Time is a finite resource. Im running out of it already. After a few breathless breaths, my day is near already over. So, when technology chooses vindictively to not work, like when your computer freezes or theres no phone signal, its as if machines hate the idea of your happiness and your success. They squander your precious time. My idea is to create a personal time bank. This records exactly how much of your day has been lost to this sadistic technology. Just before you sleep, youll strap on your phone onto your head, turning it into a personal virtual reality environment. PING. Suddenly youre on Brad and Angelinas idyllic island, a perfect getaway. In real terms youll be there for exactly the time you lost during the day. In neural terms, time will stretch by 10 times. You can also connect with others, and group your lost time, so it feels even longer. This way, one lost frustrating minute from the day will feel like 60 rejuvenating minutes on a better side of the planet. You just got revenge on technology. Maybe time doesnt have to be a finite resource after all.