



      My Papa,Papa Kid

      2021-07-06 02:02:28ByCaiYi
      Special Focus 2021年3期

      By Cai Yi

      It felt like taking care of another child when my elderly father came to live with me.That night he went to bed at 9 pm,I would slip into my bedroom and enjoy a few moments of reading and writing before my own bedtime around 11:30.

      When I was about to fall asleep,my old father opened my door and barged in,loudly demanding that it was already morning and that he wanted breakfast.It was actually midnight,as I turned on the light to look at my watch.

      “What a life!” I moaned silently.But foreseeing the destined failure to reason with him,I just took him by the arm and helped him to the kitchen,pretending everything was OK.

      After meeting his needs with my filial offering of hot milk,I lifted all the curtains to show him the total darkness outside,telling him again and again that daybreak was still far away.I led him to see his caregiver,A’ni,who was sleeping deeply after her heavy workload during the day.(It would be brutal to wake her up at this hour.)









      “See? A’ni is sleeping.Everybody is sleeping.”

      We walked along back to his bedroom.He finally laid down,listening in bed to my words of relaxation.

      “Please close your eyes; close them,good,and now you feel relaxed…” I said slowly in a low voice,as I touched my father’s hair with one hand and held his hand with the other.

      Soon his taut face softened,and so did his breath—I felt his fingers in my hand become relaxed.He snored steadily.When I left his room on my tiptoes,I remembered how I walked exactly the same way out of my four-year-old son’s bedroom.

      I looked at the watch again and it was 12:45.With no argument or debate,I patiently spent only fortyfive minutes putting my father back to bed and slept soundly for the rest of the night.My anxiety was gone with his.

      Later,I taught my father to sing songs and nursery rhymes during the day.He loved these old songs:“Time Will Pass Us,” “Time for the Little Lambs to Go Home,” “Su Wu the Shepherd,” and so on.Usually,I would learn the songs first with the aid of numbered musical notation before teaching my father and A’ni.A’ni was a fast learner in music and she soon shouldered the new task of teaching him songs after dinner.

      As for the nursery rhymes,most of them came from a thick book titledChinese Nursery Rhymeswhich includes more than 1,500 songs.I singled out some simple and catchy rhymes and printed them on A4 paper so that my father could read them.We would learn them in the morning when his mind was comparatively clearer.I bought the book a long time ago for my toddler son to learn Chinese; back then I had no idea that 30 years later it would be opened again for my father.

      We all know that many things pass down from generation to generation,but I’ve learned that they can pass back “up.”

      To my surprise,my father could articulate some tricky rhymes with his strong accent.But that was only in the beginning.With the further mental decline,he could only deal with the simpler doggerel like “With your big head,big head,sudden rains are never a dread.”

      Together we said it loud,both tapping the table to keep the rhythm and make it more fun.I saw the innocent joy on my father’s face,while he took no notice of the sadness in my foggy eyes.He knew nothing about how I missed my lost mother,my faraway son,and the man he used to be,in the remote past,teaching his threeyear-old boy rhymes as simple as these.It was too much for him to know.

      Alone I heard a sound deep in my heart,like the break of a sand grain,or an echo in the silence of boundless space.

      (FromForget Who I Am,Beijing United Publishing Co.,Ltd.Translation:Wang Xiaoke)



      至于數(shù)來寶,幾乎取材自《中國兒歌》,厚厚一本,收集了一千五百多首各地兒歌,我從中挑選簡單容易上口的,用粗黑字體打印在A4 紙上,方便父親閱讀。每天上午,他頭腦清醒時,是數(shù)來寶教學時間。







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