




      2020-11-30 08:43杜偉斌陳榮良胡華輝鮑關愛沈福祥曹國平王利祥全仁夫
      中國現(xiàn)代醫(yī)生 2020年27期

      杜偉斌 陳榮良 胡華輝 鮑關愛 沈福祥 曹國平 王利祥 全仁夫

      [摘要] 目的 探討基于p38MAPK通路下的電針揚刺法對大鼠全層皮膚缺損創(chuàng)面早期血管化及觸覺改善的影響。 方法 選擇健康SD大鼠40只,將其按隨機數(shù)字表法隨機分為4組,分別為模型組、電針組、抑制組和電針+抑制組,每組各10只。模型組制備全層皮膚缺損SD大鼠模型后每天只給予碘伏消毒包扎。電針組給予模型處理后,當日即開始電針揚刺治療,其后1次/d,共14次。抑制組在造模前10 min腹腔注射SB203580 5 mg/kg,其后1次/d。電針+抑制組在每次電針揚刺治療前10 min腹腔注射SB203580 5 mg/kg。術后每天對4組大鼠進行一般行為觀察,術后3 d、14 d對4組大鼠創(chuàng)面愈合面積,創(chuàng)面相關血管標志物(CD31、VEGF、vWF)和觸覺感知標志物CK20表達進行比較。 結(jié)果 ①一般行為:在精神狀況、反應能力、攝食量等方面,術后第2天4組均恢復至術前水平。②創(chuàng)面愈合面積:3 d后4組創(chuàng)面均有所愈合,但不明顯,差異均無統(tǒng)計學意義(P>0.05)。14 d后電針組的創(chuàng)面愈合面積比其他3組更高,且隨著時間推移,創(chuàng)面愈合面積逐漸提高,差異有統(tǒng)計學意義(P<0.01)。③創(chuàng)面相關血管標志物:電針組3 d創(chuàng)面CD31、VEGF、vWF表達量最多,而14 d表達量最少,與其他3組比較,差異均有統(tǒng)計學意義(P<0.01)。④觸覺感知標志物:14 d后電針組CK20的表達量相對較多,與其他3組比較,差異均有統(tǒng)計學意義(P<0.05)。結(jié)論 電針揚刺可抑制p38MAPK通路過度活化,提高創(chuàng)面CD31、VEGF、vWF和CK20表達,在整體上促進皮膚缺損創(chuàng)面血供與觸覺修復,最終加速創(chuàng)面愈合。

      [關鍵詞] 電針揚刺;p38MAPK通路;創(chuàng)面修復;早期血管化;皮膚缺損

      [中圖分類號] R246.7? ? ? ? ? [文獻標識碼] A? ? ? ? ? [文章編號] 1673-9701(2020)27-0041-05

      [Abstract] Objective To explore the effect of electroacupuncture and pricking based on p38MAPK pathway on early vascularization and tactile improvement of full-thickness skin defect wounds in rats. Methods Forty healthy SD rats were selected and randomly divided into 4 groups according to the random number table method, including model group, electroacupuncture group, inhibition group and electroacupuncture+inhibition group, with 10 rats in each group.? In the model group, SD rats with full-thickness skin defects were prepared and treated with iodophor for daily dressing. After the model was made in the electroacupuncture group, electroacupuncture and pricking treatment was started on the same day, and then once a day, with a total of 14 times. In the inhibition group, SB203580 5 mg/kg was injected intraperitoneally 10 minutes before the model was made, and then once a day. In the electroacupuncture + inhibition group, SB203580 5 mg/kg was intraperitoneally injected 10 minutes before each electroacupuncture treatment. Every day after operation, the general behaviors of the four groups of rats were observed. The wound area healing, and the expression of wound-related vascular markers (CD31, VEGF, vWF) and tactile perception marker CK20 at 3 d and 14 d after operation between four groups were compared. Results ①General behavior: The mental status, reaction ability, food intake, etc. of the 4 groups recovered to the preoperative level on the second day after surgery. ②Wound healing area: After 3 days, the wounds in all 4 groups healed a little, but not obvious, the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05). After 14 days, the wound healing area of the electroacupuncture group was higher than that of the other three groups, and the wound healing gradually increased with time, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.01). ③Wound-related vascular markers: After 3 days, the expression of CD31, VEGF, and vWF in the electroacupuncture group was the highest, while that on the 14th day was the least, which was statistically different from the other three groups(P<0.01). ④Tactile perception markers: After 14 days, the expression of CK20 in the electroacupuncture group was relatively high and the difference with the other three groups was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion Electroacupuncture and pricking can inhibit the excessive activation of p38MAPK pathway, increase the expression of CD31, VEGF, vWF and CK20 on the wound surface, promote the blood supply and tactile repair of skin defect wounds on the whole, and finally accelerate the wound healing.

      [Key words] Electroacupuncture and pricking; p38MAPK pathway; Wound repair; Early vascularization; Skin defect


      1 材料與方法

      1.1 實驗動物及主要試劑


      1.2 建立全層皮膚缺損模型

      結(jié)合前期造?;A并參考Ansell[9-10]制備全層皮膚切除創(chuàng)面大鼠模型。SD大鼠常規(guī)飼養(yǎng)1周,造模前12 h禁食水,然后予2%戊巴比妥鈉40 mg/kg腹腔注射進行麻醉。麻醉達成后,SD大鼠俯臥位固定于解剖板,造模區(qū)以大鼠背部脊椎左側(cè)或右側(cè)2 cm處為中心,備皮范圍3.5 cm×3.5 cm,創(chuàng)面造模區(qū)1.5 cm×1.5 cm,用手術剪剪毛、脫毛膏脫毛處理,然后以生理鹽水沖洗、碘伏消毒、乙醇脫碘。以利刀切除創(chuàng)面造模區(qū)中心全層皮膚,深至皮下,制造皮膚全層切除模型。術后碘伏消毒、壓迫止血,分置清潔籠內(nèi)單籠正常喂養(yǎng),保持傷口干燥,防止傷口感染。

      1.3 大鼠分組及處理

      將40只健康SD大鼠,按隨機數(shù)字表法分為4組,分別為模型組、電針組、抑制組和電針+抑制組,每組各10只,所有大鼠喂飼標準飼料,預防創(chuàng)口感染。模型組制備全層皮膚缺損SD大鼠模型后每天只給予碘伏消毒包扎。電針組給予模型處理后,當日即開始予電針揚刺治療(選取創(chuàng)面中心一點和創(chuàng)面邊緣上下左右0.5 cm處正常皮膚各一點,給予毫針(0.20 mm×13 mm)針刺,不施針刺手法,然后連接韓氏治療儀進行治療,負極位于中心,正極位于四周,頻率2 Hz,輸出電流0.6~1.0 mA,以毫針出現(xiàn)輕顫為度,1 次/d,每次28 min。抑制組在造模前10 min腹腔注射SB203580 5 mg/kg,其后1次/d。電針+抑制組在每次電針揚刺治療前10 min,腹腔注射SB203580 5 mg/kg。

      1.4 指標評價與檢測

      1.4.1 一般行為學觀察? 實驗開始后每天觀察大鼠的精神狀況、反應能力、攝食量、攝水量及存活數(shù)等。

      1.4.2 創(chuàng)面面積變化的測定? 用游標卡尺測量并計算各組術后3、14 d的創(chuàng)面面積,面積越小說明愈合越快。

      1.4.3 免疫組織化學檢測? 采用免疫組織化學法檢測每組大鼠皮膚創(chuàng)面邊緣組織術后3、14 d的CD31及14 d的CK20蛋白表達。經(jīng)過脫水、石蠟包埋等步驟,制成切片厚度為4 μm的標本。二甲苯脫蠟,梯度酒精復水,抗原修復,滴加一抗4℃冰箱孵育過夜后孵育二抗,中性樹膠封固后,鏡下觀察拍照,對樣本CD31、CK20的蛋白表達情況進行比較。

      1.4.4 Western blot相關蛋白檢測? 采用Western blot法檢測每組大鼠皮膚創(chuàng)面邊緣組織術后3、14 d的CD31、VEGF、vWF蛋白表達。經(jīng)過提取組織總蛋白、BCA法測定蛋白濃度、聚丙烯酰胺凝膠電泳、轉(zhuǎn)膜、封閉、免疫反應(一抗和二抗孵育,β-actin作為內(nèi)參)、化學發(fā)光(ECLA和ECLB兩種混合試劑顯色)、凝膠圖像分析等步驟,對樣本CD31、VEGF、vWF的蛋白表達情況進行條帶及灰度值比較,灰度以Image J軟件進行分析。

      1.5 統(tǒng)計學方法


      2 結(jié)果

      2.1 一般行為學觀察結(jié)果


      2.2 各組創(chuàng)面修復情況

      術后3 d 4組創(chuàng)面均有所愈合,但不明顯,電針組與其他3組比較,差異均無統(tǒng)計學意義(P>0.05);術后14 d電針組的創(chuàng)面愈合面積大于其他3組,差異均有統(tǒng)計學意義(P<0.01);隨著時間推移,各組組內(nèi)比較,創(chuàng)面愈合面積逐漸增大,差異均有統(tǒng)計學意義(P<0.01)。見表1。

      2.3 免疫組織化學檢測情況

      術后3 d電針組CD31陽性表達量最多,術后14 d電針組CD31表達量最少,與其他3組比較差異均有統(tǒng)計學意義(P<0.01)。術后14 d各組CK20表達量均較少,電針組與其他3組比較相對較多,差異均有統(tǒng)計學意義(P<0.05)。見封三圖2、表2。

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