



      Editor’s Letter

      2021-04-22 18:23:32HattyLiu
      漢語世界(The World of Chinese) 2021年2期

      Hatty Liu

      Shakespeare has written, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be/ For loan oft loses both itself and friend.” Chinese proverbs are a bit more pragmatic: “A loan returned in time makes it easier to borrow the next time. A loan not returned makes it impossible to borrow again.”

      Though banks in China never even provided loans to consumers until 1987, consumer finance—like all other facets of the economy—has grown at breakneck speed ever since. Skipping over credit cards (and credit ratings), Chinese consumers are writing IOUs to online micro-lending platforms via e-commerce and mobile payment apps. But the countrys short history of dealing in credit has had serious consequences, with the government seemingly powerless to regulate predatory lenders who exploit consumers naivety about borrowing.

      Our cover story looks at this looming debt crisis and its solutions—from young Chinese taking tips from celebrity “wealth management” gurus to the risky culture of person-to-person lending that persists in villages too poor or isolated to access financial services. We focus on Chinas rising concern about juvenile crime and the age of criminal responsibility; investigate how 5G technology is transforming the dangerous job of mining; journey to Sichuan and Yunnan to visit one of the last matrilineal cultures in the world; and more, inside.

      会东县| 镇沅| 林甸县| 西昌市| 江华| 蒙山县| 永嘉县| 皋兰县| 广灵县| 连州市| 泸水县| 镇江市| 凌云县| 五华县| 上蔡县| 且末县| 荔浦县| 上栗县| 岳阳县| 西林县| 垦利县| 郸城县| 固阳县| 应用必备| 军事| 甘谷县| 丽江市| 鄄城县| 徐闻县| 苍山县| 贺兰县| 从江县| 郑州市| 临湘市| 平和县| 富平县| 平乐县| 高要市| 丹棱县| 东城区| 双峰县|