Michael McCann 譯傅婧瑛
Joseph Tsai, the vice chairmanand co-founder of Alibaba Group,become the majority owner(governor) of the Brooklyn Netsby September. The transaction wasfirst reported by the New York Post.Tsai, 55, currently owns 49% of theNets. Russian billionaire MikhailProkhorov owns the other 51%.
Last yea r Tsai, who isreportedly worth $9.2 billion,purchased 49% of the Nets for$1 billion. Tsai's agreement withProkhorov gives him the right topurchase the remaining 51% by theconclusion of the '21-'22 season. Theprice for the 51% of equity is $1.35billion. The prospective transactiontherefore values the Nets at astaggering $2.35 billion, the highestdollar figure in the history of U.S.sports franchise sales.
Buying equity in a franchiseis a very different transaction frombuying equity in a standalonebusiness. While a standalonebusiness can operate as it likes,a franchise is governed by afranchisor. To that end, thefranchisor contractually limits howthe franchise conducts business,interacts with customers and sellsservices and products. Thoselimitations are normally found in aconstitution or bylaws that governeach franchise. Unlike a standalonebusiness that looks out for itself, afranchise must advance the bestinterests of the franchisor and thejoint venture as a whole.
This is true in the NBA, wherethe league's interests are paramount.Prokhorov can only sell his equityin the Nets if the NBA approves thetransaction. The league constitution,which is an agreement that governsthe relationship between teams andthe league, conditions ownershipupon a favorable vote of at leastthree-quarters of all governors. Asa practical matter, this means thatthe pending transaction must beapproved by at least 23 of the 30majority owners.
Before a vote is taken, theleague conducts considerable duediligence on a prospective owner.The league attempts to ensurethat a prospective owner's allegedwealth is accurately measured, thathe or she does not have conflictsof interests and that there are nooutstanding legal issues of concern.
The NBA's due diligence isextensive. It includes reviews offinancial statements, tax recordsand any legal filings in which theprospective owner is named. Theleague utilizes a finance committee,which consists of a group ofgovernors, to evaluate records andmake a recommendation to all 30governors. The league also retainsa security firm and other relevantservice providers to turn overevery stone. Under Article 4 of theconstitution, the NBA can demandany document from a prospectiveowner. He or she must provide “suchinformation as the commissionerdeems pertinent.”
The NBA, like other majorpro leagues, has occasionallyencountered governors whosefinancial challenges interfere withtheir ability to own and operate ateam. In 2010, the league purchasedthe New Orleans f ranchise(which at the time was called theHornets) from George Shinn forapproximately $300 million. Thisamount reflected not only the valueof the franchise but the league alsoagreeing to assume the team's debts.
In addition to finances, theleague will confirm that Tsaibecoming the Nets governorwould not pose any conflicts ofinterest. Article 3 of the constitutioninstructs that no team executive canhave any direct or indirect controlover another franchise. Further, ifTsai is a party to any litigation, hewould need to clarify to the NBAthe status of the litigation and theextent to which it might expose himto liability.
There are a number ofreasons why the league willenthusiastically support Tsaias the Nets new governor.
First, the league has alreadyvetted Tsai and he emergedfavorably from that process.The vetting occurred when Tsaisuccessfully sought to buy the 49%stake in the Nets. At this stage,the NBA will merely refresh itsvetting on Tsai. The refresh willbe a less exhaustive inspection intoTsai's background than the originalvetting.
Second, Tsai is already partof the NBA family. Not only doeshe own 49% of the Nets, but heowns the WNBA's New YorkLiberty. Tsai is also on the boardof directors of NBA China. He isclearly someone who the league hasembraced.
Third, Tsai's professionalbackground and areas of expertiseappeal to Silver, league officialsand owners. Tsai, who was bornin Taiwan and now resides inCalifornia, is, like Silver, anattorney. He is a Yale Law Schoolalumnus and a member of the NewYork Bar. Tsai practiced corporatetax law at a prestigious law firm,Sullivan & Cromwell, beforeturning to business ventures. Hehas deep ties in the ecommerceand online retail industries, bothof which expect to grow in theyears ahead. Silver, for his part, haseffusively praised Tsai. In October2018 the commissioner said he was“l(fā)ooking forward to working closelywith [Tsai] to continue to build ourbusiness in China, particularly ourmedia and e-commerce business,in which he has tremendousexpertise.”
Fourth, Tsai's wealth ismassive and, most likely, recessionproof.The global financial crisis of2008 was damaging to the financesof many people. If a similar crisiswere to occur in the coming years,the NBA and other leagues wouldhope that their owners can weatherthe storm. No league wants to seeits owners abruptly sell franchisesin order to meet other financialobligations. That type of “rush tosale” activity could deflate the valueof franchises, including those notup for sale. Given Tasi's fortune, heseems well insulated from potentialfinancial downturns.
The valuation of the Nets at$2.35 billion is the latest indicationof how well the NBA is doing.According to Forbes, the averagevalue of an NBA franchiseis $1.9 billion. Since there are 30franchises, the collective value ofNBA franchises is approximately$57 billion.
For those with equity in anNBA franchise, the Nets sale is, ofcourse, fantastic news. It suggeststhat their investment has grown invalue since the time of purchase.Not only is possessing equity inan NBA franchise a source ofenjoyment, but it also appears tobe quite profitable. Moreover, theleague continues to identify revenuestreams that capitalize on its brandwithout requiring additional games.It has wisely embraced esports andrecently partnered with Walt DisneyCo. to create the “NBA Experience”at Disney World in Orlando. Itsgrowth in Asia and Africa suggestsonly more revenue streams ahead.
The Nets sale is also excellentnews for NBA players (and forother employees of franchises,arenas and businesses connectedto the NBA). While players donot receive proceeds from a sale,they gain financially gain whenthe league does well financially.Per the collective bargainingagreement between the NBA andthe National Basketball Players'Association, franchises and playersalmost evenly divide “basketballrelatedincome” or BRI. BRI refersto revenue generated by NBAbroadcasts, intellectual property(including video games), apparel,arena signage and other physicaland digital properties. Dependingon various factors, each sidereceives between 49% and 51% ofBRI.
The salary cap and, byextension, players' salariescorrelate to BRI. While this is asimplification, a higher BRI meansa higher salary cap, which in turnmeans higher player salaries.According to Statista, the averageNBA player salary during the'18-'19 season was $7.8 million,which far outpaced average playersalaries in MLB ($4.5 million),NFL ($2.9 million) and the NHL($2.8 million). Expect NBA salaryfigures to only climb, as the league'ssalary cap will jump by morethan 7% in the '19-'20 season. It isexpected that the average playersalary in the NBA will approach $10million by the early 2020s. NBAplayer contracts, unlike those in theNFL, are also generally guaranteed.