01. 腌泡,浸泡
marinade 腌肉的醬料
I usually marinate fish in cooking wine and ginger. 我通常用料酒和生姜來腌魚。
Marinate the sliced pork in rice wine, vinegar and soy sauce before frying it. 肉片要用黃酒、醋、醬油腌過再炸。
02. 蒸
steamed dumplings 蒸餃
I would steam it for 10 minutes. 我會把它蒸10分鐘。
Be careful not to scald yourself with the steam. 小心別讓蒸汽把你燙著。
03. 炒
Pork and Pepper Stir Fry 辣椒炒肉
Stir frying is quick, easy, and extremely versatile. 炒菜快速,簡便且多樣。
Control of heat is very important in stir-frying. 炒菜掌握火候兒很重要。
04. 煎
fried eggs 煎雞蛋
fried steak 煎牛排
deep-frying 炸
Deep-frying is a dry-heat cooking method. 油炸是一種干熱烹飪方法。
Another piece of fried steak? 再來一塊炸牛排好嗎?
05. 烤
grilling 放在鐵板上烤
grilled meat 烤肉
roasting 放在烤箱里面烤
roasted Peking duck 北京烤鴨
baking 烤西點
A properly baked cake is tender. 用適當方式烤出來的蛋糕應該是很嫩的。
The breast can be cut into portions for grilling. 胸脯肉可以切成小塊燒烤。