




      2021-05-13 03:55:52倪靜波童毅華夏念和
      竹子學(xué)報 2021年4期

      倪靜波,童毅華,李 星,3,夏念和*

      (1.中國科學(xué)院華南植物園,廣東省應(yīng)用植物學(xué)重點實驗室,廣東 廣州 510650; 2.中國科學(xué)院核心植物園保護生物學(xué)中心,廣東 廣州 510650; 3.中國科學(xué)院大學(xué),北京 100049)

      簕竹屬(BambusaSchreber)隸屬于禾本科(Poaceae)簕竹族(Bambuseae Kunth ex Dumort.)簕竹亞族(Bambusinae J. S. Presl)[1-2],全世界約有145種[3],主要分布于亞洲的熱帶及亞熱帶地區(qū),熱帶地區(qū)廣泛栽培,我國有81種,主要分布于華南和西南[4-5]。加上最近發(fā)表的綏江青竹(B.suijiangensisJ. B. Nietal.),廣東共有簕竹屬植物62種,是全國簕竹屬種類最多的省份[6-8]。目前,簕竹屬分為4個亞屬,即簕竹亞屬(B.subgen.Bambusa)、綠竹亞屬(B.subgen.Dengdrocalamopsis)、簞竹亞屬(B.subgen.Lingnania)和孝順竹亞屬(B.subgen.Leleba)[5,7]。簕竹亞屬全世界約有35種,我國有27種,主要分布于華南地區(qū),其中廣東具有國內(nèi)大部分種類,種數(shù)達(dá)23種[5,7]。該亞屬的主要特征為稈下部的分枝上具有小枝縮短成的硬刺或軟刺,稈每節(jié)具1-3主枝,籜耳較大,籜片宿存等,且在該亞屬中,國產(chǎn)已知具硬刺的種類僅有簕竹(B.blumeanaSchult. f.)、車筒竹(B.sinospinosaMcClure)、雞竇簕竹(B.funghomiiMcClure)、小簕竹(B.flexuosaMunro)等4種[5,7]。


      良智簕竹 新種(圖1-2) Bambusa liangzhiana N. H. Xia, J. B. Ni & Y. H. Tong, sp. nov. (Figs. 1-2)

      圖1 良智簕竹Fig.1 Bambusa liangzhiana A.竹叢;B.稈下部分枝;C.稈芽及節(jié);D.特化為反曲且尖銳硬刺的小枝;E.稈籜背面(左)和腹面(右);F.末級具葉小枝;G.具葉小枝局部,示外葉舌、葉耳及鞘口繸毛.(A倪靜波攝,B~C李星攝,D~G童毅華攝) A.Clump; B.Branches on lower culm; C.Culm bud and node; D.Branchlets forming tough, sharp and curved thorns; E.Culm leaf, abaxial (left) and adaxial (right) view; F.Ultimate foliage leaf branch; G.Part of foliage leaf branch, showing outer ligule, auricles and oral setae. (Photos A by J. B. Ni, B-C by X. Li and D-G by Y. H. Tong)

      Diagnosis:Bambusaliangzhianais morphologically similar toB.funghomiiandB.sinospinosain branchlets on basal part of culm forming tough, sharp, curved thorns and relatively large culm leaf auricles, but differs in basal part of culm being straight, internodes, culm leaf sheath and sheath scar being glabrous, and culm leaf auricles being erect and obliquely ovate or ovate-oblong, hirtellous on both sides and protruding from the sheath margin prominently.

      Arborescent bamboo. Rhizome pachymorph, short-necked. Culms erect, 12-15 m tall, 6-12 cm in diameter, drooping at apex; internodes cylindric, slightly swollen at base, slightly flattened on one side above branches, 25-30 cm long, green, thinly white-powdery and tinged purplish when young, glabrous; wall 1.2-3 cm thick; nodes flat, glabrous; sheath scars raised, glabrous. Buds on culms ovate, with an oblique mucro at apex, prophyll ciliolate on the distal part of keels. Branches developing from 1st to 3rd node upwards, solitary on lower nodes, 3 to several at nodes of mid- to distal culm, the ones below 3-4 m curved downwards, with branchlets forming tough, sharp, curved thorns and densely interwoven, the ones at nodes of mid- to distal culm inclined at an angle of ca. 30 with the culm, the central one slightly dominant, 1.5-2 m long. Culm leaf sheaths tardily deciduous, leathery, 17.5-22 cm long, 6-13 cm wide at top, 21-26 cm wide at base, slightly white-powdery and ribbed in sicco abaxially, glabrous on both side, ciliolate on upper margin, apex broadly arched or centrally slightly projected, sometimes subtruncate, slightly oblique and asymmetrical; auricles large, obliquely ovate or ovate-oblong, erect, not reflexed, protruding from the sheath margin prominently, unequal, obviously wavy wrinkled, adnate to blade base, both surfaces hirtellous, margin with dense and curved setae that are up to 1.2 cm long, larger ones 2.5-3.5 cm long, 0.8-2 cm wide, smaller ones 1.0-2.5 cm long, 0.8-1.2 cm wide; ligules 3-5 mm tall, margin serrulate, shortly fimbriate, fimbria up to 5 mm long, easily deciduous; blades erect, green when fresh, ovate-triangular, 4.4-10.6×2.5-6.6 cm, base slightly narrowed and extending outward, connected with auricles, lower margin ciliolate, upper margin glabrous and involute, apex acuminate, adaxially sparsely brown or black hispidulous, more so at base, abaxially glabrous. Foliage leaves (5-)8-13(-17) per ultimate branch; sheaths glabrous, rarely hispidulous on upper part, ciliolate along outer margin; outer ligule obvious, ca. 0.5 mm high, with very short ciliola on margin; auricles elliptic, 0.8-1 mm wide, 0.3-0.5 mm high, oral setae white, up to 9 mm long, caducous; inner ligule subtruncate, short, ca. 0.2 mm tall, puberulous abaxially, margin serrulate and ciliolate; pseudo-petioles 1-1.5 mm long, puberulous at base adaxially, glabrous abaxially; blades lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, papery, 5-20×1.2-2.3 cm, glabrous on both sides, apex acuminate, base cuneate to obtuse, margins serrulate on both sides, secondary veins 5-7 pairs, transverse veins not seen. New shoots June-September. Inflorescence unknown.

      Type: CHINA. Guangdong: Jiangmen City, Jianghai District, Baishuidai Park, 22°34′47″N, 113°6′33″E, elev. 54 m, 3 December 2021, N. H. Xia et al. LX101 (holotype: IBSC).

      圖2 良智簕竹Fig.2 Bambusa liangzhiana A.末級具葉小枝;B.具葉小枝局部,示外葉舌、葉耳及鞘口繸毛;C.特化為反曲且尖銳硬刺的小枝;D.稈芽及節(jié);E.稈籜腹面,箭頭分別示籜耳腹面和籜舌先端的毛被;F.稈籜背面.(崔丁漢繪) A.Ultimate foliage leaf branch; B.Part of foliage leaf branch, showing outer ligule, auricles and oral setae; C.Branchlets forming tough, sharp and curved thorns; D.Culm bud and node; E.Culm leaf, adaxial view, the arrows showing indumentum on adaxial surface of auricle and inner ligule margin; F.Culm leaf, abaxial view.(Drawn by Ding-Han Cui)

      喬木狀竹類;地下莖合軸叢生;稈直立,尾梢俯垂,高12~15 m,直徑6~12 cm;節(jié)間圓筒形,基部稍鼓狀隆起,分枝一側(cè)稍凹,長25~30 cm,綠色,幼時略被白粉,無毛;稈壁厚1.2~3 cm;稈環(huán)不明顯,無毛;籜痕隆起,無毛;稈芽卵形,先端具斜突尖,先出葉脊上部具短纖毛;分枝常自稈第1~3節(jié)開始,稈下部各節(jié)常僅具單分枝,中部和上部各節(jié)則為3至數(shù)個分枝,稈下部3~4 m的分枝向下彎曲,小枝常短縮為彎曲的銳利硬刺,并相互交織而成疏松狀刺叢,稈中部和上部的分枝角度約30°,中央主枝略顯粗長,長1.5~2 m?;X鞘遲落,革質(zhì),長17.5~22.0 cm,先端寬6~13 cm,基部寬21~26 cm,背面略帶白粉,兩面無毛,上部邊緣具短纖毛,干時縱肋隆起,先端稍傾斜而呈不對稱的寬拱形或稍呈山字形,有時近截平;籜耳顯著,斜卵形或卵狀長圓形,直立,不外翻,顯著伸出籜鞘邊緣,不相等,具波狀皺褶,與籜片基部相連,兩面被微糙硬毛,邊緣密生彎曲繸毛,繸毛長達(dá)1.2 cm,大耳長2.5~3.5 cm,寬0.8~2.0 cm,小耳長1.0~2.5 cm,寬0.8~1.2 cm;籜舌高3~5 mm,邊緣齒裂,具易脫落的流蘇狀短毛,毛長達(dá)5 mm;籜片直立,鮮時綠色,卵狀三角形,長4.4~10.6 cm,寬2.5~6.6 cm,基部略作圓形收窄后即向兩側(cè)外延與而成籜耳,邊緣下部具短纖毛,上部無毛,上部邊緣內(nèi)卷,先端漸尖,腹面疏生褐色或黑色小刺毛,基部較密,背面無毛。末級小枝具(5-)8-13(-17)葉;葉鞘背部無毛,稀上部被短硬毛,外緣一側(cè)被短纖毛;外葉舌明顯,高約0.5 mm,邊緣具極短纖毛;葉耳橢圓形,寬0.8~1 mm,高0.3~0.5 mm,鞘口繸毛白色,長達(dá)9 mm,直伸,易脫落;葉舌近截形,低矮,高約0.2 mm,背面被微柔毛,邊緣微齒裂并被極短的纖毛;假葉柄長1~1.5 mm,上面基部被微柔毛,背面無毛;葉片帶狀披針形至披針形,紙質(zhì),長5~20 cm,寬1.2~2.3 cm,兩面無毛,先端漸尖,基部楔形至鈍圓,兩側(cè)邊緣均具細(xì)鋸齒,次脈每邊5-7條,小橫脈未見;筍期6~9月;花枝未見。

      模式標(biāo)本:廣東江門市江海區(qū)白水帶公園,113°6′33″E,22°34′47″N,海拔54 m,2021年12月3日,夏念和等LX101(主模式,IBSC)。






      表1 良智簕竹與雞竇簕竹及車筒竹的形態(tài)比較

      A New Record of Eritrichium (Boraginaceae) in China
      上海故事(2020年10期)2020-12-14 04:03:16
      花莲县| 诏安县| 景洪市| 南溪县| 临安市| 赞皇县| 汶上县| 浏阳市| 赤城县| 福安市| 商南县| 时尚| 汾西县| 上犹县| 陇西县| 闵行区| 西畴县| 阿巴嘎旗| 江阴市| 鹿邑县| 达孜县| 黎平县| 芦山县| 天气| 皮山县| 乌拉特后旗| 上思县| 宝兴县| 潢川县| 长沙县| 元氏县| 濮阳市| 麻江县| 乐平市| 金坛市| 四川省| 常熟市| 德州市| 吴江市| 南乐县| 仪陇县|