He's a policeman.

      The boy walks with me down the street. He doesn't stop crying. We go into the police station and everyone looks at us. The boy is crying loudly. My policeman is speaking to a woman at his desk. I take the boy over to the desk and the policeman looks up. ‘Miss Reynolds, The policeman says. I speak fast. ‘This boy can't find his mother, I tell him. ‘Excuse me, the policeman says to the woman at his desk. He gets up and comes over to the boy. His face is kind. ‘What's your nane? he asks the boy.

      The boy stops crying. ‘Peter, he says. Then he looks at the policeman. ‘Are you Mr Sit Down? he asks.

      ‘Oh help! I think. The policeman looks at me. His eyes are smiling. I want to die.

      ‘I'm PC George Cooper, he tells the boy. ‘George, I think. ‘His name's George

      Then a woman runs into the police station.

      ‘Peter! she shouts. ‘Peter! She runs over to the boy.

      Peter starts crying again. ‘Mummy! he says.

      George gets up. He smiles at me. I smile too. Everyone is happy.

      ‘Thank you for your help, Miss Reynolds, George says.

      ‘Excuse me, says the woman at George's desk. ‘I must be at work in ten minutes.

      Work! The film ! I'm going to be late!

      ‘Goodbye, I say to George. ‘See you this afternoon. And I run out of the police station.

      Chapter 4 Two angry men

      I wait to go across the street. There are lots of cars. I start to think about Fabio Facelli. Is he in Chapelfield Park now? There's a red car coming very fast. The car in front of it stops, and the fast red car drives into it. Crash (相撞)!

      I run over to the front car. The window is open. ‘Are you OK? I ask the man in the car. ‘My new car! the man says. He gets out. He looks at his car. Then he goes over to the red car behind. He starts to shout at the man in the red car.‘Look at my car!

      The man in the red car gets out. He looks angry too.‘Look at my car he says.

      I look at them. Oh no! I don't want to go into the police station again! I can't go in there again! But the men are shouting now. People are stopping and looking. Why don't they go into the police station for help? But they don't.

      So I go.

      George is at his desk. ‘Miss Reynolds! he says.

      ‘Please come, I say. ‘There's going to be a fight!

      George gets up quickly and comes with me.

      There is a lot of noise out in the street. The two men are fighting now. I don't like it. They're big men and they're very angry. George runs over. I watch George at work. I don't know why, but I think about Fabio Facelli in his film Bad Men Die.

      Face Facelli! The film! I must get to Chapelfoeld Park now!

      I leave George with the angry men and run up the street.

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