The Queen is the only person in Britain who can drive without a license. Because the license is issued in the Queens name, it would be unnecessary for her to give herself a license. And she also does not have to bother with a registration plate for her car.
The Queen can travel abroad without any travel documents or a passport, since these are issued in her own name. This is something that even other members of the Royal Family cant get away with.
Her majesty is entitled to two birthdays per year. While her actual proper legit birthday is on 21 April, her “official” Queens birthday is celebrated on a Saturday in June.
The Queen has her own private cash machine installed in the basement of Buckingham Palace, supplied by exclusive fancy bank Coutts.
The Queen does not have to pay taxes. However, she has been voluntarily paying taxes since 1992 because shes nice like that.
The Queen holds the ability to fire the entire Australian government since she is technically the Head of State in Australia.
The Queen cannot be arrested as she is immune from prosecution. Because the courts are under the power of the Sovereign, i.e. the Queen, she is unable to prosecute herself because that would be ridiculous.
The Queen and members of the Royal Family are exempt from Freedom of Information requests, meaning you cant request to find out all her secrets.