




      2020-11-30 07:31:10
      哲學分析 2020年1期

      · Philosophical Issues

      4 Philosophy as a Cognitive Enterprise CHEN Bo

      25 How to Do Philosophy and Its Main Orientations ZHANG Nengwei

      43 Experimental Philosophy: An Embarrassing Concept FEI Duoyi

      · Philosophical Traditions

      54 The Question of Being, from Husserl to Heidegger: Rethinking How the‘ Mirror-Image Relation’ Is Possible MA Yinghui

      68 Korean Confucian Criticism of Huang Gan’s View of Renxin and Daoxin DENG Qingping

      79 On the Root of the Rise of National Philosophy in Soviet Republics ZU Chunming

      · Philosophical Reflection on Modern Lif⑤

      91 A Reconsideration of the Relation Between Morality and the Ethical Life Jürgen Habermas

      103 Human Nature and Autonomy: Jürgen Habermas’ Critique of Liberal Eugenics Daniel C. Henrich

      117 How Is the Technical Justice Possible:A Investigation Based on Marx’s Critique of Capital Logic WANG Zhidong MA Chao

      · Philosophical Understanding of Science and Technology

      131 Turing’s Three Philosophical Lessons and the Philosophy of Information Luciano Floridi

      138 “ The Body’s Own Reasons” and“ The Logical Space of Reasons” : On Robert Hanna’s Critique of McDowell’s Strong Conceptualism DUAN Lizhen, CHEN ChongRong

      152 The Theoretical Horizon and Practical Purpose of Engineering Methods CHEN Fan FU Changmei

      · Interviewsand Book Reviews

      164 “ Being and Truth” and Metaphysics: An Interview with Professor Wang Lu MEI Xiang WANG Lu

      172 Philosophical Research and Methodology: An Interview with Professor Christopher Peacocke ZHAO Tianyi CHEN Yan

      180 What is Metaethics? A Review of Contemporary Metaethics:An Introduction by Alexander Miller ZHANG Xinyi

      187 The Unique Narration in Philosophy of Pre-Qing Dynasty: Reading Frederick W.Mote’s Intellectual Foundations of China ZHANG Peng

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